removed map from coffeescript and added window onload, onblur, etc.
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\ No newline at end of file
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-*======================JAVASCRIPT ACTIVITY LOGGER=======================
-*=====================Draper Laboratory, June 2013======================
-* This library is intended for use for javascrip software component and 
-* webapp developers implemnting the XDATA Activity Logging API. To send 
-* activity log messages using this libary, components must:
-*          1) Instantiate an ActivityLogger object
-*          2) Call registerActivityLogger(...) to pass in required networking 
-*             and version information.
-*          3) Call one of the logging functions:
-*               logSystemActivity(...)
-*               logUser(...)
-*               logUILayout(...)
-* An example use of this library is included below:
-     <script src="ActivityLogger.js"></script>
-     <script>
-        //Instantiate the Activity Logger
-        var ac = new activityLogger();
-        //Register the logger.
-        //In this case, we register the logger to look for the logging server
-        //on port 1337 of the machine "localhost". The component name is 
-        //left blank, so it will default to the address of this web app. 
-        //The software component version is 3.04  and the session ID is 
-        //"AC34523452345"
-          ac.registerActivityLogger("http://localhost:1337", "", "3.04", 
-        "AC34523452345");
-          //Re-register the logger.
-          //In this case, we register the logger to look for the logger on 
-          //port 1337 of the machine "localhost", telling it that this 
-          //software component is version 3.04 of the software named "Draper
-          //Test Component" and that the session ID is "AC34523452345"
-          ac.registerActivityLogger("http://localhost:1337", 
-               "Draper Test Component", "3.04", "AC34523452345");
-          //Send a System Activity Message with optional metadata included.
-          //In this case, we send a System Activity message with the 
-          //action description 'Testing System Activity Message' and optional
-          //metadata with two key-value pairs of:
-          // 'Test Window Val'='Main
-          // 'Data Source'='healthcare'
-          ac.logSystemActivity('Testing System Activity Message',  
-               {'Test Window Val':'Main', 'Data Source':'healthCare'});
-          //Send a System Activity Message
-          //In this case, we send a System Activity message with the 
-          //action description 'Testing System Activity Message'
-          ac.logSystemActivity('Testing System Activity Message');
-          //Send a User Activity Message
-          //In this case, we send a User Activity message with the 
-          //action description 'Testing User Activity Message', a 
-          //developer-defined user action "watch", and the 
-          //workflow constant WF_EXAMINE, defined in the Activity
-          //Log API.
-          ac.logUserActivity('Testing User Activity Message', 'Watch', ac.WF_EXAMINE );
-          //Send a User Activity Message with optional metadata included
-          //In this case, we send a User Activity message with the 
-          //action description 'Testing User Activity Message', a 
-          //developer-defined user action "watch", and a
-          //the workflow constant WF_EXAMINE, defined in the Activity
-          //Log API. This message also contains optional
-          //metadata with two key-value pairs of:
-          // 'Test Window Val'='Main
-          // 'Data Source'='healthcare'
-          ac.logUserActivity('Testing User Activity Message', 'watch', ac.WF_EXAMINE, 
-               {'Test Window Val':'Main', 'Data Source':'healthCare'});
-          //Send a UI Layout Message
-          //In this case, we send a UI Layout message with action description of
-          //'Testing User Activity Message'. The name of the UI element is 
-          //'SearchWindow A', visibility=true, meaning SearchWindow A is currently
-          //visible. The left, right, top and bottom bounds of the UI element are 
-          // 234px, 256px, 33px, and 500px from the top right of the screen. 
-          ac.logUILayout('Testing User Activity Message', 'SearchWindow A', true, 
-               234, 256, 33, 500);
-          //Send a UI Layout Message with optional metadata included
-          //In this case, we send a UI Layout message with action description of
-          //'Testing User Activity Message'. The name of the UI element is 
-          //'SearchWindow A', visibility=true, meaning SearchWindow A is currently
-          //visible. The left, right, top and bottom bounds of the UI element are 
-          // 234px, 256px, 33px, and 500px from the top right of the screen. This 
-          //message also contains optional metadata with two key-value pairs of:
-          //    'Test Window Val'='Main
-          //    'Data Source'='healthcare'
-          ac.logUILayout('Testing User Activity Message', 'SearchWindow A', true, 
-               234, 256, 33, 500, {'Test Window Val':'Main', 'Data Source':'healthCare'});
-function activityLogger()
-     /*========================INTERNAL CONSTANTS========================
-     *
-     * These constant define values associated with this specific version
-     * of this library, and should not be changed by the implementor.
-     */
-     // The version number of the Draper Activity Logging API implemented
-     // by this library.
-     var apiVersion = 2;
-     //The workflow coding version used by this Activity Logging API. 
-     var workflowCodingVersion = 1;
-     /*      WORKFLOW CODES
-     * These constants specify the workflow codes defined in the Draper
-     * Activity Logging API version <apiVersion>. One of these
-     * constants must be passed in the parameter <userWorkflowState>
-     * in the function <logUserActivity> below. 
-     */
-     this.WF_OTHER       = 0;
-     this.WF_PLAN        = 1;
-     this.WF_SEARCH      = 2;
-     this.WF_EXAMINE     = 3;
-     this.WF_MARSHAL     = 4;
-     this.WF_REASON      = 5;
-     this.WF_COLLABORATE = 6;
-     this.WF_REPORT      = 7;
-     // The domain for all structured data elements necessary to send
-     // IETF RCF 5424 compliant Syslog messages. 15038 is Draper Lab's 
-     // IANA Private Enterprise Number.
-     var structuredDataDomain = 15038;
-     // The language in which this helper library is implemented
-     var implementationLanguage = "JavaScript";
-     // If true, this library has updated the IP address of the 
-     // Computer on which it is running with information from 
-     // the Activity Logging Server, or <registerActivityLogger>. 
-     var clientsHostnameUpdated = false;
-     //====================END INTERNAL CONSTANTS========================
-     /*======================== REGISTRATION ============================
-     * These variables are assigned by calling the 
-     * <registerActivityLogger> function below. They are persistent until
-     * a new ActivityLogger object is instantiated, or until modification
-     * by the <registerActivityLogger> function. 
-     */
-     /* Register this event logger. <registerActivityLogger> MUST be 
-     * called before log messages can be sent with this library. 
-     * 
-     *  @activityLogServerIN: String. The address of the logging server.           
-     *    See documentation for <activityLogServerURL> below. 
-     *  @componentNameIN: String. The name of the app or component using 
-     *    this library. See documentation for <componentName> below. If 
-    *    the empty string, defaults to the hostname of the web app that 
-    *    loaded this library
-     *  @componentVersionIN String. The version of this app or 
-       *    component. See documentation for <componentVersion> below. 
-    *    If the empty string, defaults to 'unknown'.
-     *  @sessionIdIN String. A unique ID for the current user session. 
-     *    See documentation for <sessionID> below.  If the empty string, 
-    *    defaults to a random integer.
-     *  @clientHostnameIN: Optional. String. The hostname or IP address 
-          of this machine or VM. See documentation for 
-          <clientHostname> below. 
-     */
-     this.registerActivityLogger = registerActivityLogger;
-     function registerActivityLogger(activityLogServerIN, componentNameIN, componentVersionIN, sessionIdIN, clientHostnameIN)
-     {
-          activityLogServerURL = activityLogServerIN;
-          if(componentNameIN != "")
-          {
-                   componentName= componentNameIN;
-          }
-          if(componentVersionIN != "")
-          {
-                   componentVersion = componentVersionIN;
-          }
-          if(sessionIdIN != "")
-          {
-                   sessionID = sessionIdIN;
-          }
-          if (clientHostnameIN) 
-          {
-              clientHostname = clientHostnameIN;
-              clientsHostnameUpdated = true;
-          }
-     }
-     /* The fully-qualified address of the logging server that will 
-     * collect messages dispatched by this library.
-     *
-     * Example: ""
-     * 
-     * During XDATA Summer Camp 2013, contact James Remeika at 
-     * for the address of the Activity Log Server
-     */
-     var activityLogServerURL;
-     /* The hostname of the computer or VM on which the software 
-     * component using this library is runing. In the case of a web-            
-     * based user interface component, this should be the host name of
-     * the computer on which the web browser displaying the UI is
-     * running. By default, this field will be populated with the 
-        * IP address of the client machine as seen by the Logging Server.
-     *
-     * Ideally, this hostname should describe a physical terminal or 
-     * experimental setup as persistently as possible.
-      */
-     var clientHostname = "xdataClient";
-     // The name of the software component or application sending log 
-     // messages from this library. Defaults to the location of the 
-         // web app loading this library.
-     var componentName =;
-     // The version number of the software component or application 
-     // specified in <clientHostname> that is sending log  messages from 
-     // this library.
-     var componentVersion = "unknown";
-     /* The unique session ID used for communication between client and
-     * sever-side software components during use of this component. 
-     * Defaults to a random integer.
-     *
-     * Ideally, this session ID will identify log messages from all
-     * software components used to execute a unique user session.
-     */ 
-     var sessionID = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10,000 );
-     //========================END REGISTRATION==========================
-     /*====================DEVELOPMENT FUNCTIONALITY=====================
-     * The properties and function in this section allow developers to 
-     * echo log messages to the console, and disable the generation and 
-     * transmission of logging messages by this library. 
-     */
-     //Set to <true> to echo log messages to the console, even if they 
-     //are sent sucessfully to the Logging Server.
-     var echoLogsToConsole = false;
-     this.echo = function(_) {
-          if (!arguments.length) return echoLogsToConsole;
-          echoLogsToConsole = _;
-          return this;
-     };
-     // var echoLogsToConsole = false;
-     //Set to <true> to disable System Activity log messages.
-     this.muteSystemActivityLogging = muteSystemActivityLogging;
-     var muteSystemActivityLogging = false;
-     //Set to <true> to disable User Activity log messages
-     this.muteUserActivityLogging = muteUserActivityLogging;
-     var muteUserActivityLogging = false;
-     //Set to <true> to disable UI Layout log messages
-     this.muteUILayoutLogging = muteUILayoutLogging;
-     var muteUILayoutLogging = true;
-     // Disable all log messages
-     this.muteAllLogging = muteAllLogging;
-     function muteAllLogging()
-     {
-          muteSystemActivityLogging = true;
-          muteUserActivityLogging = true;
-          muteUILayoutLogging = true;
-     }
-     //Enable all log messages
-     this.unmuteAllLogging = unmuteAllLogging;
-     function unmuteAllLogging()
-     {
-          muteSystemActivityLogging = false;
-          muteUserActivityLogging = false;
-          muteUILayoutLogging = false;
-     }
-     //=================END DEVELOPMENT FUNCTIONALITY====================
-     /*==================ACTIVITY LOGGING FUNCTIONS======================
-     * The 3 functions in this section are used to send Activity Log
-     * Mesages to an Activity Logging Server. Seperate functions are used
-     * to log System Activity, User Activity, and UI Layout Events. See 
-     * the Activity Logging API by Draper Laboratory for more details 
-     * about the use of these messages.
-     */
-     /* Log a System Activity. <registerActivityLogger> MUST be 
-     * called before calling this function. Use <logSystemActivity> to 
-     * log software actions that are not explicitly invoked by the user.
-     * For example, if a software component refreshes a data store after 
-     * a pre-determined time span, the refresh event should be logged as 
-     * a system activity. However, if the datastore was refreshed in 
-     * response to a user clicking a Reshresh UI element, that activity
-     * should NOT be logged as a System Activity, but rather as a User 
-     * Activity.
-     * 
-     *  @actionDescription: String. A string describing the System 
-     *    Activity performed by the component. Example: 
-          "BankAccountTableView component refreshed datasource"
-     *  @softwareMetadata: JSON String. Optional. Any key/value 
-     *    pairs that will clarify or paramterize this system activity.
-     *    Example: "{'rowsAdded':'3', 'dataSource':'CheckingAccounts'}"
-     */
-     this.logSystemActivity = logSystemActivity;
-     function logSystemActivity(actionDescription, softwareMetadata)
-     {
-          var encodedSystemActivityMessage = "";
-          if(!muteSystemActivityLogging)
-          {
-               msg = writeHead();
-               msg.type = "SYSACTION";
-               msg.parms = {
-                    desc: actionDescription
-               }
-               msg.meta = softwareMetadata;
-               sendHttpMsg(msg);
-          }
-          return msg;
-     }
-     /* Log a User Activity. <registerActivityLogger> MUST be 
-     * called before calling this function. Use <logUserActivity> to 
-     * log actions initiated by an explicit user action. For example, 
-     * if a software component refreshes a data store when the user
-     * clicks a Reshresh UI element, that activity should be logged 
-     * as a User Activity. However, if the datastore was refreshed 
-     * automatically after a certain time span, that activity should 
-     * NOT be logged as a User Activity, but rather as a System 
-     * Activity.
-     * 
-     *  @actionDescription: String. A string describing the System 
-     *    Activity performed by the component. Example: 
-     *    "BankAccountTableView component refreshed datastore."
-     *  @userActivity: String. A key word defined by each software 
-     *    component or application indicating which software-centric
-     *    function is is most likely indicated by the this user 
-     *    activity. See the Activity Logging API for a standard 
-    *    set of user activity key words. 
-     *  @userWorkflowState: Integer. This value must be one of the 
-     *    Workflow Codes defined in this library. See the Activity
-     *    Logging API for definitions of each workflow code. 
-     *    Example: 
-     *         var ac = new ActivityLogger();
-     *       ...
-     *       var userWorkflowState = ac.WF_SEARCH;
-     *  @softwareMetadata: JSON String. Optional. Any key/value 
-     *    pairs that will clarify or paramterize this system activity.
-     *    Example: "{'rowsAdded':'3', 'dataSource':'CheckingAccounts'}"
-     */
-     this.logUserActivity = logUserActivity;
-     function logUserActivity(actionDescription, userActivity, userWorkflowState, softwareMetadata)
-     {
-          var encodedSystemActivityMessage = "";
-          if(!muteUserActivityLogging)
-          {
-               msg = writeHead();
-               msg.type = "USERACTION";
-               msg.parms = {
-                    desc: actionDescription,
-                    activity: userActivity,
-                    wf_state: userWorkflowState,
-                    wf_version: workflowCodingVersion                     
-               }
-               msg.meta = softwareMetadata;
-               sendHttpMsg(msg);
-          }
-          return msg;
-     }
-     //
-     /* Log the Layout of a UI Element. <registerActivityLogger> 
-     * MUST be called before calling this function. Use 
-     * <logUILayout> to record any changes to the position or
-     * visibility of User Interface elements on screen.
-     * 
-     *  @actionDescription: String. A string describing the System 
-     *    Activity performed by the component. Example: 
-     *    "BankAccountTableView moved in User_Dashboard"
-     *  @uiElementName: String. The name of the UI component that 
-     *    has changed position or visibility.
-     *  @visibility: Boolean. True if the element is currently 
-     *    visibile. False if the element is currently hidden.
-     *  @leftBound: Integer. The absolute position on screen, in pixels
-          of the leftmost boundary of the UI element.  
-     *  @rightBound: Integer. The absolute position on screen, in pixels
-          of the rightmost boundary of the UI element. 
-     *  @topBound: Integer. The absolute position on screen, in pixels
-          of the top boundary of the UI element. 
-     *  @bottomBound: Integer. The absolute position on screen, in pixels
-          of the bottom boundary of the UI element. 
-     *  @softwareMetadata: JSON String. Optional. Any key/value 
-     *    pairs that will clarify or paramterize this system activity.
-     *    Example: "{'currentDashboardRow':'3', 'movementMode':'Snap_To_Grid'}"
-     */
-     this.logUILayout = logUILayout;
-     function logUILayout(actionDescription, uiElementName, visibility, leftBound, rightBound, topBound, bottomBound, softwareMetadata)
-     {
-          var encodedSystemActivityMessage = "";
-          if(!muteUILayoutLogging)
-          {
-               msg = writeHead();
-               msg.type = "UILAYOUT";
-               msg.parms = {
-                    desc: actionDescription,
-                    visibility: visibility,
-                    leftBound: leftBound,
-                    rightBound: rightBound,
-                    topBound: topBound,
-                    bottomBound: bottomBound
-               }
-               msg.meta = softwareMetadata;
-               sendHttpMsg(msg);
-          }
-          // return msg;
-     }
-     //=================END ACTIVITY LOGGING FUNCTIONS========================
-     /*=========================INTERNAL FUNCTIONS============================
-     * These functions are used internally by the Activity Logger helper 
-     * library to generate RCF5424 Syslog messages, and transmit them via 
-     * HTTP POST messages to an Activity Logging server. 
-     */
-     //basic class for sending HTTP messages to Activity Logging server
-     var httpConnection = new XMLHttpRequest();
-     httpConnection.timeout = 300;
-     httpConnection.addEventListener("load", doneAlert, false);
-     httpConnection.addEventListener("error", errorAlert, false);
-     httpConnection.addEventListener("abort", errorAlert, false);
-     var busy = false;
-     var nextPlaceInLine = 0;
-     var ticketServed = 0;
-     var waitTimeMS = 3
-     var currentXHRPayload = "";
-     function sendHttpMsg(encodedLogMessage, placeInLine)
-     {
-          if(!placeInLine)
-          {
-               placeInLine = nextPlaceInLine++;
-          }
-          // console.log(echoLogsToConsole)
-          if(echoLogsToConsole){
-               console.log(encodedLogMessage);
-          }
-          if(busy){
-               setTimeout(function(){sendHttpMsg(encodedLogMessage, placeInLine);}, waitTimeMS);
-          }else if (placeInLine>ticketServed)
-          {
-               setTimeout(function(){sendHttpMsg(encodedLogMessage, placeInLine);}, (placeInLine-ticketServed)*waitTimeMS );
-          }else{
-               if (activityLogServerURL) {
-                    currentXHRPayload = encodedLogMessage;
-                    ticketServed++;
-                    busy = true;
-          "POST", activityLogServerURL, true);
-                    httpConnection.send(JSON.stringify(encodedLogMessage));
-               }
-          }
-     }
-     function doneAlert(evt)
-     {
-          busy = false;
-          if(!clientsHostnameUpdated)
-          {
-               var oldClientHostname = clientHostname;
-               clientHostname = this.responseText;
-               console.log(clientHostname);
-               clientsHostnameUpdated = true;
-               logSystemActivity("Client hostname changed from " + oldClientHostname + " to " + clientHostname);
-          }
-     }
-     function errorAlert(evt)
-     {
-          console.log(currentXHRPayload);
-          busy = false;
-     }
-     function writeHead() {
-          var msg = {}
-          msg.timestamp = new Date();
-          msg.client = clientHostname;
-          msg.component = {name:componentName, version:componentVersion};
-          msg.sessionID = sessionID;
-          msg.impLanguage = implementationLanguage;
-          msg.apiVersion = apiVersion;
-          return msg;
-     }
-     function writeHeader()
-     {
-          var currentTimestamp = new Date();
-          var encodedClientHostname = "-";
-          var encodedComponentName = "-";
-          var encodedSystemActivityMessage =      "<134>1 " 
-                                   + currentTimestamp.toISOString() + " "
-                                   + (clientHostname != "" ? removeWhiteSpace(clientHostname) : "-") + " " 
-                                   + (componentName != "" ? removeWhiteSpace(componentName) : "-") + " ";
-          return encodedSystemActivityMessage;
-     }
-     //Write the required API version structured data element
-     function writeVersionData()
-     {
-          var versionNumbers = new Object();
-          versionNumbers["componentVersion"] = componentVersion;
-          versionNumbers["apiVersion"] = apiVersion;
-          versionNumbers["implentationLanguage"] = implementationLanguage;
-          return writeSDE("versions", versionNumbers);
-     }
-     //Write the required Activity structured data element
-     function writeWorkflowCode(userActivity, userWorkflow)
-     {
-          var workflowCode = new Object();
-          workflowCode["USER_ACTIVITY"] = userActivity;
-          workflowCode["USER_WF"] = userWorkflow;
-          workflowCode["wfCodeVersion"] = workflowCodingVersion;
-          return writeSDE("USER_ACTION", workflowCode);
-     }
-     //Write the UI Layout structured data element
-     function writeUILayoutData(uiElementName, visibility, leftBound, rightBound, topBound, bottomBound)
-     {
-          var UILayout = new Object();
-          UILayout["uiElementName"] = uiElementName;
-          if(visibility){
-               UILayout["visibility"] = "true";
-          }
-          else{
-               UILayout["visibility"] = "false";
-          }
-          UILayout["leftBound"] = leftBound;
-          UILayout["rightBound"] = rightBound;
-          UILayout["topBound"] = topBound;
-          UILayout["bottomBound"] = bottomBound;
-          return writeSDE("uiLayoutData", UILayout);
-     }
-     //Write any metadata included by the software developer
-     function writeSWMetadata(swMetadata)
-     {
-          return writeSDE(removeWhiteSpace(componentName), swMetadata);
-     }
-     //Internal function to encode a single structured data element
-     function writeSDE(sdeName, metaData)
-     {
-          var sdeString = "";
-          if (sdeName && metaData)
-          {
-               sdeString += "[" + sdeName + "@" + structuredDataDomain;
-               for (var i in Object.keys(metaData))
-               {
-                    var keyName = Object.keys(metaData)[i];
-                    sdeString += " " + removeWhiteSpace(keyName) + "=\"" + metaData[keyName] + "\"";
-               }
-               sdeString += "]";
-          }
-          return sdeString;
-    }
-    //If the action description string is not empty, append a UTF-8 BOM.
-    //Otherwise return the empty string. 
-    function appendActionDescription(actionDescription) {
-        var encodedActionDescription = "";
-        if (actionDescription && actionDescription != "") {
-            encodedActionDescription += ' \357\273\277';
-            encodedActionDescription += actionDescription;
-        }
-        return encodedActionDescription;
-    }
-     //Internal function to remove white space from an incoming value
-     function removeWhiteSpace(inputString)
-     {
-          if(typeof inputString == 'string' || inputString instanceof String)
-          {
-               return inputString.replace(/\s/g,"");
-          } else
-          {     
-               return inputString;
-          }
-     }
-     //=======================END INTERNAL FUNCTIONS==========================
diff --git a/helper-libs/javascript/draper.activity_logger-1.0.js b/helper-libs/javascript/draper.activity_logger-1.0.js
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index 7567eed..0000000
--- a/helper-libs/javascript/draper.activity_logger-1.0.js
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@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-* Draper activityLogger
-* The purpose of this module is allow XDATA Developers to easily add a logging
-* mechanism into their own modules for the purposes of recording the behaviors
-* of the analysists using their tools.
-* @author Draper Laboratory
-* @date 2014
-function activityLogger() {	
-  var draperLog = {version: "0.1.0"}; // semver
-  var muteUserActivityLogging = false;
-  var muteSystemActivityLogging = false;
-  var logToConsole = false;
-  var testing = false;
-  var workflowCodingVersion = '1.0'
-  /**
-  * Workflow Codes
-  */
-	draperLog.WF_OTHER       = 0;
-	draperLog.WF_PLAN        = 1;
-	draperLog.WF_SEARCH      = 2;
-	draperLog.WF_EXAMINE     = 3;
-	draperLog.WF_MARSHAL     = 4;
-	draperLog.WF_REASON      = 5;
-	draperLog.WF_COLLABORATE = 6;
-	draperLog.WF_REPORT      = 7;
-	/**
-	* Registers this component with Draper's logging server.  The server creates
-	* a unique session_id, that is then used in subsequent logging messages.  This 
-	* is a blocking ajax call to ensure logged messages are tagged correctly.
-	* @todo investigate the use of promises, instead of the blocking call.
-	*
-	* @method registerActivityLogger
-	* @param {String} url the url of Draper's Logging Server
-	* @param {String} componentName the name of this component
-	* @param {String} componentVersion the version of this component
-	*/
-	draperLog.registerActivityLogger = function(url, componentName, componentVersion) {
-		draperLog.url = url;
-		draperLog.componentName = componentName;
-		draperLog.componentVersion = componentVersion;
-		if (!testing) {
-			$.ajax({
-				url: draperLog.url + '/register',
-				async: false,
-				dataType: 'json',
-				success: function(a) {
-					if (logToConsole) {
-						console.log('DRAPER LOG: Session successfully registered', a);
-					}
-					draperLog.sessionID = a.session_id;
-					draperLog.clientHostname = a.client_ip;
-				},
-				error: function(){
-					console.error('DRAPER LOG: Could not register session with Drapers server!')
-				}
-			});
-		} else {
-			if (logToConsole) {
-				console.log('DRAPER LOG: (TESTING) Session successfully registered');
-			}
-			draperLog.sessionID = 'test_session'
-			draperLog.clientHostname = 'test_client';
-		}
-		classListener();
-		return draperLog;
-	}
-	/**
-	* Create USER activity message.   
-	*
-	* @method logUserActivity
-	* @param {String} actionDescription a description of the activity in natural language.
-	* @param {String} userActivity a more generalized one word description of the current activity. 
-	* @param {Integer} userWorkflowState an integer representing one of the enumerated states above.
-	* @param {JSON} softwareMetadata any arbitrary JSON that may support this activity
-	*/
-	draperLog.logUserActivity = function (actionDescription, userActivity, userWorkflowState, softwareMetadata) {	    
-	    if(!muteUserActivityLogging) {
-	    	msg = {
-	    		type: 'USERACTION',
-	    		parms: {
-	    			desc: actionDescription,
-						activity: userActivity,
-						wf_state: userWorkflowState,
-						wf_version: workflowCodingVersion 
-	    		},
-	    		meta: softwareMetadata
-	    	}
-	    	sendMessage(msg);         
-	    }
-	}
-	/**
-	* Create SYSTEM activity message.  
-	*
-	* @method logSystemActivity
-	* @param {String} actionDescription a description of the activity in natural language.
-	* @param {JSON} softwareMetadata any arbitrary JSON that may support this activity
-	*/
-	draperLog.logSystemActivity = function (actionDescription, softwareMetadata) {	    
-	    if(!muteSystemActivityLogging) {
-	    	msg = {
-	    		type: 'SYSACTION',
-	    		parms: {
-	    			desc: actionDescription,	          
-	    		},
-	    		meta: softwareMetadata
-	    	}
-	    	sendMessage(msg);         
-	    }
-	}
-	/**
-	* Set Session Cookie on Client. NOT YET IMPLEMENTED.
-	*/
-	function setCookie(cname,cvalue,exdays)	{
-		var d = new Date();
-		d.setTime(d.getTime()+(exdays*24*60*60*1000));
-		var expires = "expires="+d.toGMTString();
-		document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + "; " + expires;
-	}
-	/**
-	* Send activity message to Draper's logging server.  This function uses Jquery's ajax
-	* function to send the created message to draper's server.  
-	*
-	* @method sendMessage
-	* @param {JSON} msg the JSON message.
-	*/
-	function sendMessage(msg) {
-		msg.timestamp = new Date().toJSON();
-		msg.client = draperLog.clientHostname;
-		msg.component = {name: draperLog.componentName, version: draperLog.componentVersion};
-		msg.sessionID = draperLog.sessionID;
-		msg.impLanguage = 'JavaScript';
-		msg.apiVersion = draperLog.version;
-		if (logToConsole) {
-			console.log('DRAPER LOG: Sending message to Draper server', msg);
-		}
-		if (!testing) {
-			$.ajax({
-				url: draperLog.url + '/send_log',
-				type: 'POST',
-				dataType: 'json',
-				data: msg,
-				success: function(a) {
-					if (logToConsole) {
-						console.log('DRAPER LOG: message received!');
-					}
-				},
-				error: function(){
-					console.error('DRAPER LOG: could not send activity log to Draper server!')
-				}
-			});
-		} else {
-			if (logToConsole) {
-				console.log('DRAPER LOG: (TESTING) message received!');
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	* When set to true, logs messages to browser console.
-	*
-	* @method echo
-	* @param {Boolean} set to true to log to console
-	*/
-	draperLog.echo = function(d) {
-    if (!arguments.length) return logToConsole;
-    logToConsole = d;
-    return draperLog;
-  };
-  /**
-	* Accepts an array of Strings telling logger to mute those type of messages.
-	* Possible values are 'SYS' and 'USER'.  These messages will not be sent to
-	* server. 
-	*
-	* @method mute
-	* @param {Array} array of strings of messages to mute.
-	*/
-  draperLog.mute = function(d) {
-  	d.forEach(function(d) {
-  		if(d == 'USER') muteUserActivityLogging = true;
-  		if(d == 'SYS') muteSystemActivityLogging = true;
-  	});  	
-    return draperLog;
-  };
-  /**
-	* When set to true, no connection will be made against logging server.
-	*
-	* @method testing
-	* @param {Boolean} set to true to disable all connection to logging server
-	*/
-  draperLog.testing = function(d) {
-  	if (!arguments.length) return testing;
-    testing = d;
-    return draperLog;
-  };   
-	return draperLog;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/helper-libs/javascript/draper.activity_logger-2.0.js b/helper-libs/javascript/draper.activity_logger-2.0.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e58667..0000000
--- a/helper-libs/javascript/draper.activity_logger-2.0.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-* Draper activityLogger
-* The purpose of this module is allow XDATA Developers to easily add a logging
-* mechanism into their own modules for the purposes of recording the behaviors
-* of the analysists using their tools.
-* @author Draper Laboratory
-* @date 2014
-/*jshint unused:false*/
-function activityLogger() {
-	'use strict';
-  var draperLog = {version: "0.2.0"}; // semver
-  var muteUserActivityLogging = false,
-  muteSystemActivityLogging = false,
-  logToConsole = false,
-  testing = false,
-  workflowCodingVersion = '2.0';
-  /**
-  * Workflow Codes
-  */
-  draperLog.WF_OTHER       = 0;
-  draperLog.WF_DEFINE      = 1;
-  draperLog.WF_GETDATA     = 2;
-  draperLog.WF_EXPLORE     = 3;
-  draperLog.WF_CREATE      = 4;
-  draperLog.WF_ENRICH      = 5;
-  draperLog.WF_TRANSFORM   = 6;
-	/**
-	* Registers this component with Draper's logging server.  The server creates
-	* a unique session_id, that is then used in subsequent logging messages.  This
-	* is a blocking ajax call to ensure logged messages are tagged correctly.
-	* @todo investigate the use of promises, instead of the blocking call.
-	*
-	* @method registerActivityLogger
-	* @param {String} url the url of Draper's Logging Server
-	* @param {String} componentName the name of this component
-	* @param {String} componentVersion the version of this component
-	*/
-	draperLog.registerActivityLogger = function(url, componentName, componentVersion) {
-		draperLog.url = url;
-		draperLog.componentName = componentName;
-		draperLog.componentVersion = componentVersion;
-		if (!testing) {
-			$.ajax({
-				url: draperLog.url + '/register',
-				async: false,
-				dataType: 'json',
-				success: function(a) {
-					if (logToConsole) {
-						console.log('DRAPER LOG: Session successfully registered', a);
-					}
-					draperLog.sessionID = a.session_id;
-					draperLog.clientHostname = a.client_ip;
-				},
-				error: function(){
-					console.error('DRAPER LOG: Could not register session with Drapers server!');
-				}
-			});
-		} else {
-			if (logToConsole) {
-				console.log('DRAPER LOG: (TESTING) Session successfully registered');
-			}
-			draperLog.sessionID = 'test_session';
-			draperLog.clientHostname = 'test_client';
-		}
-		classListener();
-		return draperLog;
-	};
-	/**
-	* Create USER activity message.
-	*
-	* @method logUserActivity
-	* @param {String} actionDescription a description of the activity in natural language.
-	* @param {String} userActivity a more generalized one word description of the current activity.
-	* @param {Integer} userWorkflowState an integer representing one of the enumerated states above.
-	* @param {JSON} softwareMetadata any arbitrary JSON that may support this activity
-	*/
-	draperLog.logUserActivity = function (actionDescription, userActivity, userWorkflowState, softwareMetadata) {
-		if(!muteUserActivityLogging) {
-			var msg = {
-				type: 'USERACTION',
-				parms: {
-					desc: actionDescription,
-					activity: userActivity,
-					wf_state: userWorkflowState,
-					wf_version: workflowCodingVersion
-				},
-				meta: softwareMetadata
-			};
-			sendMessage(msg);
-		}
-	};
-	/**
-	* Create SYSTEM activity message.
-	*
-	* @method logSystemActivity
-	* @param {String} actionDescription a description of the activity in natural language.
-	* @param {JSON} softwareMetadata any arbitrary JSON that may support this activity
-	*/
-	draperLog.logSystemActivity = function (actionDescription, softwareMetadata) {
-		if(!muteSystemActivityLogging) {
-			var msg = {
-				type: 'SYSACTION',
-				parms: {
-					desc: actionDescription,
-				},
-				meta: softwareMetadata
-			};
-			sendMessage(msg);
-		}
-	};
-	/**
-	* Set Session Cookie on Client. NOT YET IMPLEMENTED.
-	*/
-	function setCookie(cname,cvalue,exdays)	{
-		var d = new Date();
-		d.setTime(d.getTime()+(exdays*24*60*60*1000));
-		var expires = "expires="+d.toGMTString();
-		document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + "; " + expires;
-	}
-	/**
-	* Send activity message to Draper's logging server.  This function uses Jquery's ajax
-	* function to send the created message to draper's server.
-	*
-	* @method sendMessage
-	* @param {JSON} msg the JSON message.
-	*/
-	function sendMessage(msg) {
-		msg.timestamp = new Date().toJSON();
-		msg.client = draperLog.clientHostname;
-		msg.component = {name: draperLog.componentName, version: draperLog.componentVersion};
-		msg.sessionID = draperLog.sessionID;
-		msg.impLanguage = 'JavaScript';
-		msg.apiVersion = draperLog.version;
-		if (logToConsole) {
-			console.log('DRAPER LOG: Sending message to Draper server', msg);
-		}
-		if (!testing) {
-			$.ajax({
-				url: draperLog.url + '/send_log',
-				type: 'POST',
-				dataType: 'json',
-				data: msg,
-				success: function(a) {
-					if (logToConsole) {
-						console.log('DRAPER LOG: message received!');
-					}
-				},
-				error: function(){
-					console.error('DRAPER LOG: could not send activity log to Draper server!');
-				}
-			});
-		} else {
-			if (logToConsole) {
-				console.log('DRAPER LOG: (TESTING) message received!');
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	* When set to true, logs messages to browser console.
-	*
-	* @method echo
-	* @param {Boolean} set to true to log to console
-	*/
-	draperLog.echo = function(d) {
-		if (!arguments.length) { return logToConsole; }
-		logToConsole = d;
-		return draperLog;
-	};
-  /**
-	* Accepts an array of Strings telling logger to mute those type of messages.
-	* Possible values are 'SYS' and 'USER'.  These messages will not be sent to
-	* server.
-	*
-	* @method mute
-	* @param {Array} array of strings of messages to mute.
-	*/
-	draperLog.mute = function(d) {
-		d.forEach(function(d) {
-			if(d === 'USER') { muteUserActivityLogging = true; }
-			if(d === 'SYS') { muteSystemActivityLogging = true; }
-		});
-		return draperLog;
-	};
-  /**
-	* When set to true, no connection will be made against logging server.
-	*
-	* @method testing
-	* @param {Boolean} set to true to disable all connection to logging server
-	*/
-	draperLog.testing = function(d) {
-		if (!arguments.length) { return testing; }
-		testing = d;
-		return draperLog;
-	};
-  /**
-	* DOM Listener for specific events.
-	*
-	*/
-	function classListener() {
-		$( document ).ready(function() {
-			$(".draper").each(function(i,d){
-				$(d).on("click", function(a){
-					draperLog.logUserActivity('User clicked element', $(this).data('activity'), $(this).data('wf'));
-				});
-			});
-			$(window).scroll(function() {
-				clearTimeout($.data(this, 'scrollTimer'));
-				$.data(this, 'scrollTimer', setTimeout(function() {
-					draperLog.logUserActivity('User scrolled window', 'scroll', 3);
-				}, 500));
-			});
-		});
-	}
-  /**
-	* Tag specific elements
-	*
-	*/
-	draperLog.tag = function(elem, msg) {
-		$.each(, function(i, d) {
-			if (d === 'scroll') {
-				console.log('found scroll');
-				$(elem).scroll(function() {
-					clearTimeout($.data(this, 'scrollTimer'));
-					$.data(this, 'scrollTimer', setTimeout(function() {
-						draperLog.logUserActivity('User scrolled window', 'scroll', 3);
-					}, 500));
-				});
-			}else{
-				$(elem).on(d, function() {
-					draperLog.logUserActivity(msg.desc, msg.activity, msg.wf_state);
-				});
-			}
-		});
-	};
-	return draperLog;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/helper-libs/javascript/draper.activity_logger-2.1.1.js b/helper-libs/javascript/draper.activity_logger-2.1.1.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bfa4a46..0000000
--- a/helper-libs/javascript/draper.activity_logger-2.1.1.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
-* Draper activityLogger
-* The purpose of this module is allow XDATA Developers to easily add a logging
-* mechanism into their own modules for the purposes of recording the behaviors
-* of the analysists using their tools.
-* @author Draper Laboratory
-* @date 2014
-* @version 2.1.1
-/*jshint unused:false*/
-function activityLogger(webWorkerURL) {
-    'use strict';
-    var draperLog = {version: "3.0.0"}; // semver
-    draperLog.worker = new Worker(webWorkerURL);
-    var muteUserActivityLogging = false,
-    muteSystemActivityLogging = false,
-    logToConsole = false,
-    testing = false,
-    workflowCodingVersion = '2.0';
-    // Workflow Codes
-    draperLog.WF_OTHER       = 0;
-    draperLog.WF_DEFINE      = 1;
-    draperLog.WF_GETDATA     = 2;
-    draperLog.WF_EXPLORE     = 3;
-    draperLog.WF_CREATE      = 4;
-    draperLog.WF_ENRICH      = 5;
-    draperLog.WF_TRANSFORM   = 6;
-    /**
-    * Registers this component with Draper's logging server.  The server creates
-    * a unique session_id, that is then used in subsequent logging messages.  This
-    * is a blocking ajax call to ensure logged messages are tagged correctly.
-    * @todo investigate the use of promises, instead of the blocking call.
-    *
-    * @method registerActivityLogger
-    * @param {String} url the url of Draper's Logging Server
-    * @param {String} componentName the name of this component
-    * @param {String} componentVersion the version of this component
-    */
-    draperLog.registerActivityLogger = function(url, componentName, componentVersion) {
-        draperLog.url = url;
-        draperLog.componentName = componentName;
-        draperLog.componentVersion = componentVersion;
-        // get session id from url
-        function getParameterByName(name) {
-            name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]");
-            var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"),
-            results = regex.exec(;
-            return results === null ? "" : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
-        }
-        draperLog.sessionID = getParameterByName('USID');
-        draperLog.clientHostname = getParameterByName('client');
-        if (!draperLog.sessionID) {
-            draperLog.sessionID = draperLog.componentName.slice(0,3) + new Date().getTime();
-        }
-        if (!draperLog.clientHostname) {
-            draperLog.clientHostname = 'UNK';
-        }
-        // set the logging URL on the Web Worker
-        draperLog.worker.postMessage({
-            cmd: 'setLoggingUrl',
-            msg: url
-        });
-        classListener();
-        if (logToConsole) {
-            if (testing) {
-                console.log('DRAPER LOG: (TESTING) Registered Activity Logger ' + draperLog.sessionID);
-            } else {
-                console.log('DRAPER LOG: Registered Activity Logger ' + draperLog.sessionID);
-            }
-        }
-        draperLog.worker.postMessage({
-            cmd: 'sendBuffer',
-            msg: ''
-          });
-        // Log the activity that we are closing the window of the web browser
-        // before we exit. In order to do this, we register a onBeforeUnload 
-        // callback which logs the closing and sends the buffer.
-        window.onbeforeunload = function(){
-            draperLog.logUserActivity(
-                'window closing',
-                'window_closed',
-                draperLog.WF_OTHER);
-            draperLog.worker.postMessage({
-                cmd: 'sendBuffer',
-                msg: ''});
-        };
-        // Log the activity when the user gains focus on the web browser
-        // window. In order to do this, we register an onFocus callback function
-        // which will log the gained focus of the element.
-        window.onfocus = function() {
-          draperLog.logUserActivity(
-            'window gained focus',
-            'window_focus',
-            draperLog.WF_OTHER
-            );
-        };
-        // Log the activity when the user leaves focus on the web browser
-        // window. In order to do this, we register an onBlur callback function
-        // which will log the lost focus
-        window.onblur = function() {
-          draperLog.logUserActivity(
-            'window lost focus',
-            'window_blur',
-            draperLog.WF_OTHER
-            );
-        };
-        return draperLog;
-    };
-    /**
-    * Create USER activity message.
-    *
-    * @method logUserActivity
-    * @param {String} actionDescription a description of the activity in natural language.
-    * @param {String} userActivity a more generalized one word description of the current activity.
-    * @param {Integer} userWorkflowState an integer representing one of the enumerated states above.
-    * @param {JSON} softwareMetadata any arbitrary JSON that may support this activity
-    */
-    draperLog.logUserActivity = function (actionDescription, userActivity, userWorkflowState, softwareMetadata) {
-        if(!muteUserActivityLogging) {
-            var msg = {
-                type: 'USERACTION',
-                parms: {
-                    desc: actionDescription,
-                    activity: userActivity,
-                    wf_state: userWorkflowState,
-                    wf_version: workflowCodingVersion
-                },
-                meta: softwareMetadata
-            };
-            sendMessage(msg);
-      if (logToConsole) {
-        if (testing) {
-          console.log('DRAPER LOG: (TESTING) Logging UserActivity', msg.parms);
-        } else {
-          console.log('DRAPER LOG: Logging UserActivity', msg.parms);
-        }
-      }
-        }
-    };
-    /**
-    * Create SYSTEM activity message.
-    *
-    * @method logSystemActivity
-    * @param {String} actionDescription a description of the activity in natural language.
-    * @param {JSON} softwareMetadata any arbitrary JSON that may support this activity
-    */
-    draperLog.logSystemActivity = function (actionDescription, softwareMetadata) {
-        if(!muteSystemActivityLogging) {
-            var msg = {
-                type: 'SYSACTION',
-                parms: {
-                    desc: actionDescription,
-                },
-                meta: softwareMetadata
-            };
-            sendMessage(msg);
-      if (logToConsole) {
-        if (testing) {
-          console.log('DRAPER LOG: (TESTING) Logging SystemActivity', msg.parms);
-        } else {
-          console.log('DRAPER LOG: Logging SystemActivity', msg.parms);
-        }
-      }
-        }
-    };
-    /**
-    * Send activity message to Draper's logging server.  This function uses Jquery's ajax
-    * function to send the created message to draper's server.
-    *
-    * @method sendMessage
-    * @param {JSON} msg the JSON message.
-    */
-    function sendMessage(msg) {
-        msg.timestamp = new Date().toJSON();
-        msg.client = draperLog.clientHostname;
-        msg.component = {name: draperLog.componentName, version: draperLog.componentVersion};
-        msg.sessionID = draperLog.sessionID;
-        msg.impLanguage = 'JavaScript';
-        msg.apiVersion = draperLog.version;
-        // if (!testing) {
-            draperLog.worker.postMessage({
-            cmd: 'sendMsg',
-            msg: msg
-          });
-        // }
-    }
-    /**
-    * When set to true, logs messages to browser console.
-    *
-    * @method echo
-    * @param {Boolean} set to true to log to console
-    */
-    draperLog.echo = function(d) {
-        if (!arguments.length) { return logToConsole; }
-        logToConsole = d;
-        draperLog.worker.postMessage({
-        cmd: 'setEcho',
-        msg: d
-      });
-        return draperLog;
-    };
-  /**
-    * Accepts an array of Strings telling logger to mute those type of messages.
-    * Possible values are 'SYS' and 'USER'.  These messages will not be sent to
-    * server.
-    *
-    * @method mute
-    * @param {Array} array of strings of messages to mute.
-    */
-    draperLog.mute = function(d) {
-        d.forEach(function(d) {
-            if(d === 'USER') { muteUserActivityLogging = true; }
-            if(d === 'SYS') { muteSystemActivityLogging = true; }
-        });
-        return draperLog;
-    };
-    draperLog.unmute = function(d) {
-        d.forEach(function(d) {
-          if(d === 'USER') { muteUserActivityLogging = false; }
-          if(d === 'SYS') { muteSystemActivityLogging = false; }
-        });
-        return draperLog;
-    };
-  /**
-    * When set to true, no connection will be made against logging server.
-    *
-    * @method testing
-    * @param {Boolean} set to true to disable all connection to logging server
-    */
-    draperLog.testing = function(d) {
-        if (!arguments.length) { return testing; }
-        testing = d;
-        draperLog.worker.postMessage({
-        cmd: 'setTesting',
-        msg: d
-      });
-        return draperLog;
-    };
-  /**
-    * DOM Listener for specific events.
-    *
-    */
-    function classListener() {
-        $(document).ready(function() {
-            $(".draper").each(function(i,d){
-                $(d).on("click", function(a){
-                    draperLog.logUserActivity('User clicked element', $(this).data('activity'), $(this).data('wf'));
-                });
-            });
-            $(window).scroll(function() {
-                clearTimeout($.data(this, 'scrollTimer'));
-                $.data(this, 'scrollTimer', setTimeout(function() {
-                    draperLog.logUserActivity('User scrolled window', 'scroll', 3);
-                }, 500));
-            });
-        });
-    }
-    /**
-     * @brief [brief description]
-     * @details [long description]
-     * 
-     * @param elem [description]
-     * @param msg [description]
-     */
-    draperLog.tag = function(elem, msg) {
-        $.each(, function(i, d) {
-            if (d === 'scroll') {
-                console.log('found scroll');
-                $(elem).scroll(function() {
-                    clearTimeout($.data(this, 'scrollTimer'));
-                    $.data(this, 'scrollTimer', setTimeout(function() {
-                        draperLog.logUserActivity('User scrolled window', 'scroll', 3);
-                    }, 500));
-                });
-            }else{
-                $(elem).on(d, function() {
-                    draperLog.logUserActivity(msg.desc, msg.activity, msg.wf_state);
-                });
-            }
-        });
-    };
-    // Return the activity logger object in which is created. With this, 
-    // object functions and variable are created to keep this a separate instance
-    // of the logger.
-    return draperLog;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/helper-libs/javascript/draper.activity_worker-2.1.1.js b/helper-libs/javascript/userale-worker.js
similarity index 100%
rename from helper-libs/javascript/draper.activity_worker-2.1.1.js
rename to helper-libs/javascript/userale-worker.js