blob: 28d16b3784564f378f95225c682e328c44b2a6c4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch, TransportError
from flask import jsonify
from distill import es
class Brew (object):
Distill supports basic CRUD operations and publishes the status
of an persistenct database. Eventually it will support ingesting logs sent from
an registered application.
def get_status ():
Fetch the status of the underlying database instance.
:return: [bool] if connection to database instance has been established
return (ignore=[400, 404])
def get_applications ():
Fetch all the registered applications in Distill.
.. note:: Private indexes starting with a period are not included in the result set
:return: [dict] dictionary of all registered applications and meta information
doc = {}
query = { "aggs" : {
"count_by_type" : {
"terms" : {
"field" : "_type",
"size" : 100
cluster_status = (h=["index"], pri=False)
x = cluster_status.splitlines()
for idx in x:
idx = idx.rstrip ()
# Ignore private indexes (like .kibana or .stout)
if idx [:1] != '.':
response = (index=idx, body=query)
d = {}
for tag in response["aggregations"]["count_by_type"]["buckets"]:
d [tag ['key']] = tag ['doc_count']
doc [idx] = d
except TransportError as e:
doc ['error'] =
except Exception as e:
doc ['error'] = str (e)
return doc
def create (app):
Register a new application in Distill
.. code-block:: bash
"application" : "xdata_v3",
"health" : "green",
"num_docs" : 0,
"status" : "open"
:param app: [string] application name (e.g. xdata_v3)
:return: [dict] dictionary of application and its meta information
# ignore 400 cause by IndexAlreadyExistsException when creating an index
res = es.indices.create (index=app, ignore=[400, 404])
doc = _get_cluster_status (app)
return jsonify (doc)
def read (app, app_type=None):
Fetch meta data associated with an application
.. code-block:: bash
"application" : "xdata_v3",
"health" : "green",
"num_docs" : "100",
"status" : "open"
"types" : {
"raw_logs" : {
"@timestamp" : "date",
"action" : "string",
"elementId" : "string"
"parsed" : {
"@timestamp" : "date",
"elementId_interval" : "string"
"graph" : {
"uniqueID" : "string",
"transition_count" : "long",
"p_value" : "float"
:param app: [string] application name (e.g. xdata_v3)
:return: [dict] dictionary of application and its meta information
return jsonify (_get_cluster_status (app, app_type=app_type))
def update (app):
.. todo::
Currently not implemented
return jsonify (status="not implemented")
def delete (app):
Technically closes the index so its content is not searchable.
.. code-block: bash
status: "Deleted index xdata_v3"
:param app: [string] application name (e.g. xdata_v3)
:return: [dict] status message of the event
es.indices.close (index=app, ignore=[400, 404])
return jsonify (status="Deleted index %s" % app)
def _get_cluster_status (app, app_type=None):
Return cluster status, index health, and document count as string
@todo figure out how to count individual documents stored at an app_type (currently shows only index count)
:param app: [string] application name (e.g. xdata_v3)
:return: [dict] dictionary of index meta data including field names
doc = {}
cluster_status = (index=app, h=["health", "status", "docs.count"], pri=True, ignore=[400, 404])
v = str (cluster_status).split (" ")
m = ["health", "status", "num_docs"]
doc = dict (zip (m, v))
# Add back application
doc ["application"] = app
except TransportError as e:
doc ['error'] =
except Exception as e:
doc ['error'] = str (e)
doc ['fields'] = _get_all_fields (app, app_type)
return doc
def _parse_mappings (app, app_type=None):
.. todo:
Need to parse out result set that presents field list and type
mappings = es.indices.get_mapping (index=app, doc_type=[app_type], ignore=[400, 404])
# mappings = yaml.safe_load (json.ess (mappings))
# print json.dumps (mappings [app]["mappings"], indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
ignore = ["properties", "format"]
except TransportError as e:
doc ['error'] =
except Exception as e:
doc ['error'] = str (e)
return doc
def _get_all_fields (app, app_type=None):
Retrieve all possible fields in an application
:param app: [string] application name (e.g. xdata_v3)
:param app_type: [string] application type (e.g. logs)
:return: [list] list of strings representing the fields names
d = list ()
query = { "aggs" : {
"fields" : {
"terms" : {
"field" : "_field_names",
"size" : 100
response = (index=app, doc_type=app_type, body=query)
for tag in response['aggregations']['fields']['buckets']:
d.append (tag ['key'])
except TransportError as e:
d.append (str (
except Exception as e:
d.append (str (e))
return d