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<h4 class="pull-right">WF_OTHER</h4>
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<h1 id="description">Description</h1>
<p>If the user action does not appear to map to any other workflow state, please use Other. As part of ongoing development, this is also the state where we are capturing dormant workflow states: those that are not currently being addressed by development programs. Please contact the Draper development team to discuss dormant states, new states or additional uses of Other.</p>
<h1 id="dormant-workflow-states">Dormant Workflow States</h1>
<h2 id="plan-the-analysis">Plan the Analysis</h2>
<p>Plan includes all of the overhead of the user’s interaction with the tool. While critical for a professional analyst, our experimental participants will not have access to this level of tool control. Identifying resources, selection/configuration of the tool (including version control), selection and wrangling of datasets, tool switching, and outlining a plan of attack (creating to-do lists, organizing workflow, assessing progress) all fall under this activity.</p>
<h2 id="curate-data">Curate Data</h2>
<p>Curate Data is required because big data is typically messy. This is an organizational and clean-up state, and currently the main catch-all for the Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) process. Activities include assessing data quality, cleaning/standardizing/normalizing/formatting data, merging data sets, removing duplicates, merging data sets, removing unwanted data. All of this will be done prior to the experiment. Future functions might include import/load/open/bring into workspace, cut, copy, paste, …</p>
<h2 id="interpret-data">Interpret Data</h2>
<p>In Interpret, the user relates their insights to the tasking at hand (that is, the questions they are trying to answer, or the hypotheses they are trying to test). This involves constructing an argument from one or more visualizations of enriched data, relating data to questions, testing hypotheses, being vigilant for bias, managing data provenance. Use of an Analysis of Competing Hypotheses (ACH) widget would be a good example of Interpret vs. Enrich.</p>
<h2 id="collaborate">Collaborate</h2>
<p>Collaborate includes reviewing another’s work, showing their work product to another analyst (peer or superior), or preparing materials for a presentation. Collaboration may be synchronous or asynchronous. This state also includes pulling in findings from collaboration (e.g., red team notes)</p>
<h2 id="draft-and-publish-report">Draft and Publish Report</h2>
<p>Report first involves the generation of the work-product by the analyst. Summarizing findings, creating storyboards, formatting data, writing, and editing of reports (including editing for audience) all fall under this activity. Report further includes final task closeout, including getting permission to release, disseminating the report, storing/saving data for later use, archiving, exporting.</p>
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