Update README.md
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c280cd7..2a5bf64 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -16,28 +16,27 @@
 Want to see an example client? Check out the [demo](http://draperlaboratory.github.io/user-ale/test_app/index.html).
 ## Quick Startup Guide
-We have provided the logging server and an example client as a Vagrant image so that you may play with logging locally. It is located under [demo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/draperlaboratory/user-ale/master/demo).
-### Install Dependencies
+### 1. Install Dependencies
 - Install Vagrant
   - https://www.vagrantup.com
 - Install VirtualBox
   - https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
-### If behind a proxy, modify Vagrantfile
+#### If behind a proxy, modify Vagrantfile
 - Modifiy the vagantfile to point to your proxy. 
 - Don't forget to add "http://" as leaving that off may break apt-get in the vagrant vm
 - Example: config.proxy.http=""
 - If your host system is also the proxy (e.g. CNTLM): setting the proxy as or localhost may confuse the Vagrant VM and prevent net access
-### Startup Vagrant ELK and Developer
+### 2. Startup Vagrant ELK and Developer
 This will provision the base box which is an Ubuntu 14.04 machine. The ELK server is running on while the developer box is running on
     vagrant up elk
     vagrant up developer
-### Go to Kibana Dashboard here:
+### 3. Go to Kibana Dashboard here:
 ### Send logs by going here: