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"targets": [
"datasource": "mysql",
"format": "table",
"group": [],
"metricColumn": "none",
"queryType": "randomWalk",
"rawQuery": true,
"rawSql": "SELECT file_path,\n avg(timestampdiff(day,\n commits.committed_date,\n now())) AS line_age\nFROM repo_snapshot\nJOIN commits\n ON repo_snapshot.commit_sha = commits.sha\nWHERE repo_snapshot.repo_id IN (${repo_id})\n AND $__timeFilter(commits.committed_date)\nGROUP BY file_path\nORDER BY line_age desc \nLIMIT 20;",
"refId": "A",
"select": [
"params": [
"type": "column"
"table": "_devlake_blueprints",
"timeColumn": "created_at",
"timeColumnType": "timestamp",
"where": [
"name": "$__timeFilter",
"params": [],
"type": "macro"
"title": "Which file has the longest average line age?",
"type": "table"
"refresh": "",
"schemaVersion": 38,
"style": "dark",
"tags": [
"Engineering Leads Dashboard"
"templating": {
"list": [
"current": {
"selected": true,
"text": [
"value": [
"datasource": "mysql",
"definition": "select concat(name, '--', id) as text from repos",
"hide": 0,
"includeAll": true,
"label": "Repo",
"multi": true,
"name": "repo_id",
"options": [],
"query": "select concat(name, '--', id) as text from repos",
"refresh": 1,
"regex": "/^(?<text>.*)--(?<value>.*)$/",
"skipUrlSync": false,
"sort": 0,
"type": "query"
"current": {
"selected": false,
"text": "",
"value": ""
"description": "input file path",
"hide": 0,
"label": "",
"name": "selected_path",
"options": [
"selected": true,
"text": "",
"value": ""
"query": "",
"skipUrlSync": false,
"type": "textbox"
"time": {
"from": "now-6M",
"to": "now"
"timepicker": {
"refresh_intervals": [
"timezone": "",
"title": "Component and File-level Metrics",
"uid": "KxUh7IG4z",
"version": 2,
"weekStart": ""