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package tasks
import (
helper ""
githubModels ""
githubTasks ""
var _ plugin.SubTaskEntryPoint = CollectAndExtractDeployments
const (
RAW_DEPLOYMENT = "github_graphql_deployment"
var CollectAndExtractDeploymentsMeta = plugin.SubTaskMeta{
Name: "CollectAndExtractDeployments",
EntryPoint: CollectAndExtractDeployments,
EnabledByDefault: true,
Description: "collect and extract github deployments to raw and tool layer from GithubGraphql api",
DomainTypes: []string{plugin.DOMAIN_TYPE_CICD},
type GraphqlQueryDeploymentWrapper struct {
RateLimit struct {
Cost int `graphql:"cost"`
} `graphql:"rateLimit"`
Repository struct {
Deployments struct {
TotalCount graphql.Int `graphql:"totalCount"`
PageInfo *helper.GraphqlQueryPageInfo `graphql:"pageInfo"`
Deployments []GraphqlQueryDeploymentDeployment `graphql:"nodes"`
} `graphql:"deployments(first: $pageSize, after: $skipCursor, orderBy: {field: CREATED_AT, direction: DESC})"`
} `graphql:"repository(owner: $owner, name: $name)"`
type GraphqlQueryDeploymentDeployment struct {
Task string `graphql:"task"` // is value always "deploy"? not sure.
Id string `graphql:"id"`
CommitOid string `graphql:"commitOid"`
Environment string `graphql:"environment"`
State string `graphql:"state"`
DatabaseId uint `graphql:"databaseId"`
Description string `graphql:"description"`
Payload string `graphql:"payload"`
Ref *struct {
ID string `graphql:"id"`
Name string `graphql:"name"`
Prefix string `graphql:"prefix"`
} `graphql:"ref"`
LatestStatus struct {
Id string `graphql:"id"`
State string `graphql:"state"`
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updatedAt"`
} `graphql:"latestStatus"`
Repository struct {
Id string `graphql:"id"`
Name string `graphql:"name"`
Url string `graphql:"url"`
} `graphql:"repository"`
CreatedAt time.Time
UpdatedAt time.Time
// CollectAndExtractDeployments will request github api via graphql and store the result into raw layer by default
// ResponseParser's return will be stored to tool layer. So it's called CollectorAndExtractor.
func CollectAndExtractDeployments(taskCtx plugin.SubTaskContext) errors.Error {
data := taskCtx.GetData().(*githubTasks.GithubTaskData)
collectorWithState, err := helper.NewStatefulApiCollector(helper.RawDataSubTaskArgs{
Ctx: taskCtx,
Params: githubTasks.GithubApiParams{
ConnectionId: data.Options.ConnectionId,
Name: data.Options.Name,
if err != nil {
return err
since := helper.DateTime{}
if collectorWithState.Since != nil {
since = helper.DateTime{Time: *collectorWithState.Since}
err = collectorWithState.InitGraphQLCollector(helper.GraphqlCollectorArgs{
GraphqlClient: data.GraphqlClient,
PageSize: 100,
BuildQuery: func(reqData *helper.GraphqlRequestData) (interface{}, map[string]interface{}, error) {
query := &GraphqlQueryDeploymentWrapper{}
variables := make(map[string]interface{})
if reqData == nil {
return query, variables, nil
ownerName := strings.Split(data.Options.Name, "/")
variables = map[string]interface{}{
"pageSize": graphql.Int(reqData.Pager.Size),
"skipCursor": (*graphql.String)(reqData.Pager.SkipCursor),
"owner": graphql.String(ownerName[0]),
"name": graphql.String(ownerName[1]),
return query, variables, nil
GetPageInfo: func(iQuery interface{}, args *helper.GraphqlCollectorArgs) (*helper.GraphqlQueryPageInfo, error) {
query := iQuery.(*GraphqlQueryDeploymentWrapper)
return query.Repository.Deployments.PageInfo, nil
ResponseParser: func(iQuery interface{}, variables map[string]interface{}) ([]interface{}, error) {
query := iQuery.(*GraphqlQueryDeploymentWrapper)
deployments := query.Repository.Deployments.Deployments
var results []interface{}
for _, deployment := range deployments {
//Skip deployments with createdAt earlier than 'since'
if deployment.CreatedAt.Before(since.Time) {
githubDeployment, err := convertGithubDeployment(deployment, data.Options.ConnectionId, data.Options.GithubId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
results = append(results, githubDeployment)
return results, nil
if err != nil {
return err
return collectorWithState.Execute()
func convertGithubDeployment(deployment GraphqlQueryDeploymentDeployment, connectionId uint64, githubId int) (*githubModels.GithubDeployment, error) {
ret := &githubModels.GithubDeployment{
ConnectionId: connectionId,
GithubId: githubId,
NoPKModel: common.NewNoPKModel(),
Id: deployment.Id,
DatabaseId: deployment.DatabaseId,
Payload: deployment.Payload,
Description: deployment.Description,
CommitOid: deployment.CommitOid,
Environment: deployment.Environment,
State: deployment.State,
RepositoryID: deployment.Repository.Id,
RepositoryName: deployment.Repository.Name,
RepositoryUrl: deployment.Repository.Url,
CreatedDate: deployment.CreatedAt,
UpdatedDate: deployment.UpdatedAt,
LatestStatusState: deployment.LatestStatus.State,
if !deployment.LatestStatus.UpdatedAt.IsZero() {
ret.LatestUpdatedDate = deployment.LatestStatus.UpdatedAt
if deployment.Ref != nil {
ret.RefName = deployment.Ref.Name
return ret, nil