blob: 8d55b574d157f8d53ff9fdc615c253586039ea53 [file] [log] [blame]
import base64
import io
import os
import os.path
import json
import shlex
import tarfile
import tempfile
import warnings
from distutils.version import StrictVersion
from datetime import datetime
from fnmatch import fnmatch
import requests
import six
from .. import constants
from .. import errors
from .. import tls
from ..types import Ulimit, LogConfig
if six.PY2:
from urllib import splitnport
from urllib.parse import splitnport
DEFAULT_UNIX_SOCKET = "http+unix://var/run/docker.sock"
DEFAULT_NPIPE = 'npipe:////./pipe/docker_engine'
'b': 1,
'k': 1024,
'm': 1024 * 1024,
'g': 1024 * 1024 * 1024
def create_ipam_pool(subnet=None, iprange=None, gateway=None,
return {
'Subnet': subnet,
'IPRange': iprange,
'Gateway': gateway,
'AuxiliaryAddresses': aux_addresses
def create_ipam_config(driver='default', pool_configs=None):
return {
'Driver': driver,
'Config': pool_configs or []
def mkbuildcontext(dockerfile):
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
t ='w', fileobj=f)
if isinstance(dockerfile, io.StringIO):
dfinfo = tarfile.TarInfo('Dockerfile')
if six.PY3:
raise TypeError('Please use io.BytesIO to create in-memory '
'Dockerfiles with Python 3')
dfinfo.size = len(dockerfile.getvalue())
elif isinstance(dockerfile, io.BytesIO):
dfinfo = tarfile.TarInfo('Dockerfile')
dfinfo.size = len(dockerfile.getvalue())
dfinfo = t.gettarinfo(fileobj=dockerfile, arcname='Dockerfile')
t.addfile(dfinfo, dockerfile)
return f
def decode_json_header(header):
data = base64.b64decode(header)
if six.PY3:
data = data.decode('utf-8')
return json.loads(data)
def tar(path, exclude=None, dockerfile=None, fileobj=None, gzip=False):
if not fileobj:
fileobj = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
t ='w:gz' if gzip else 'w', fileobj=fileobj)
root = os.path.abspath(path)
exclude = exclude or []
for path in sorted(exclude_paths(root, exclude, dockerfile=dockerfile)):
t.add(os.path.join(root, path), arcname=path, recursive=False)
return fileobj
def exclude_paths(root, patterns, dockerfile=None):
Given a root directory path and a list of .dockerignore patterns, return
an iterator of all paths (both regular files and directories) in the root
directory that do *not* match any of the patterns.
All paths returned are relative to the root.
if dockerfile is None:
dockerfile = 'Dockerfile'
exceptions = [p for p in patterns if p.startswith('!')]
include_patterns = [p[1:] for p in exceptions]
include_patterns += [dockerfile, '.dockerignore']
exclude_patterns = list(set(patterns) - set(exceptions))
paths = get_paths(root, exclude_patterns, include_patterns,
has_exceptions=len(exceptions) > 0)
return set(paths).union(
# If the Dockerfile is in a subdirectory that is excluded, get_paths
# will not descend into it and the file will be skipped. This ensures
# it doesn't happen.
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(root, dockerfile)) else set()
def should_include(path, exclude_patterns, include_patterns):
Given a path, a list of exclude patterns, and a list of inclusion patterns:
1. Returns True if the path doesn't match any exclusion pattern
2. Returns False if the path matches an exclusion pattern and doesn't match
an inclusion pattern
3. Returns true if the path matches an exclusion pattern and matches an
inclusion pattern
for pattern in exclude_patterns:
if match_path(path, pattern):
for pattern in include_patterns:
if match_path(path, pattern):
return True
return False
return True
def get_paths(root, exclude_patterns, include_patterns, has_exceptions=False):
paths = []
for parent, dirs, files in os.walk(root, topdown=True, followlinks=False):
parent = os.path.relpath(parent, root)
if parent == '.':
parent = ''
# If exception rules exist, we can't skip recursing into ignored
# directories, as we need to look for exceptions in them.
# It may be possible to optimize this further for exception patterns
# that *couldn't* match within ignored directores.
# This matches the current docker logic (as of 2015-11-24):
if not has_exceptions:
# Remove excluded patterns from the list of directories to traverse
# by mutating the dirs we're iterating over.
# This looks strange, but is considered the correct way to skip
# traversal. See
dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if
should_include(os.path.join(parent, d),
exclude_patterns, include_patterns)]
for path in dirs:
if should_include(os.path.join(parent, path),
exclude_patterns, include_patterns):
paths.append(os.path.join(parent, path))
for path in files:
if should_include(os.path.join(parent, path),
exclude_patterns, include_patterns):
paths.append(os.path.join(parent, path))
return paths
def match_path(path, pattern):
pattern = pattern.rstrip('/')
if pattern:
pattern = os.path.relpath(pattern)
pattern_components = pattern.split(os.path.sep)
path_components = path.split(os.path.sep)[:len(pattern_components)]
return fnmatch('/'.join(path_components), pattern)
def compare_version(v1, v2):
"""Compare docker versions
>>> v1 = '1.9'
>>> v2 = '1.10'
>>> compare_version(v1, v2)
>>> compare_version(v2, v1)
>>> compare_version(v2, v2)
s1 = StrictVersion(v1)
s2 = StrictVersion(v2)
if s1 == s2:
return 0
elif s1 > s2:
return -1
return 1
def version_lt(v1, v2):
return compare_version(v1, v2) > 0
def version_gte(v1, v2):
return not version_lt(v1, v2)
def ping_registry(url):
'The `ping_registry` method is deprecated and will be removed.',
return ping(url + '/v2/', [401]) or ping(url + '/v1/_ping')
def ping(url, valid_4xx_statuses=None):
res = requests.get(url, timeout=3)
except Exception:
return False
# We don't send yet auth headers
# and a v2 registry will respond with status 401
return (
res.status_code < 400 or
(valid_4xx_statuses and res.status_code in valid_4xx_statuses)
def _convert_port_binding(binding):
result = {'HostIp': '', 'HostPort': ''}
if isinstance(binding, tuple):
if len(binding) == 2:
result['HostPort'] = binding[1]
result['HostIp'] = binding[0]
elif isinstance(binding[0], six.string_types):
result['HostIp'] = binding[0]
result['HostPort'] = binding[0]
elif isinstance(binding, dict):
if 'HostPort' in binding:
result['HostPort'] = binding['HostPort']
if 'HostIp' in binding:
result['HostIp'] = binding['HostIp']
raise ValueError(binding)
result['HostPort'] = binding
if result['HostPort'] is None:
result['HostPort'] = ''
result['HostPort'] = str(result['HostPort'])
return result
def convert_port_bindings(port_bindings):
result = {}
for k, v in six.iteritems(port_bindings):
key = str(k)
if '/' not in key:
key += '/tcp'
if isinstance(v, list):
result[key] = [_convert_port_binding(binding) for binding in v]
result[key] = [_convert_port_binding(v)]
return result
def convert_volume_binds(binds):
if isinstance(binds, list):
return binds
result = []
for k, v in binds.items():
if isinstance(k, six.binary_type):
k = k.decode('utf-8')
if isinstance(v, dict):
if 'ro' in v and 'mode' in v:
raise ValueError(
'Binding cannot contain both "ro" and "mode": {}'
bind = v['bind']
if isinstance(bind, six.binary_type):
bind = bind.decode('utf-8')
if 'ro' in v:
mode = 'ro' if v['ro'] else 'rw'
elif 'mode' in v:
mode = v['mode']
mode = 'rw'
six.text_type('{0}:{1}:{2}').format(k, bind, mode)
if isinstance(v, six.binary_type):
v = v.decode('utf-8')
six.text_type('{0}:{1}:rw').format(k, v)
return result
def convert_tmpfs_mounts(tmpfs):
if isinstance(tmpfs, dict):
return tmpfs
if not isinstance(tmpfs, list):
raise ValueError(
'Expected tmpfs value to be either a list or a dict, found: {}'
result = {}
for mount in tmpfs:
if isinstance(mount, six.string_types):
if ":" in mount:
name, options = mount.split(":", 1)
name = mount
options = ""
raise ValueError(
"Expected item in tmpfs list to be a string, found: {}"
result[name] = options
return result
def parse_repository_tag(repo_name):
parts = repo_name.rsplit('@', 1)
if len(parts) == 2:
return tuple(parts)
parts = repo_name.rsplit(':', 1)
if len(parts) == 2 and '/' not in parts[1]:
return tuple(parts)
return repo_name, None
# Based on utils.go:ParseHost
# fd:// protocol unsupported (for obvious reasons)
# Added support for http and https
# Protocol translation: tcp -> http, unix -> http+unix
def parse_host(addr, is_win32=False, tls=False):
proto = "http+unix"
port = None
path = ''
if not addr and is_win32:
if not addr or addr.strip() == 'unix://':
addr = addr.strip()
if addr.startswith('http://'):
addr = addr.replace('http://', 'tcp://')
if addr.startswith('http+unix://'):
addr = addr.replace('http+unix://', 'unix://')
if addr == 'tcp://':
raise errors.DockerException(
"Invalid bind address format: {0}".format(addr)
elif addr.startswith('unix://'):
addr = addr[7:]
elif addr.startswith('tcp://'):
proto = 'http{0}'.format('s' if tls else '')
addr = addr[6:]
elif addr.startswith('https://'):
proto = "https"
addr = addr[8:]
elif addr.startswith('npipe://'):
proto = 'npipe'
addr = addr[8:]
elif addr.startswith('fd://'):
raise errors.DockerException("fd protocol is not implemented")
if "://" in addr:
raise errors.DockerException(
"Invalid bind address protocol: {0}".format(addr)
proto = "https" if tls else "http"
if proto in ("http", "https"):
address_parts = addr.split('/', 1)
host = address_parts[0]
if len(address_parts) == 2:
path = '/' + address_parts[1]
host, port = splitnport(host)
if port is None:
raise errors.DockerException(
"Invalid port: {0}".format(addr)
if not host:
host = addr
if proto in ("http", "https") and port == -1:
raise errors.DockerException(
"Bind address needs a port: {0}".format(addr))
if proto == "http+unix" or proto == 'npipe':
return "{0}://{1}".format(proto, host).rstrip('/')
return "{0}://{1}:{2}{3}".format(proto, host, port, path).rstrip('/')
def parse_devices(devices):
device_list = []
for device in devices:
if isinstance(device, dict):
if not isinstance(device, six.string_types):
raise errors.DockerException(
'Invalid device type {0}'.format(type(device))
device_mapping = device.split(':')
if device_mapping:
path_on_host = device_mapping[0]
if len(device_mapping) > 1:
path_in_container = device_mapping[1]
path_in_container = path_on_host
if len(device_mapping) > 2:
permissions = device_mapping[2]
permissions = 'rwm'
'PathOnHost': path_on_host,
'PathInContainer': path_in_container,
'CgroupPermissions': permissions
return device_list
def kwargs_from_env(ssl_version=None, assert_hostname=None, environment=None):
if not environment:
environment = os.environ
host = environment.get('DOCKER_HOST')
# empty string for cert path is the same as unset.
cert_path = environment.get('DOCKER_CERT_PATH') or None
# empty string for tls verify counts as "false".
# Any value or 'unset' counts as true.
tls_verify = environment.get('DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY')
if tls_verify == '':
tls_verify = False
tls_verify = tls_verify is not None
enable_tls = cert_path or tls_verify
params = {}
if host:
params['base_url'] = (
host.replace('tcp://', 'https://') if enable_tls else host
if not enable_tls:
return params
if not cert_path:
cert_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.docker')
if not tls_verify and assert_hostname is None:
# assert_hostname is a subset of TLS verification,
# so if it's not set already then set it to false.
assert_hostname = False
params['tls'] = tls.TLSConfig(
client_cert=(os.path.join(cert_path, 'cert.pem'),
os.path.join(cert_path, 'key.pem')),
ca_cert=os.path.join(cert_path, 'ca.pem'),
return params
def convert_filters(filters):
result = {}
for k, v in six.iteritems(filters):
if isinstance(v, bool):
v = 'true' if v else 'false'
if not isinstance(v, list):
v = [v, ]
result[k] = v
return json.dumps(result)
def datetime_to_timestamp(dt):
"""Convert a UTC datetime to a Unix timestamp"""
delta = dt - datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
return delta.seconds + delta.days * 24 * 3600
def parse_bytes(s):
if isinstance(s, six.integer_types + (float,)):
return s
if len(s) == 0:
return 0
if s[-2:-1].isalpha() and s[-1].isalpha():
if s[-1] == "b" or s[-1] == "B":
s = s[:-1]
units = BYTE_UNITS
suffix = s[-1].lower()
# Check if the variable is a string representation of an int
# without a units part. Assuming that the units are bytes.
if suffix.isdigit():
digits_part = s
suffix = 'b'
digits_part = s[:-1]
if suffix in units.keys() or suffix.isdigit():
digits = int(digits_part)
except ValueError:
raise errors.DockerException(
'Failed converting the string value for memory ({0}) to'
' an integer.'.format(digits_part)
# Reconvert to long for the final result
s = int(digits * units[suffix])
raise errors.DockerException(
'The specified value for memory ({0}) should specify the'
' units. The postfix should be one of the `b` `k` `m` `g`'
' characters'.format(s)
return s
def host_config_type_error(param, param_value, expected):
error_msg = 'Invalid type for {0} param: expected {1} but found {2}'
return TypeError(error_msg.format(param, expected, type(param_value)))
def host_config_version_error(param, version, less_than=True):
operator = '<' if less_than else '>'
error_msg = '{0} param is not supported in API versions {1} {2}'
return errors.InvalidVersion(error_msg.format(param, operator, version))
def host_config_value_error(param, param_value):
error_msg = 'Invalid value for {0} param: {1}'
return ValueError(error_msg.format(param, param_value))
def create_host_config(binds=None, port_bindings=None, lxc_conf=None,
publish_all_ports=False, links=None, privileged=False,
dns=None, dns_search=None, volumes_from=None,
network_mode=None, restart_policy=None, cap_add=None,
cap_drop=None, devices=None, extra_hosts=None,
read_only=None, pid_mode=None, ipc_mode=None,
security_opt=None, ulimits=None, log_config=None,
mem_limit=None, memswap_limit=None,
mem_reservation=None, kernel_memory=None,
mem_swappiness=None, cgroup_parent=None,
group_add=None, cpu_quota=None,
cpu_period=None, blkio_weight=None,
blkio_weight_device=None, device_read_bps=None,
device_write_bps=None, device_read_iops=None,
device_write_iops=None, oom_kill_disable=False,
shm_size=None, sysctls=None, version=None, tmpfs=None,
oom_score_adj=None, dns_opt=None, cpu_shares=None,
cpuset_cpus=None, userns_mode=None, pids_limit=None):
host_config = {}
if not version:
'docker.utils.create_host_config() is deprecated. Please use '
'Client.create_host_config() instead.'
version = constants.DEFAULT_DOCKER_API_VERSION
if mem_limit is not None:
host_config['Memory'] = parse_bytes(mem_limit)
if memswap_limit is not None:
host_config['MemorySwap'] = parse_bytes(memswap_limit)
if mem_reservation:
if version_lt(version, '1.21'):
raise host_config_version_error('mem_reservation', '1.21')
host_config['MemoryReservation'] = parse_bytes(mem_reservation)
if kernel_memory:
if version_lt(version, '1.21'):
raise host_config_version_error('kernel_memory', '1.21')
host_config['KernelMemory'] = parse_bytes(kernel_memory)
if mem_swappiness is not None:
if version_lt(version, '1.20'):
raise host_config_version_error('mem_swappiness', '1.20')
if not isinstance(mem_swappiness, int):
raise host_config_type_error(
'mem_swappiness', mem_swappiness, 'int'
host_config['MemorySwappiness'] = mem_swappiness
if shm_size is not None:
if isinstance(shm_size, six.string_types):
shm_size = parse_bytes(shm_size)
host_config['ShmSize'] = shm_size
if pid_mode not in (None, 'host'):
raise host_config_value_error('pid_mode', pid_mode)
elif pid_mode:
host_config['PidMode'] = pid_mode
if ipc_mode:
host_config['IpcMode'] = ipc_mode
if privileged:
host_config['Privileged'] = privileged
if oom_kill_disable:
if version_lt(version, '1.20'):
raise host_config_version_error('oom_kill_disable', '1.19')
host_config['OomKillDisable'] = oom_kill_disable
if oom_score_adj:
if version_lt(version, '1.22'):
raise host_config_version_error('oom_score_adj', '1.22')
if not isinstance(oom_score_adj, int):
raise host_config_type_error(
'oom_score_adj', oom_score_adj, 'int'
host_config['OomScoreAdj'] = oom_score_adj
if publish_all_ports:
host_config['PublishAllPorts'] = publish_all_ports
if read_only is not None:
host_config['ReadonlyRootfs'] = read_only
if dns_search:
host_config['DnsSearch'] = dns_search
if network_mode:
host_config['NetworkMode'] = network_mode
elif network_mode is None and compare_version('1.19', version) > 0:
host_config['NetworkMode'] = 'default'
if restart_policy:
if not isinstance(restart_policy, dict):
raise host_config_type_error(
'restart_policy', restart_policy, 'dict'
host_config['RestartPolicy'] = restart_policy
if cap_add:
host_config['CapAdd'] = cap_add
if cap_drop:
host_config['CapDrop'] = cap_drop
if devices:
host_config['Devices'] = parse_devices(devices)
if group_add:
if version_lt(version, '1.20'):
raise host_config_version_error('group_add', '1.20')
host_config['GroupAdd'] = [six.text_type(grp) for grp in group_add]
if dns is not None:
host_config['Dns'] = dns
if dns_opt is not None:
if version_lt(version, '1.21'):
raise host_config_version_error('dns_opt', '1.21')
host_config['DnsOptions'] = dns_opt
if security_opt is not None:
if not isinstance(security_opt, list):
raise host_config_type_error('security_opt', security_opt, 'list')
host_config['SecurityOpt'] = security_opt
if sysctls:
if not isinstance(sysctls, dict):
raise host_config_type_error('sysctls', sysctls, 'dict')
host_config['Sysctls'] = {}
for k, v in six.iteritems(sysctls):
host_config['Sysctls'][k] = six.text_type(v)
if volumes_from is not None:
if isinstance(volumes_from, six.string_types):
volumes_from = volumes_from.split(',')
host_config['VolumesFrom'] = volumes_from
if binds is not None:
host_config['Binds'] = convert_volume_binds(binds)
if port_bindings is not None:
host_config['PortBindings'] = convert_port_bindings(port_bindings)
if extra_hosts is not None:
if isinstance(extra_hosts, dict):
extra_hosts = [
'{0}:{1}'.format(k, v)
for k, v in sorted(six.iteritems(extra_hosts))
host_config['ExtraHosts'] = extra_hosts
if links is not None:
host_config['Links'] = normalize_links(links)
if isinstance(lxc_conf, dict):
formatted = []
for k, v in six.iteritems(lxc_conf):
formatted.append({'Key': k, 'Value': str(v)})
lxc_conf = formatted
if lxc_conf is not None:
host_config['LxcConf'] = lxc_conf
if cgroup_parent is not None:
host_config['CgroupParent'] = cgroup_parent
if ulimits is not None:
if not isinstance(ulimits, list):
raise host_config_type_error('ulimits', ulimits, 'list')
host_config['Ulimits'] = []
for l in ulimits:
if not isinstance(l, Ulimit):
l = Ulimit(**l)
if log_config is not None:
if not isinstance(log_config, LogConfig):
if not isinstance(log_config, dict):
raise host_config_type_error(
'log_config', log_config, 'LogConfig'
log_config = LogConfig(**log_config)
host_config['LogConfig'] = log_config
if cpu_quota:
if not isinstance(cpu_quota, int):
raise host_config_type_error('cpu_quota', cpu_quota, 'int')
if version_lt(version, '1.19'):
raise host_config_version_error('cpu_quota', '1.19')
host_config['CpuQuota'] = cpu_quota
if cpu_period:
if not isinstance(cpu_period, int):
raise host_config_type_error('cpu_period', cpu_period, 'int')
if version_lt(version, '1.19'):
raise host_config_version_error('cpu_period', '1.19')
host_config['CpuPeriod'] = cpu_period
if cpu_shares:
if version_lt(version, '1.18'):
raise host_config_version_error('cpu_shares', '1.18')
if not isinstance(cpu_shares, int):
raise host_config_type_error('cpu_shares', cpu_shares, 'int')
host_config['CpuShares'] = cpu_shares
if cpuset_cpus:
if version_lt(version, '1.18'):
raise host_config_version_error('cpuset_cpus', '1.18')
host_config['CpuSetCpus'] = cpuset_cpus
if blkio_weight:
if not isinstance(blkio_weight, int):
raise host_config_type_error('blkio_weight', blkio_weight, 'int')
if version_lt(version, '1.22'):
raise host_config_version_error('blkio_weight', '1.22')
host_config["BlkioWeight"] = blkio_weight
if blkio_weight_device:
if not isinstance(blkio_weight_device, list):
raise host_config_type_error(
'blkio_weight_device', blkio_weight_device, 'list'
if version_lt(version, '1.22'):
raise host_config_version_error('blkio_weight_device', '1.22')
host_config["BlkioWeightDevice"] = blkio_weight_device
if device_read_bps:
if not isinstance(device_read_bps, list):
raise host_config_type_error(
'device_read_bps', device_read_bps, 'list'
if version_lt(version, '1.22'):
raise host_config_version_error('device_read_bps', '1.22')
host_config["BlkioDeviceReadBps"] = device_read_bps
if device_write_bps:
if not isinstance(device_write_bps, list):
raise host_config_type_error(
'device_write_bps', device_write_bps, 'list'
if version_lt(version, '1.22'):
raise host_config_version_error('device_write_bps', '1.22')
host_config["BlkioDeviceWriteBps"] = device_write_bps
if device_read_iops:
if not isinstance(device_read_iops, list):
raise host_config_type_error(
'device_read_iops', device_read_iops, 'list'
if version_lt(version, '1.22'):
raise host_config_version_error('device_read_iops', '1.22')
host_config["BlkioDeviceReadIOps"] = device_read_iops
if device_write_iops:
if not isinstance(device_write_iops, list):
raise host_config_type_error(
'device_write_iops', device_write_iops, 'list'
if version_lt(version, '1.22'):
raise host_config_version_error('device_write_iops', '1.22')
host_config["BlkioDeviceWriteIOps"] = device_write_iops
if tmpfs:
if version_lt(version, '1.22'):
raise host_config_version_error('tmpfs', '1.22')
host_config["Tmpfs"] = convert_tmpfs_mounts(tmpfs)
if userns_mode:
if version_lt(version, '1.23'):
raise host_config_version_error('userns_mode', '1.23')
if userns_mode != "host":
raise host_config_value_error("userns_mode", userns_mode)
host_config['UsernsMode'] = userns_mode
if pids_limit:
if not isinstance(pids_limit, int):
raise host_config_type_error('pids_limit', pids_limit, 'int')
if version_lt(version, '1.23'):
raise host_config_version_error('pids_limit', '1.23')
host_config["PidsLimit"] = pids_limit
return host_config
def normalize_links(links):
if isinstance(links, dict):
links = six.iteritems(links)
return ['{0}:{1}'.format(k, v) for k, v in sorted(links)]
def create_networking_config(endpoints_config=None):
networking_config = {}
if endpoints_config:
networking_config["EndpointsConfig"] = endpoints_config
return networking_config
def create_endpoint_config(version, aliases=None, links=None,
ipv4_address=None, ipv6_address=None,
if version_lt(version, '1.22'):
raise errors.InvalidVersion(
'Endpoint config is not supported for API version < 1.22'
endpoint_config = {}
if aliases:
endpoint_config["Aliases"] = aliases
if links:
endpoint_config["Links"] = normalize_links(links)
ipam_config = {}
if ipv4_address:
ipam_config['IPv4Address'] = ipv4_address
if ipv6_address:
ipam_config['IPv6Address'] = ipv6_address
if link_local_ips is not None:
if version_lt(version, '1.24'):
raise errors.InvalidVersion(
'link_local_ips is not supported for API version < 1.24'
ipam_config['LinkLocalIPs'] = link_local_ips
if ipam_config:
endpoint_config['IPAMConfig'] = ipam_config
return endpoint_config
def parse_env_file(env_file):
Reads a line-separated environment file.
The format of each line should be "key=value".
environment = {}
with open(env_file, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
if line[0] == '#':
parse_line = line.strip().split('=', 1)
if len(parse_line) == 2:
k, v = parse_line
environment[k] = v
raise errors.DockerException(
'Invalid line in environment file {0}:\n{1}'.format(
env_file, line))
return environment
def split_command(command):
if six.PY2 and not isinstance(command, six.binary_type):
command = command.encode('utf-8')
return shlex.split(command)
def format_environment(environment):
def format_env(key, value):
if value is None:
return key
if isinstance(value, six.binary_type):
value = value.decode('utf-8')
return u'{key}={value}'.format(key=key, value=value)
return [format_env(*var) for var in six.iteritems(environment)]
def create_container_config(
version, image, command, hostname=None, user=None, detach=False,
stdin_open=False, tty=False, mem_limit=None, ports=None, environment=None,
dns=None, volumes=None, volumes_from=None, network_disabled=False,
entrypoint=None, cpu_shares=None, working_dir=None, domainname=None,
memswap_limit=None, cpuset=None, host_config=None, mac_address=None,
labels=None, volume_driver=None, stop_signal=None, networking_config=None,
if isinstance(command, six.string_types):
command = split_command(command)
if isinstance(entrypoint, six.string_types):
entrypoint = split_command(entrypoint)
if isinstance(environment, dict):
environment = format_environment(environment)
if labels is not None and compare_version('1.18', version) < 0:
raise errors.InvalidVersion(
'labels were only introduced in API version 1.18'
if cpuset is not None or cpu_shares is not None:
if version_gte(version, '1.18'):
'The cpuset_cpus and cpu_shares options have been moved to '
'host_config in API version 1.18, and will be removed',
if stop_signal is not None and compare_version('1.21', version) < 0:
raise errors.InvalidVersion(
'stop_signal was only introduced in API version 1.21'
if compare_version('1.19', version) < 0:
if volume_driver is not None:
raise errors.InvalidVersion(
'Volume drivers were only introduced in API version 1.19'
mem_limit = mem_limit if mem_limit is not None else 0
memswap_limit = memswap_limit if memswap_limit is not None else 0
if mem_limit is not None:
raise errors.InvalidVersion(
'mem_limit has been moved to host_config in API version 1.19'
if memswap_limit is not None:
raise errors.InvalidVersion(
'memswap_limit has been moved to host_config in API '
'version 1.19'
if isinstance(labels, list):
labels = dict((lbl, six.text_type('')) for lbl in labels)
if mem_limit is not None:
mem_limit = parse_bytes(mem_limit)
if memswap_limit is not None:
memswap_limit = parse_bytes(memswap_limit)
if isinstance(ports, list):
exposed_ports = {}
for port_definition in ports:
port = port_definition
proto = 'tcp'
if isinstance(port_definition, tuple):
if len(port_definition) == 2:
proto = port_definition[1]
port = port_definition[0]
exposed_ports['{0}/{1}'.format(port, proto)] = {}
ports = exposed_ports
if isinstance(volumes, six.string_types):
volumes = [volumes, ]
if isinstance(volumes, list):
volumes_dict = {}
for vol in volumes:
volumes_dict[vol] = {}
volumes = volumes_dict
if volumes_from:
if not isinstance(volumes_from, six.string_types):
volumes_from = ','.join(volumes_from)
# Force None, an empty list or dict causes client.start to fail
volumes_from = None
attach_stdin = False
attach_stdout = False
attach_stderr = False
stdin_once = False
if not detach:
attach_stdout = True
attach_stderr = True
if stdin_open:
attach_stdin = True
stdin_once = True
if compare_version('1.10', version) >= 0:
message = ('{0!r} parameter has no effect on create_container().'
' It has been moved to host_config')
if dns is not None:
raise errors.InvalidVersion(message.format('dns'))
if volumes_from is not None:
raise errors.InvalidVersion(message.format('volumes_from'))
return {
'Hostname': hostname,
'Domainname': domainname,
'ExposedPorts': ports,
'User': six.text_type(user) if user else None,
'Tty': tty,
'OpenStdin': stdin_open,
'StdinOnce': stdin_once,
'Memory': mem_limit,
'AttachStdin': attach_stdin,
'AttachStdout': attach_stdout,
'AttachStderr': attach_stderr,
'Env': environment,
'Cmd': command,
'Dns': dns,
'Image': image,
'Volumes': volumes,
'VolumesFrom': volumes_from,
'NetworkDisabled': network_disabled,
'Entrypoint': entrypoint,
'CpuShares': cpu_shares,
'Cpuset': cpuset,
'CpusetCpus': cpuset,
'WorkingDir': working_dir,
'MemorySwap': memswap_limit,
'HostConfig': host_config,
'NetworkingConfig': networking_config,
'MacAddress': mac_address,
'Labels': labels,
'VolumeDriver': volume_driver,
'StopSignal': stop_signal