Update README.md
diff --git a/dashboard/README.md b/dashboard/README.md
index be4f6fa..ff264c8 100644
--- a/dashboard/README.md
+++ b/dashboard/README.md
@@ -7,12 +7,12 @@
 ## Install Dependencies
 - Install Vagrant
-    (This may require downloading the newest version from their website rather than trusting apt-get)
+-    (This may require downloading the newest version from their website rather than trusting apt-get)
 - Install VirtualBox
 ## If behind a proxy, modify Vagrantfile
-    Modifiy the vagantfile to point to your proxy. 
-	Don't forget to add "http://" as leaving that off may break apt-get in the vagrant vm
+- Modifiy the vagantfile to point to your proxy. 
+- 	Don't forget to add "http://" as leaving that off may break apt-get in the vagrant vm
 	Example: config.proxy.http=""
 	If your host system is also the proxy (e.g. CNTLM):
 	   setting the proxy as or localhost may confuse the Vagrant VM and prevent net access