blob: 30ac310e8bd6e25cb9328ea77470203b29c42221 [file] [log] [blame]
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package tasks
import (
helper ""
func init() {
const RAW_PR_COMMIT_TABLE = "github_api_pull_request_commits"
// this struct should be moved to `gitub_api_common.go`
var CollectApiPullRequestCommitsMeta = plugin.SubTaskMeta{
Name: "collectApiPullRequestCommits",
EntryPoint: CollectApiPullRequestCommits,
EnabledByDefault: true,
Description: "Collect PullRequestCommits data from Github api, supports both timeFilter and diffSync.",
DomainTypes: []string{plugin.DOMAIN_TYPE_CROSS, plugin.DOMAIN_TYPE_CODE_REVIEW},
DependencyTables: []string{models.GithubPullRequest{}.TableName()},
ProductTables: []string{RAW_PR_COMMIT_TABLE},
type SimplePr struct {
Number int
GithubId int
func CollectApiPullRequestCommits(taskCtx plugin.SubTaskContext) errors.Error {
db := taskCtx.GetDal()
data := taskCtx.GetData().(*GithubTaskData)
collectorWithState, err := helper.NewStatefulApiCollector(helper.RawDataSubTaskArgs{
Ctx: taskCtx,
Params: GithubApiParams{
ConnectionId: data.Options.ConnectionId,
Name: data.Options.Name,
}, data.TimeAfter)
if err != nil {
return err
incremental := collectorWithState.IsIncremental()
clauses := []dal.Clause{
dal.Select("number, github_id"),
dal.Where("repo_id = ? and connection_id=?", data.Options.GithubId, data.Options.ConnectionId),
// incremental collection, no need to care about the timeFilter since it has to be collected by PR
if incremental {
clauses = append(
dal.Where("github_updated_at > ?", collectorWithState.LatestState.LatestSuccessStart),
cursor, err := db.Cursor(
if err != nil {
return err
iterator, err := helper.NewDalCursorIterator(db, cursor, reflect.TypeOf(SimplePr{}))
if err != nil {
return err
err = collectorWithState.InitCollector(helper.ApiCollectorArgs{
ApiClient: data.ApiClient,
PageSize: 100,
Incremental: incremental,
Input: iterator,
UrlTemplate: "repos/{{ .Params.Name }}/pulls/{{ .Input.Number }}/commits",
Query: func(reqData *helper.RequestData) (url.Values, errors.Error) {
query := url.Values{}
query.Set("state", "all")
query.Set("page", fmt.Sprintf("%v", reqData.Pager.Page))
query.Set("direction", "asc")
query.Set("per_page", fmt.Sprintf("%v", reqData.Pager.Size))
return query, nil
Some api might do pagination by http headers
//Header: func(pager *plugin.Pager) http.Header {
Sometimes, we need to collect data based on previous collected data, like jira changelog, it requires
issue_id as part of the url.
We can mimic `stdin` design, to accept a `Input` function which produces a `Iterator`, collector
should iterate all records, and do data-fetching for each on, either in parallel or sequential order
UrlTemplate: "api/3/issue/{{ Input.ID }}/changelog"
//Input: databaseIssuesIterator,
For api endpoint that returns number of total pages, ApiCollector can collect pages in parallel with ease,
or other techniques are required if this information was missing.
ResponseParser: func(res *http.Response) ([]json.RawMessage, errors.Error) {
var items []json.RawMessage
err := helper.UnmarshalResponse(res, &items)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return items, nil
if err != nil {
return err
return collectorWithState.Execute()