Update README.md
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 2bcb957..7b4a4b6 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -10,59 +10,5 @@
 This package is for developers creating User facing tools, and who would like to log the users interaction with this tool, in order to gain an insight into the behavioural and cognitive state of the user.
-##JavaScript Quickstart
-Download both the latest logging library and the latest worker library from Github.
-###Instantiate the JavaScript Logger
-// web worker url
-var worker = 'js/draper.activity_worker-2.1.1.js'
-var ac = new activityLogger(worker);
-.testing(true) // simulate POST, won't send log
-.echo(true) // log to console
-.mute(['SYS']); // don't log SYSTEM actions
-###Register the logger
-  "http://xd-draper.xdata.data-tactics-corp.com:1337", 
-  "my-component", 
-  "v0.1"
-  );
-###Log a User Action
-$('#button').mouseenter(function() {
-  ac.logUserActivity(
-  'User hovered over element to read popup', // description
-  'hover_start', // activity_code
-  ac.WF_EXPLORE // workflow State
-  );
-## ELK Stack Getting Started
-## Install Dependencies
-- Install Vagrant
-	(This may require downloading the newest version from their website rather than trusting apt-get)
-- Install VirtualBox
-## If behind a proxy, modify Vagrantfile
-- Modifiy the vagantfile to point to your proxy. 
-- Don't forget to add "http://" as leaving that off may break apt-get in the vagrant vm
-- Example: config.proxy.http=""
-- If your host system is also the proxy (e.g. CNTLM): setting the proxy as or localhost may confuse the Vagrant VM and prevent net access
-## Start Vagrant
-This will provision the base box which is an Ubuntu 14.04 machine. The Kibana/ELK server is running on while the developer box is running on
-    vagrant up
-## Go to Kibana Dashboard at
-## Send logs by going here:
\ No newline at end of file
+Want to learn more? See the [wiki](https://github.com/draperlaboratory/user-ale/wiki).