blob: aa756a5e06c9d8c32ce1b113e757babc53242e0d [file] [log] [blame]
# Other is used in conjunction with softwareMetadata in order
# to provide a element in which is not currently listed within
# the element list.
console.log('in userale')
extend = (objects...) ->
out = {}
for object in objects
for key, value of object
out[key] = value
return out
getParameterByName = (name) ->
name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]")
regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)")
results = regex.exec(
results = if results then decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " ")) else ""
defaults = {
loggingUrl: ''
toolName: 'UNK'
toolVersion: 'UNK'
workerUrl: 'userale-worker.js'
debug: true
sendLogs: true
elementGroups: []
default_msg = {
activity: '',
action: '',
elementId: '',
elementType: '',
elementGroup: '',
elementSub: '',
source: '',
tags: []
meta: {}
class userale
constructor: (options)->
@options = extend(defaults, options)
if @options.elementGroups.constructor is not Array
@options.elementGroups = [@options.elementGroups]
@options.version = '3.0.0'
@worker = new Worker(@options.workerUrl)
cmd: 'setLoggingUrl',
msg: @options.loggingUrl
register: () ->
@options.sessionID = getParameterByName('USID')
@options.client = getParameterByName('client')
if !@options.sessionID
@options.sessionID = @options.toolName[0..2].toUpperCase() + new Date().getTime()
console.warn('USERALE: NO SESSION ID, MAKING ONE UP. You can pass one in as url parameter (')
if !@options.client
@options.client = 'UNK'
console.warn('USERALE: NO CLIENT, MAKING ONE UP. You can pass one in as url parameter (')
@worker.postMessage({cmd: 'sendBuffer', msg: ''})
log: (msg) ->
msg = extend(default_msg, msg)
for key, value of msg
if key is 'elementType'
value = value.toUpperCase()
if value not in ELEMENTS
console.warn("USERALE: Unrecognized element - #{ value }")
else if (value is 'OTHER') and !msg.meta.element?
console.warn("USERALE: Element type set to 'other', but 'element' not set in meta object ")
msg.elementType = msg.elementType.toUpperCase()
if key is 'elementGroup'
if value not in @options.elementGroups
console.warn("#{ value } is NOT in element groups")
if key is 'activity'
activities = (x.toUpperCase() for x in value.split('_'))
for activity in activities
if activity not in ACTIVITIES
console.warn("USERALE: Unrecognized activity - #{ activity }")
msg[key] = activities
if key is 'source'
value = value.toUpperCase()
if value not in ['USER', 'SYSTEM', 'UNK']
console.warn("USERALE: Unrecognized source - #{ value }")
msg[key] = null
msg[key] = value.toUpperCase()
msg.timestamp = new Date().toJSON()
msg.client = @options.client
msg.toolName = @options.toolName
msg.toolVersion = @options.toolVersion
msg.sessionID = @options.sessionID
msg.language = 'JavaScript'
msg.useraleVersion = @version
cmd: 'sendMsg',
msg: msg
debug: (onOff) ->
@options.debug = onOff
cmd: 'setEcho',
msg: onOff
sendLogs: (onOff) ->
@options.sendLogs = onOff
cmd: 'setTesting',
msg: !onOff
# console.log(msg)
window.userale = userale