blob: 42956b7fad90c37c4afc088052d3a29a971d9a32 [file] [log] [blame]
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The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package models
import (
type ZentaoStoryRes struct {
ID int64 `json:"id"`
Vision string `json:"vision"`
Parent int64 `json:"parent"`
Product int64 `json:"product"`
Branch int `json:"branch"`
Module int `json:"module"`
Plan string `json:"plan"`
Source string `json:"source"`
SourceNote string `json:"sourceNote"`
FromBug int `json:"fromBug"`
Feedback int `json:"feedback"`
Title string `json:"title"`
Keywords string `json:"keywords"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Category string `json:"category"`
Pri int `json:"pri"`
Estimate float64 `json:"estimate"`
Status string `json:"status"`
SubStatus string `json:"subStatus"`
Color string `json:"color"`
Stage string `json:"stage"`
Mailto []interface{} `json:"mailto"`
Lib int `json:"lib"`
FromStory int64 `json:"fromStory"`
FromVersion int `json:"fromVersion"`
OpenedBy *ApiAccount `json:"openedBy"`
OpenedDate *common.Iso8601Time `json:"openedDate"`
AssignedTo *ApiAccount `json:"assignedTo"`
AssignedDate *common.Iso8601Time `json:"assignedDate"`
ApprovedDate *common.Iso8601Time `json:"approvedDate"`
LastEditedBy *ApiAccount `json:"lastEditedBy"`
LastEditedDate *common.Iso8601Time `json:"lastEditedDate"`
ChangedBy string `json:"changedBy"`
ChangedDate *common.Iso8601Time `json:"changedDate"`
ReviewedBy *ApiAccount `json:"reviewedBy"`
ReviewedDate *common.Iso8601Time `json:"reviewedDate"`
ClosedBy *ApiAccount `json:"closedBy"`
ClosedDate *common.Iso8601Time `json:"closedDate"`
ClosedReason string `json:"closedReason"`
ActivatedDate *common.Iso8601Time `json:"activatedDate"`
ToBug int `json:"toBug"`
ChildStories string `json:"childStories"`
LinkStories string `json:"linkStories"`
LinkRequirements string `json:"linkRequirements"`
DuplicateStory int64 `json:"duplicateStory"`
Version int `json:"version"`
StoryChanged string `json:"storyChanged"`
FeedbackBy string `json:"feedbackBy"`
NotifyEmail string `json:"notifyEmail"`
URChanged string `json:"URChanged"`
Deleted bool `json:"deleted"`
PriOrder *common.StringFloat64 `json:"priOrder"`
PlanTitle string `json:"planTitle"`
ProductStatus string `json:"productStatus"`
type ZentaoStory struct {
ConnectionId uint64 `gorm:"primaryKey;type:BIGINT NOT NULL"`
ID int64 `json:"id" gorm:"primaryKey;type:BIGINT NOT NULL;autoIncrement:false" `
Product int64 `json:"product"`
Branch int `json:"branch"`
Version int `json:"version"`
OrderIn int `json:"order"`
Vision string `json:"vision"`
Parent int64 `json:"parent"`
Module int `json:"module"`
Plan string `json:"plan"`
Source string `json:"source"`
SourceNote string `json:"sourceNote"`
FromBug int `json:"fromBug"`
Feedback int `json:"feedback"`
Title string `json:"title"`
Keywords string `json:"keywords"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Category string `json:"category"`
Pri int `json:"pri"`
Estimate float64 `json:"estimate"`
Status string `json:"status"`
SubStatus string `json:"subStatus"`
Color string `json:"color"`
Stage string `json:"stage"`
//Mailto []interface{} `json:"mailto"`
Lib int `json:"lib"`
FromStory int64 `json:"fromStory"`
FromVersion int `json:"fromVersion"`
OpenedById int64
OpenedByName string
OpenedDate *common.Iso8601Time `json:"openedDate"`
AssignedToId int64
AssignedToName string
AssignedDate *common.Iso8601Time `json:"assignedDate"`
ApprovedDate *common.Iso8601Time `json:"approvedDate"`
LastEditedId int64
LastEditedDate *common.Iso8601Time `json:"lastEditedDate"`
ChangedDate *common.Iso8601Time `json:"changedDate"`
ReviewedById int64 `json:"reviewedBy"`
ReviewedDate *common.Iso8601Time `json:"reviewedDate"`
ClosedId int64
ClosedDate *common.Iso8601Time `json:"closedDate"`
ClosedReason string `json:"closedReason"`
ActivatedDate *common.Iso8601Time `json:"activatedDate"`
ToBug int `json:"toBug"`
ChildStories string `json:"childStories"`
LinkStories string `json:"linkStories"`
LinkRequirements string `json:"linkRequirements"`
DuplicateStory int64 `json:"duplicateStory"`
StoryChanged string `json:"storyChanged"`
FeedbackBy string `json:"feedbackBy"`
NotifyEmail string `json:"notifyEmail"`
URChanged string `json:"URChanged"`
Deleted bool `json:"deleted"`
PriOrder string `json:"priOrder"`
PlanTitle string `json:"planTitle"`
Url string `json:"url"`
StdStatus string `json:"stdStatus" gorm:"type:varchar(20)"`
StdType string `json:"stdType" gorm:"type:varchar(20)"`
func (ZentaoStory) TableName() string {
return "_tool_zentao_stories"