blob: fee08abeec64ea45706c90bd34de55508e95aab8 [file] [log] [blame]
package factory
import (
func CreateIssue() (*ticket.Issue, error) {
now := time.Now()
issue := &ticket.Issue{
DomainEntity: domainlayer.DomainEntity{
Id: RandIntString(),
Url: "",
Key: "",
Title: "",
Summary: "",
EpicKey: "",
Type: "",
Status: "",
StoryPoint: 1,
OriginalEstimateMinutes: 1, // user input?
CreatorId: "",
AssigneeId: "",
ResolutionDate: nil,
Priority: "", // not sure how to deal with it yet, copy the name for now
ParentIssueId: "",
CreatedDate: &now,
UpdatedDate: &now,
LeadTimeMinutes: 1,
return issue, nil