fix: remove the lake.table from the sql (#5966) (#5967)

Co-authored-by: abeizn <>
diff --git a/grafana/dashboards/ContributorExperience.json b/grafana/dashboards/ContributorExperience.json
index 20af955..ee2833a 100644
--- a/grafana/dashboards/ContributorExperience.json
+++ b/grafana/dashboards/ContributorExperience.json
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "with issue_comment_list as(\n  select\n as issue_id,\n    i.url,\n    i.title,\n    i.created_date as issue_created_date,\n as comment_id,\n    ic.created_date as comment_date,\n    ic.body,\n    case when is not null then rank() over (partition by order by ic.created_date asc) else null end as comment_rank\n  from\n    lake.issues i\n    join lake.board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n    join lake.boards b on bi.board_id =\n    left join lake.issue_comments ic on = ic.issue_id\n  where\n    date(i.created_date) BETWEEN\n      curdate() - INTERVAL DAYOFMONTH(curdate())-1 DAY - INTERVAL 1 month and\n      curdate() - INTERVAL DAYOFMONTH(curdate()) DAY\n    and in ($repo_id)\n)\n\nselect\n  avg((TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, issue_created_date,comment_date))/1440)\nfrom issue_comment_list\nwhere comment_rank = 1",
+          "rawSql": "with issue_comment_list as(\n  select\n as issue_id,\n    i.url,\n    i.title,\n    i.created_date as issue_created_date,\n as comment_id,\n    ic.created_date as comment_date,\n    ic.body,\n    case when is not null then rank() over (partition by order by ic.created_date asc) else null end as comment_rank\n  from\n    issues i\n    join board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n    join boards b on bi.board_id =\n    left join issue_comments ic on = ic.issue_id\n  where\n    date(i.created_date) BETWEEN\n      curdate() - INTERVAL DAYOFMONTH(curdate())-1 DAY - INTERVAL 1 month and\n      curdate() - INTERVAL DAYOFMONTH(curdate()) DAY\n    and in ($repo_id)\n)\n\nselect\n  avg((TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, issue_created_date,comment_date))/1440)\nfrom issue_comment_list\nwhere comment_rank = 1",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "with issue_comment_list as(\n  select\n as issue_id,\n    i.url,\n    i.title,\n    i.created_date as issue_created_date,\n as comment_id,\n    ic.created_date as comment_date,\n    ic.body,\n    case when is not null then rank() over (partition by order by ic.created_date asc) else null end as comment_rank\n  from\n    lake.issues i\n    join lake.board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n    join lake.boards b on bi.board_id =\n    left join lake.issue_comments ic on = ic.issue_id\n  where\n    date(i.created_date) BETWEEN\n      curdate() - INTERVAL DAYOFMONTH(curdate())-1 DAY - INTERVAL 1 month and\n      curdate() - INTERVAL DAYOFMONTH(curdate()) DAY\n    and in ($repo_id)\n)\n\nselect\n  100 * sum(case when (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, issue_created_date,comment_date))/60 < $iir_sla then 1 else null end) / count(*)\nfrom issue_comment_list\nwhere comment_rank = 1",
+          "rawSql": "with issue_comment_list as(\n  select\n as issue_id,\n    i.url,\n    i.title,\n    i.created_date as issue_created_date,\n as comment_id,\n    ic.created_date as comment_date,\n    ic.body,\n    case when is not null then rank() over (partition by order by ic.created_date asc) else null end as comment_rank\n  from\n    issues i\n    join board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n    join boards b on bi.board_id =\n    left join issue_comments ic on = ic.issue_id\n  where\n    date(i.created_date) BETWEEN\n      curdate() - INTERVAL DAYOFMONTH(curdate())-1 DAY - INTERVAL 1 month and\n      curdate() - INTERVAL DAYOFMONTH(curdate()) DAY\n    and in ($repo_id)\n)\n\nselect\n  100 * sum(case when (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, issue_created_date,comment_date))/60 < $iir_sla then 1 else null end) / count(*)\nfrom issue_comment_list\nwhere comment_rank = 1",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "select\n  count(*)\nfrom\n  lake.issues i\n  join lake.board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n  join lake.boards b on bi.board_id =\n  join lake.issue_labels il on il.issue_id =\nwhere\n  il.label_name = \"$label_gfi\" and\n  i.status != 'DONE' and\n in ($repo_id)",
+          "rawSql": "select\n  count(*)\nfrom\n  issues i\n  join board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n  join boards b on bi.board_id =\n  join issue_labels il on il.issue_id =\nwhere\n  il.label_name = \"$label_gfi\" and\n  i.status != 'DONE' and\n in ($repo_id)",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "with pr_comment_list as(\n  select\n as issue_id,\n    pr.url,\n    pr.title,\n    pr.created_date as pr_created_date,\n as comment_id,\n    prc.created_date as comment_date,\n    prc.account_id,\n    case when is not null then rank() over (partition by order by prc.created_date asc) else null end as comment_rank\n  from\n    lake.pull_requests pr\n    left join lake.pull_request_comments prc on = prc.pull_request_id\n  where\n    date(pr.created_date) BETWEEN\n      curdate() - INTERVAL DAYOFMONTH(curdate())-1 DAY - INTERVAL 1 month and\n      curdate() - INTERVAL DAYOFMONTH(curdate()) DAY\n    and pr.base_repo_id in ($repo_id)\n)\n\nselect\n  avg((TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, pr_created_date, comment_date))/1440)\nfrom pr_comment_list\nwhere comment_rank = 1",
+          "rawSql": "with pr_comment_list as(\n  select\n as issue_id,\n    pr.url,\n    pr.title,\n    pr.created_date as pr_created_date,\n as comment_id,\n    prc.created_date as comment_date,\n    prc.account_id,\n    case when is not null then rank() over (partition by order by prc.created_date asc) else null end as comment_rank\n  from\n    pull_requests pr\n    left join pull_request_comments prc on = prc.pull_request_id\n  where\n    date(pr.created_date) BETWEEN\n      curdate() - INTERVAL DAYOFMONTH(curdate())-1 DAY - INTERVAL 1 month and\n      curdate() - INTERVAL DAYOFMONTH(curdate()) DAY\n    and pr.base_repo_id in ($repo_id)\n)\n\nselect\n  avg((TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, pr_created_date, comment_date))/1440)\nfrom pr_comment_list\nwhere comment_rank = 1",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -736,7 +736,7 @@
           "value": "$__all"
         "datasource": "mysql",
-        "definition": "select concat(name, '-', id) from lake.repos",
+        "definition": "select concat(name, '-', id) from repos",
         "description": null,
         "error": null,
         "hide": 0,
@@ -745,7 +745,7 @@
         "multi": true,
         "name": "repo_id",
         "options": [],
-        "query": "select concat(name, '-', id) from lake.repos",
+        "query": "select concat(name, '-', id) from repos",
         "refresh": 1,
         "regex": "/^(?<text>.*)-(?<value>.*)$/",
         "skipUrlSync": false,
diff --git a/grafana/dashboards/EngineeringOverview.json b/grafana/dashboards/EngineeringOverview.json
index 4c25122..4ab102c 100644
--- a/grafana/dashboards/EngineeringOverview.json
+++ b/grafana/dashboards/EngineeringOverview.json
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "select\n  count(*)\nfrom\n  lake.issues i\n\tjoin board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\tjoin boards b on bi.board_id =\n\tjoin project_mapping pm on = pm.row_id\nwhere\n  pm.project_name in ($project) and\n  i.priority in ($priority) and\n  i.type = 'BUG' and\n  date(i.created_date) between STR_TO_DATE('$month','%Y-%m-%d') and STR_TO_DATE('$month','%Y-%m-%d') + INTERVAL 1 MONTH - INTERVAL 1 DAY;",
+          "rawSql": "select\n  count(*)\nfrom\n  issues i\n\tjoin board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\tjoin boards b on bi.board_id =\n\tjoin project_mapping pm on = pm.row_id\nwhere\n  pm.project_name in ($project) and\n  i.priority in ($priority) and\n  i.type = 'BUG' and\n  date(i.created_date) between STR_TO_DATE('$month','%Y-%m-%d') and STR_TO_DATE('$month','%Y-%m-%d') + INTERVAL 1 MONTH - INTERVAL 1 DAY;",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "with _issues as(\n  select\n    DATE_ADD(date(i.created_date), INTERVAL -DAY(date(i.created_date))+1 DAY) as time,\n    count(*) as defect_count\n  from\n    lake.issues i\n    join board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\t  join boards b on bi.board_id =\n\t  join project_mapping pm on = pm.row_id\n  where\n    pm.project_name in ($project) and\n    i.priority in ($priority)\n    and i.type = 'BUG'\n    and $__timeFilter(i.created_date)\n    and i.created_date >= DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD($__timeFrom(), INTERVAL -DAY($__timeFrom())+1 DAY), INTERVAL +1 MONTH)\n  group by time\n)\n\nselect\n  date_format(time,'%M %Y') as month,\n  defect_count\nfrom _issues\norder by time asc\n",
+          "rawSql": "with _issues as(\n  select\n    DATE_ADD(date(i.created_date), INTERVAL -DAY(date(i.created_date))+1 DAY) as time,\n    count(*) as defect_count\n  from\n    issues i\n    join board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\t  join boards b on bi.board_id =\n\t  join project_mapping pm on = pm.row_id\n  where\n    pm.project_name in ($project) and\n    i.priority in ($priority)\n    and i.type = 'BUG'\n    and $__timeFilter(i.created_date)\n    and i.created_date >= DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD($__timeFrom(), INTERVAL -DAY($__timeFrom())+1 DAY), INTERVAL +1 MONTH)\n  group by time\n)\n\nselect\n  date_format(time,'%M %Y') as month,\n  defect_count\nfrom _issues\norder by time asc\n",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -538,7 +538,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "select\n  count(distinct author_name)\nfrom\n  lake.commits c\n  join lake.repo_commits rc on c.sha = rc.commit_sha\n  join project_mapping pm on rc.repo_id = pm.row_id\nwhere\n  date(authored_date) between\n    STR_TO_DATE('$month','%Y-%m-%d') and\n    STR_TO_DATE('$month','%Y-%m-%d') + INTERVAL 1 MONTH - INTERVAL 1 DAY and\n    pm.project_name in ($project);",
+          "rawSql": "select\n  count(distinct author_name)\nfrom\n  commits c\n  join repo_commits rc on c.sha = rc.commit_sha\n  join project_mapping pm on rc.repo_id = pm.row_id\nwhere\n  date(authored_date) between\n    STR_TO_DATE('$month','%Y-%m-%d') and\n    STR_TO_DATE('$month','%Y-%m-%d') + INTERVAL 1 MONTH - INTERVAL 1 DAY and\n    pm.project_name in ($project);",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -656,7 +656,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "with _developers as(\n  select\n    DATE_ADD(date(c.authored_date), INTERVAL -DAY(date(c.authored_date))+1 DAY) as time,\n    count(distinct author_name) as developer_count\n  from\n    lake.commits c\n    join lake.repo_commits rc on c.sha = rc.commit_sha\n    join project_mapping pm on rc.repo_id = pm.row_id\n  where\n    $__timeFilter(c.authored_date)\n    and c.authored_date >= DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD($__timeFrom(), INTERVAL -DAY($__timeFrom())+1 DAY), INTERVAL +1 MONTH)\n    and pm.project_name in ($project)\n  group by time\n)\n\nselect\n  date_format(time,'%M %Y') as month,\n  developer_count\nfrom _developers\norder by time asc",
+          "rawSql": "with _developers as(\n  select\n    DATE_ADD(date(c.authored_date), INTERVAL -DAY(date(c.authored_date))+1 DAY) as time,\n    count(distinct author_name) as developer_count\n  from\n    commits c\n    join repo_commits rc on c.sha = rc.commit_sha\n    join project_mapping pm on rc.repo_id = pm.row_id\n  where\n    $__timeFilter(c.authored_date)\n    and c.authored_date >= DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD($__timeFrom(), INTERVAL -DAY($__timeFrom())+1 DAY), INTERVAL +1 MONTH)\n    and pm.project_name in ($project)\n  group by time\n)\n\nselect\n  date_format(time,'%M %Y') as month,\n  developer_count\nfrom _developers\norder by time asc",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -750,7 +750,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "with _num_issues_with_sprint_updated as (\n  select\n    count(*) as num_issues_with_sprint_updated\n  from\n    lake.issues i\n    join board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\t  join boards b on bi.board_id =\n\t  join project_mapping pm on = pm.row_id\n    join lake.issue_changelogs c on = c.issue_id\n  where\n    pm.project_name in ($project) and\n    c.field_name = 'Sprint' and\n    c.original_from_value != '' and\n    c.original_to_value != '' and\n    date(i.created_date) between\n      STR_TO_DATE('$month','%Y-%m-%d') and\n      STR_TO_DATE('$month','%Y-%m-%d') + INTERVAL 1 MONTH - INTERVAL 1 DAY\n),\n\n_total_num_issues as (\n  select\n    count(*) as total_num_issues\n  from\n    lake.issues i\n    join board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\t  join boards b on bi.board_id =\n\t  join project_mapping pm on = pm.row_id\n  where\n    pm.project_name in ($project) and\n    date(i.created_date) between\n      STR_TO_DATE('$month','%Y-%m-%d') and\n      STR_TO_DATE('$month','%Y-%m-%d') + INTERVAL 1 MONTH - INTERVAL 1 DAY\n)\n\nselect\n  now() as time,\n  100 - 100 * (select 1.0 * num_issues_with_sprint_updated from _num_issues_with_sprint_updated) / (select total_num_issues from _total_num_issues) as ratio;",
+          "rawSql": "with _num_issues_with_sprint_updated as (\n  select\n    count(*) as num_issues_with_sprint_updated\n  from\n    issues i\n    join board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\t  join boards b on bi.board_id =\n\t  join project_mapping pm on = pm.row_id\n    join issue_changelogs c on = c.issue_id\n  where\n    pm.project_name in ($project) and\n    c.field_name = 'Sprint' and\n    c.original_from_value != '' and\n    c.original_to_value != '' and\n    date(i.created_date) between\n      STR_TO_DATE('$month','%Y-%m-%d') and\n      STR_TO_DATE('$month','%Y-%m-%d') + INTERVAL 1 MONTH - INTERVAL 1 DAY\n),\n\n_total_num_issues as (\n  select\n    count(*) as total_num_issues\n  from\n    issues i\n    join board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\t  join boards b on bi.board_id =\n\t  join project_mapping pm on = pm.row_id\n  where\n    pm.project_name in ($project) and\n    date(i.created_date) between\n      STR_TO_DATE('$month','%Y-%m-%d') and\n      STR_TO_DATE('$month','%Y-%m-%d') + INTERVAL 1 MONTH - INTERVAL 1 DAY\n)\n\nselect\n  now() as time,\n  100 - 100 * (select 1.0 * num_issues_with_sprint_updated from _num_issues_with_sprint_updated) / (select total_num_issues from _total_num_issues) as ratio;",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -867,7 +867,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "with _num_issues_with_sprint_updated as (\n  select\n    DATE_ADD(date(i.created_date), INTERVAL -DAY(date(i.created_date))+1 DAY) as time,\n    count(*) as num_issues_with_sprint_updated\n  from\n    lake.issues i\n    join board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\t  join boards b on bi.board_id =\n\t  join project_mapping pm on = pm.row_id\n    join lake.issue_changelogs c on = c.issue_id\n  where\n    pm.project_name in ($project) and\n    c.field_name = 'Sprint'\n    and c.original_from_value != '' \n    and c.original_to_value != ''\n    and $__timeFilter(i.created_date)\n    and i.created_date >= DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD($__timeFrom(), INTERVAL -DAY($__timeFrom())+1 DAY), INTERVAL +1 MONTH)\n  group by time\n),\n\n_total_num_issues as (\n  select\n    DATE_ADD(date(i.created_date), INTERVAL -DAY(date(i.created_date))+1 DAY) as time,\n    count(*) as total_num_issues\n  from\n    lake.issues i\n    join board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\t  join boards b on bi.board_id =\n\t  join project_mapping pm on = pm.row_id\n  where\n    pm.project_name in ($project) and\n    $__timeFilter(i.created_date)\n    and i.created_date >= DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD($__timeFrom(), INTERVAL -DAY($__timeFrom())+1 DAY), INTERVAL +1 MONTH)\n  group by time\n)\n\nselect\n  x.time,\n  100 - 100 * (1.0 * x.num_issues_with_sprint_updated / y.total_num_issues) as delivery_rate\nfrom \n  _num_issues_with_sprint_updated x \n  join _total_num_issues y on x.time = y.time",
+          "rawSql": "with _num_issues_with_sprint_updated as (\n  select\n    DATE_ADD(date(i.created_date), INTERVAL -DAY(date(i.created_date))+1 DAY) as time,\n    count(*) as num_issues_with_sprint_updated\n  from\n    issues i\n    join board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\t  join boards b on bi.board_id =\n\t  join project_mapping pm on = pm.row_id\n    join issue_changelogs c on = c.issue_id\n  where\n    pm.project_name in ($project) and\n    c.field_name = 'Sprint'\n    and c.original_from_value != '' \n    and c.original_to_value != ''\n    and $__timeFilter(i.created_date)\n    and i.created_date >= DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD($__timeFrom(), INTERVAL -DAY($__timeFrom())+1 DAY), INTERVAL +1 MONTH)\n  group by time\n),\n\n_total_num_issues as (\n  select\n    DATE_ADD(date(i.created_date), INTERVAL -DAY(date(i.created_date))+1 DAY) as time,\n    count(*) as total_num_issues\n  from\n    issues i\n    join board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\t  join boards b on bi.board_id =\n\t  join project_mapping pm on = pm.row_id\n  where\n    pm.project_name in ($project) and\n    $__timeFilter(i.created_date)\n    and i.created_date >= DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD($__timeFrom(), INTERVAL -DAY($__timeFrom())+1 DAY), INTERVAL +1 MONTH)\n  group by time\n)\n\nselect\n  x.time,\n  100 - 100 * (1.0 * x.num_issues_with_sprint_updated / y.total_num_issues) as delivery_rate\nfrom \n  _num_issues_with_sprint_updated x \n  join _total_num_issues y on x.time = y.time",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -956,7 +956,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "select\n  count(*)\nfrom\n  lake.pull_requests pr\n  join project_mapping pm on pr.base_repo_id = pm.row_id and pm.table = 'repos' \nwhere\n  pr.merged_date is not null \n  and date(pr.merged_date) between\n    STR_TO_DATE('$month','%Y-%m-%d')\n  and STR_TO_DATE('$month','%Y-%m-%d') + INTERVAL 1 MONTH - INTERVAL 1 DAY \n  and pm.project_name in ($project);",
+          "rawSql": "select\n  count(*)\nfrom\n  pull_requests pr\n  join project_mapping pm on pr.base_repo_id = pm.row_id and pm.table = 'repos' \nwhere\n  pr.merged_date is not null \n  and date(pr.merged_date) between\n    STR_TO_DATE('$month','%Y-%m-%d')\n  and STR_TO_DATE('$month','%Y-%m-%d') + INTERVAL 1 MONTH - INTERVAL 1 DAY \n  and pm.project_name in ($project);",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -1075,7 +1075,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "with _merged_prs as(\n  select\n    DATE_ADD(date(pr.merged_date), INTERVAL -DAY(date(pr.merged_date))+1 DAY) as time,\n    count(*) as pr_merged_count\n  from\n    lake.pull_requests pr\n    join project_mapping pm on pr.base_repo_id = pm.row_id and pm.table = 'repos' \n  where\n    pm.project_name in ($project)\n    and pr.merged_date is not null\n    and $__timeFilter(pr.merged_date)\n    and pr.merged_date >= DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD($__timeFrom(), INTERVAL -DAY($__timeFrom())+1 DAY), INTERVAL +1 MONTH)\n  group by time\n)\n\nselect\n  date_format(time,'%M %Y') as month,\n  pr_merged_count\nfrom _merged_prs\norder by time asc",
+          "rawSql": "with _merged_prs as(\n  select\n    DATE_ADD(date(pr.merged_date), INTERVAL -DAY(date(pr.merged_date))+1 DAY) as time,\n    count(*) as pr_merged_count\n  from\n    pull_requests pr\n    join project_mapping pm on pr.base_repo_id = pm.row_id and pm.table = 'repos' \n  where\n    pm.project_name in ($project)\n    and pr.merged_date is not null\n    and $__timeFilter(pr.merged_date)\n    and pr.merged_date >= DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD($__timeFrom(), INTERVAL -DAY($__timeFrom())+1 DAY), INTERVAL +1 MONTH)\n  group by time\n)\n\nselect\n  date_format(time,'%M %Y') as month,\n  pr_merged_count\nfrom _merged_prs\norder by time asc",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -1168,7 +1168,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "select \n  100*sum(case when id in (select pull_request_id from pull_request_issues) then 1 else 0 end)/count(*) as unlinked_pr_rate\nfrom lake.pull_requests pr\njoin project_mapping pm on pr.base_repo_id = pm.row_id and pm.table = 'repos' \nwhere pm.project_name in ($project)",
+          "rawSql": "select \n  100*sum(case when id in (select pull_request_id from pull_request_issues) then 1 else 0 end)/count(*) as unlinked_pr_rate\nfrom pull_requests pr\njoin project_mapping pm on pr.base_repo_id = pm.row_id and pm.table = 'repos' \nwhere pm.project_name in ($project)",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -1284,7 +1284,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "select\n  DATE_ADD(date(created_date), INTERVAL -DAY(date(created_date))+1 DAY) as time,\n  100*sum(case when id in (select pull_request_id from pull_request_issues) then 1 else 0 end)/count(*) as unlinked_pr_rate\nfrom lake.pull_requests pr\njoin project_mapping pm on pr.base_repo_id = pm.row_id and pm.table = 'repos' \nwhere pm.project_name in ($project)\nand $__timeFilter(created_date)\nand created_date >= DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD($__timeFrom(), INTERVAL -DAY($__timeFrom())+1 DAY), INTERVAL +1 MONTH)\ngroup by time\n\n",
+          "rawSql": "select\n  DATE_ADD(date(created_date), INTERVAL -DAY(date(created_date))+1 DAY) as time,\n  100*sum(case when id in (select pull_request_id from pull_request_issues) then 1 else 0 end)/count(*) as unlinked_pr_rate\nfrom pull_requests pr\njoin project_mapping pm on pr.base_repo_id = pm.row_id and pm.table = 'repos' \nwhere pm.project_name in ($project)\nand $__timeFilter(created_date)\nand created_date >= DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD($__timeFrom(), INTERVAL -DAY($__timeFrom())+1 DAY), INTERVAL +1 MONTH)\ngroup by time\n\n",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -1373,7 +1373,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "with _commits_groupby_name_and_date as (\n  select\n    author_name,\n    date(authored_date) as _day,\n    count(*)\n  from\n    lake.commits c\n    join lake.repo_commits rc on c.sha = rc.commit_sha\n    join project_mapping pm on rc.repo_id = pm.row_id\n  where\n    pm.project_name in ($project) and\n    WEEKDAY(authored_date) between 0 and 4 and\n    date(authored_date) between\n      STR_TO_DATE('$month','%Y-%m-%d') and\n      STR_TO_DATE('$month','%Y-%m-%d') + INTERVAL 1 MONTH - INTERVAL 1 DAY\n  group by\n  author_name, date(authored_date)\n)\n\nselect 100 * count(*) / (count(distinct author_name) * count(distinct _day))\nfrom _commits_groupby_name_and_date;",
+          "rawSql": "with _commits_groupby_name_and_date as (\n  select\n    author_name,\n    date(authored_date) as _day,\n    count(*)\n  from\n    commits c\n    join repo_commits rc on c.sha = rc.commit_sha\n    join project_mapping pm on rc.repo_id = pm.row_id\n  where\n    pm.project_name in ($project) and\n    WEEKDAY(authored_date) between 0 and 4 and\n    date(authored_date) between\n      STR_TO_DATE('$month','%Y-%m-%d') and\n      STR_TO_DATE('$month','%Y-%m-%d') + INTERVAL 1 MONTH - INTERVAL 1 DAY\n  group by\n  author_name, date(authored_date)\n)\n\nselect 100 * count(*) / (count(distinct author_name) * count(distinct _day))\nfrom _commits_groupby_name_and_date;",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -1489,7 +1489,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "with _commits_groupby_name_and_date as (\n  select\n    author_name,\n    date(authored_date) as _day,\n    count(*)\n  from\n    lake.commits c\n    join lake.repo_commits rc on c.sha = rc.commit_sha\n    join project_mapping pm on rc.repo_id = pm.row_id\n  where\n    pm.project_name in ($project) and\n    (WEEKDAY(authored_date) between 0 and 4)\n    and $__timeFilter(authored_date)\n    and authored_date >= DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD($__timeFrom(), INTERVAL -DAY($__timeFrom())+1 DAY), INTERVAL +1 MONTH)\n  group by 1,2\n)\n\nselect\n  DATE_ADD(_day, INTERVAL -DAY(_day)+1 DAY) as time,\n  100*count(*)/(count(distinct author_name) * count(distinct _day)) as working_days_percentatages_per_month\nfrom _commits_groupby_name_and_date\ngroup by time",
+          "rawSql": "with _commits_groupby_name_and_date as (\n  select\n    author_name,\n    date(authored_date) as _day,\n    count(*)\n  from\n    commits c\n    join repo_commits rc on c.sha = rc.commit_sha\n    join project_mapping pm on rc.repo_id = pm.row_id\n  where\n    pm.project_name in ($project) and\n    (WEEKDAY(authored_date) between 0 and 4)\n    and $__timeFilter(authored_date)\n    and authored_date >= DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD($__timeFrom(), INTERVAL -DAY($__timeFrom())+1 DAY), INTERVAL +1 MONTH)\n  group by 1,2\n)\n\nselect\n  DATE_ADD(_day, INTERVAL -DAY(_day)+1 DAY) as time,\n  100*count(*)/(count(distinct author_name) * count(distinct _day)) as working_days_percentatages_per_month\nfrom _commits_groupby_name_and_date\ngroup by time",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -1580,7 +1580,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "select\n  AVG(TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, pr.created_date, pr.merged_date) / 1440)\nfrom\n  lake.pull_requests pr\n  join project_mapping pm on pr.base_repo_id = pm.row_id and pm.table = 'repos' \nwhere\n  pm.project_name in ($project) and\n  pr.merged_date is not null\n  and date(pr.created_date) between\n    STR_TO_DATE('$month','%Y-%m-%d') \n    and STR_TO_DATE('$month','%Y-%m-%d') + INTERVAL 1 MONTH - INTERVAL 1 DAY",
+          "rawSql": "select\n  AVG(TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, pr.created_date, pr.merged_date) / 1440)\nfrom\n  pull_requests pr\n  join project_mapping pm on pr.base_repo_id = pm.row_id and pm.table = 'repos' \nwhere\n  pm.project_name in ($project) and\n  pr.merged_date is not null\n  and date(pr.created_date) between\n    STR_TO_DATE('$month','%Y-%m-%d') \n    and STR_TO_DATE('$month','%Y-%m-%d') + INTERVAL 1 MONTH - INTERVAL 1 DAY",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -1699,7 +1699,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "select\n  DATE_ADD(date(pr.created_date), INTERVAL -DAY(date(pr.created_date))+1 DAY) as time,\n  AVG(TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, pr.created_date, pr.merged_date) / 1440) as pr_time_to_merge_in_days\nfrom\n  lake.pull_requests pr\n  join project_mapping pm on pr.base_repo_id = pm.row_id and pm.table = 'repos' \nwhere\n  pm.project_name in ($project) and\n  pr.merged_date is not null\n  and $__timeFilter(pr.created_date)\n  and pr.created_date >= DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD($__timeFrom(), INTERVAL -DAY($__timeFrom())+1 DAY), INTERVAL +1 MONTH)\ngroup by time\norder by time",
+          "rawSql": "select\n  DATE_ADD(date(pr.created_date), INTERVAL -DAY(date(pr.created_date))+1 DAY) as time,\n  AVG(TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, pr.created_date, pr.merged_date) / 1440) as pr_time_to_merge_in_days\nfrom\n  pull_requests pr\n  join project_mapping pm on pr.base_repo_id = pm.row_id and pm.table = 'repos' \nwhere\n  pm.project_name in ($project) and\n  pr.merged_date is not null\n  and $__timeFilter(pr.created_date)\n  and pr.created_date >= DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD($__timeFrom(), INTERVAL -DAY($__timeFrom())+1 DAY), INTERVAL +1 MONTH)\ngroup by time\norder by time",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -1834,7 +1834,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "select\n  i.priority as 'Priority',\n  AVG(TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, i.created_date, NOW()) / 1440) as 'Average Age'\nfrom\n  lake.issues i\n  join board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\tjoin boards b on bi.board_id =\n\tjoin project_mapping pm on = pm.row_id\nwhere\n  pm.project_name in ($project) and\n  i.status = 'TODO'\n  and i.type = 'BUG'\n  and i.priority in ($priority)\ngroup by\n  i.priority",
+          "rawSql": "select\n  i.priority as 'Priority',\n  AVG(TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, i.created_date, NOW()) / 1440) as 'Average Age'\nfrom\n  issues i\n  join board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\tjoin boards b on bi.board_id =\n\tjoin project_mapping pm on = pm.row_id\nwhere\n  pm.project_name in ($project) and\n  i.status = 'TODO'\n  and i.type = 'BUG'\n  and i.priority in ($priority)\ngroup by\n  i.priority",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -2082,14 +2082,14 @@
           "type": "mysql",
           "uid": "P430005175C4C7810"
-        "definition": "select\n  distinct(concat(date_format(DATE_ADD(date(created_date), INTERVAL -DAY(date(created_date))+1 DAY), '%Y-%m') , ':', date_format(DATE_ADD(date(created_date), INTERVAL -DAY(date(created_date))+1 DAY), '%Y-%m-%d'))) as month\nfrom\n  lake.issues i\norder by month desc",
+        "definition": "select\n  distinct(concat(date_format(DATE_ADD(date(created_date), INTERVAL -DAY(date(created_date))+1 DAY), '%Y-%m') , ':', date_format(DATE_ADD(date(created_date), INTERVAL -DAY(date(created_date))+1 DAY), '%Y-%m-%d'))) as month\nfrom\n  issues i\norder by month desc",
         "hide": 0,
         "includeAll": false,
         "label": "Month",
         "multi": false,
         "name": "month",
         "options": [],
-        "query": "select\n  distinct(concat(date_format(DATE_ADD(date(created_date), INTERVAL -DAY(date(created_date))+1 DAY), '%Y-%m') , ':', date_format(DATE_ADD(date(created_date), INTERVAL -DAY(date(created_date))+1 DAY), '%Y-%m-%d'))) as month\nfrom\n  lake.issues i\norder by month desc",
+        "query": "select\n  distinct(concat(date_format(DATE_ADD(date(created_date), INTERVAL -DAY(date(created_date))+1 DAY), '%Y-%m') , ':', date_format(DATE_ADD(date(created_date), INTERVAL -DAY(date(created_date))+1 DAY), '%Y-%m-%d'))) as month\nfrom\n  issues i\norder by month desc",
         "refresh": 1,
         "regex": "/^(?<text>.*):(?<value>.*)$/",
         "skipUrlSync": false,
diff --git a/grafana/dashboards/WeeklyBugRetro.json b/grafana/dashboards/WeeklyBugRetro.json
index abee645..a17d9cc 100644
--- a/grafana/dashboards/WeeklyBugRetro.json
+++ b/grafana/dashboards/WeeklyBugRetro.json
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "select\n  count(*)\nfrom\n  lake.issues as i\n  join lake.board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n  join boards b on bi.board_id =\nwhere\n  i.type in ($issue_type)\n  and date(i.created_date) BETWEEN curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+7 DAY AND curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+1 DAY\n  and in ($board_id)",
+          "rawSql": "select\n  count(*)\nfrom\n  issues as i\n  join board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n  join boards b on bi.board_id =\nwhere\n  i.type in ($issue_type)\n  and date(i.created_date) BETWEEN curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+7 DAY AND curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+1 DAY\n  and in ($board_id)",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "select\n  priority,\n  count(*) as 'Issue Number'\nfrom\n  lake.issues as i\n  join lake.board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n  join boards b on bi.board_id =\nwhere\n  i.type in ($issue_type)\n  and date(i.created_date) BETWEEN curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+7 DAY AND curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+1 DAY\n  and in ($board_id)\ngroup by 1",
+          "rawSql": "select\n  priority,\n  count(*) as 'Issue Number'\nfrom\n  issues as i\n  join board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n  join boards b on bi.board_id =\nwhere\n  i.type in ($issue_type)\n  and date(i.created_date) BETWEEN curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+7 DAY AND curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+1 DAY\n  and in ($board_id)\ngroup by 1",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "select\n  i.issue_key as 'Issue Number',\n  i.title as 'Title',\n  i.url as 'Url'\nfrom\n  lake.issues as i\n\tjoin lake.board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\tjoin lake.boards b on bi.board_id =\nwhere\n  i.type in ($issue_type)\n  and date(i.created_date) BETWEEN curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+7 DAY AND curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+1 DAY\n  and in ($board_id)",
+          "rawSql": "select\n  i.issue_key as 'Issue Number',\n  i.title as 'Title',\n  i.url as 'Url'\nfrom\n  issues as i\n\tjoin board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\tjoin boards b on bi.board_id =\nwhere\n  i.type in ($issue_type)\n  and date(i.created_date) BETWEEN curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+7 DAY AND curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+1 DAY\n  and in ($board_id)",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "select\n  count(*)\nfrom\n  lake.issues as i\n  join board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\tjoin boards b on bi.board_id =\nwhere\n  i.type in ($issue_type)\n  and status = 'DONE'\n  and date(i.resolution_date) BETWEEN curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+7 DAY AND curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+1 DAY\n  and in ($board_id)",
+          "rawSql": "select\n  count(*)\nfrom\n  issues as i\n  join board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\tjoin boards b on bi.board_id =\nwhere\n  i.type in ($issue_type)\n  and status = 'DONE'\n  and date(i.resolution_date) BETWEEN curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+7 DAY AND curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+1 DAY\n  and in ($board_id)",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "select\n  avg(lead_time_minutes / 1440)\nfrom\n  lake.issues as i\n\tjoin board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\tjoin boards b on bi.board_id =\nwhere\n  i.type in ($issue_type)\n  and status = 'DONE'\n  and date(i.resolution_date) BETWEEN curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+7 DAY AND curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+1 DAY\n  and in ($board_id)",
+          "rawSql": "select\n  avg(lead_time_minutes / 1440)\nfrom\n  issues as i\n\tjoin board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\tjoin boards b on bi.board_id =\nwhere\n  i.type in ($issue_type)\n  and status = 'DONE'\n  and date(i.resolution_date) BETWEEN curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+7 DAY AND curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+1 DAY\n  and in ($board_id)",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -706,7 +706,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "select\n  i.issue_key as 'Issue Number',\n  i.title as 'Title',\n  lead_time_minutes/1440 as 'Lead Time in Days',\n  i.url as 'Url'\nfrom\n  lake.issues as i\n\tjoin board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\tjoin boards b on bi.board_id =\nwhere\n  i.type in ($issue_type)\n  and status = 'DONE'\n  and date(i.resolution_date) BETWEEN curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+7 DAY AND curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+1 DAY\n  and in ($board_id)",
+          "rawSql": "select\n  i.issue_key as 'Issue Number',\n  i.title as 'Title',\n  lead_time_minutes/1440 as 'Lead Time in Days',\n  i.url as 'Url'\nfrom\n  issues as i\n\tjoin board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\tjoin boards b on bi.board_id =\nwhere\n  i.type in ($issue_type)\n  and status = 'DONE'\n  and date(i.resolution_date) BETWEEN curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+7 DAY AND curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+1 DAY\n  and in ($board_id)",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -825,7 +825,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "select\n  concat('#',i.issue_key, ' ', i.title) as issue_key,\n  lead_time_minutes/1440 as lead_time\nfrom\n  lake.issues as i\n\tjoin board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\tjoin boards b on bi.board_id =\nwhere\n  i.type in ($issue_type)\n  and status = 'DONE'\n  and date(i.resolution_date) BETWEEN curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+7 DAY AND curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+1 DAY\n  and in ($board_id)\norder by lead_time desc",
+          "rawSql": "select\n  concat('#',i.issue_key, ' ', i.title) as issue_key,\n  lead_time_minutes/1440 as lead_time\nfrom\n  issues as i\n\tjoin board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\tjoin boards b on bi.board_id =\nwhere\n  i.type in ($issue_type)\n  and status = 'DONE'\n  and date(i.resolution_date) BETWEEN curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+7 DAY AND curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+1 DAY\n  and in ($board_id)\norder by lead_time desc",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -913,7 +913,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "select\n  count(*)\nfrom \n  lake.issues i\n\tjoin board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\tjoin boards b on bi.board_id =\nwhere\n  i.type in ($issue_type)\n  and i.status != 'DONE'\n  and in ($board_id)",
+          "rawSql": "select\n  count(*)\nfrom \n  issues i\n\tjoin board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\tjoin boards b on bi.board_id =\nwhere\n  i.type in ($issue_type)\n  and i.status != 'DONE'\n  and in ($board_id)",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -1001,7 +1001,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "select \n  avg((TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, i.created_date,NOW()))/1440)\nfrom \n  lake.issues i\n\tjoin board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\tjoin boards b on bi.board_id =\nwhere\n  i.type in ($issue_type)\n  and i.status != 'DONE'\n  and in ($board_id)",
+          "rawSql": "select \n  avg((TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, i.created_date,NOW()))/1440)\nfrom \n  issues i\n\tjoin board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\tjoin boards b on bi.board_id =\nwhere\n  i.type in ($issue_type)\n  and i.status != 'DONE'\n  and in ($board_id)",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -1168,7 +1168,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "select \n  i.issue_key as 'Issue Number',\n  i.title as 'Title',\n  (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, i.created_date,NOW()))/1440 as 'Queue Time in Days',\n  i.url as 'Url',\n  priority\nfrom \n  lake.issues i\n\tjoin board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\tjoin boards b on bi.board_id =\nwhere\n  i.type in ($issue_type)\n  and i.status != 'DONE'\n  and in ($board_id)\n  and priority in ($priority)\norder by 'Queue Time' desc",
+          "rawSql": "select \n  i.issue_key as 'Issue Number',\n  i.title as 'Title',\n  (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, i.created_date,NOW()))/1440 as 'Queue Time in Days',\n  i.url as 'Url',\n  priority\nfrom \n  issues i\n\tjoin board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\tjoin boards b on bi.board_id =\nwhere\n  i.type in ($issue_type)\n  and i.status != 'DONE'\n  and in ($board_id)\n  and priority in ($priority)\norder by 'Queue Time' desc",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -1289,7 +1289,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "select \n  concat('#', i.issue_key) as issue_key,\n  (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, i.created_date,NOW()))/1440 as 'Queue Time in Days'\nfrom \n  lake.issues i\n\tjoin board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\tjoin boards b on bi.board_id =\nwhere\n  i.type in ($issue_type)\n  and i.status != 'DONE'\n  and in ($board_id)\norder by 2 desc",
+          "rawSql": "select \n  concat('#', i.issue_key) as issue_key,\n  (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, i.created_date,NOW()))/1440 as 'Queue Time in Days'\nfrom \n  issues i\n\tjoin board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\tjoin boards b on bi.board_id =\nwhere\n  i.type in ($issue_type)\n  and i.status != 'DONE'\n  and in ($board_id)\norder by 2 desc",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -1433,7 +1433,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "select \n  i.issue_key as 'Issue Number',\n  i.title as 'Title',\n  (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, i.created_date,NOW()))/1440 as 'Queue Time in Days',\n  i.url as 'Url'\nfrom \n  lake.issues i\n\tjoin board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\tjoin boards b on bi.board_id =\nwhere\n  i.type in ($issue_type)\n  and i.status != 'DONE'\n  and i.assignee_name = ''\n  and in ($board_id)\norder by 'Queue Time' desc",
+          "rawSql": "select \n  i.issue_key as 'Issue Number',\n  i.title as 'Title',\n  (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, i.created_date,NOW()))/1440 as 'Queue Time in Days',\n  i.url as 'Url'\nfrom \n  issues i\n\tjoin board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\tjoin boards b on bi.board_id =\nwhere\n  i.type in ($issue_type)\n  and i.status != 'DONE'\n  and i.assignee_name = ''\n  and in ($board_id)\norder by 'Queue Time' desc",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -1550,7 +1550,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "with bugs as (  \n  select \n    DATE_ADD(date(i.created_date), INTERVAL -WEEKDAY(date(i.created_date)) DAY) as time,\n    count(*) as bug_count\n  from\n    lake.issues as i\n\t  join lake.board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\t  join lake.boards b on bi.board_id =\n  where \n    i.type in ($issue_type)\n    and $__timeFilter(i.created_date)\n    and in ($board_id)\n  group by time\n  order by time desc\n),\n\ncalendar_date as(\n\tSELECT CAST((SYSDATE()-INTERVAL (H+T+U) DAY) AS date) d\n\tFROM ( SELECT 0 H\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT 100 UNION ALL SELECT 200 UNION ALL SELECT 300\n\t\t) H CROSS JOIN ( SELECT 0 T\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT  10 UNION ALL SELECT  20 UNION ALL SELECT  30\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT  40 UNION ALL SELECT  50 UNION ALL SELECT  60\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT  70 UNION ALL SELECT  80 UNION ALL SELECT  90\n\t\t) T CROSS JOIN ( SELECT 0 U\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT   1 UNION ALL SELECT   2 UNION ALL SELECT   3\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT   4 UNION ALL SELECT   5 UNION ALL SELECT   6\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT   7 UNION ALL SELECT   8 UNION ALL SELECT   9\n\t\t) U\n\tWHERE\n\t\t(SYSDATE()-INTERVAL (H+T+U) DAY) >= (SYSDATE()-INTERVAL 6 MONTH)\n),\n\ncalendar_weeks as(\n  select \n  \tdistinct date(DATE_ADD(date(d), INTERVAL -WEEKDAY(date(d)) DAY)) as start_of_week\n  FROM calendar_date\n  ORDER BY 1 asc\n)\n\n\nselect \n  concat(date_format(cw.start_of_week,'%m/%d'), ' - ', date_format(DATE_ADD(cw.start_of_week, INTERVAL +6 DAY),'%m/%d')) as week,\n  case when bug_count is not null then bug_count else 0 end as 'Weekly New Bugs'\nfrom calendar_weeks cw left join bugs b on cw.start_of_week = b.time\norder by cw.start_of_week asc\n",
+          "rawSql": "with bugs as (  \n  select \n    DATE_ADD(date(i.created_date), INTERVAL -WEEKDAY(date(i.created_date)) DAY) as time,\n    count(*) as bug_count\n  from\n    issues as i\n\t  join board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\t  join boards b on bi.board_id =\n  where \n    i.type in ($issue_type)\n    and $__timeFilter(i.created_date)\n    and in ($board_id)\n  group by time\n  order by time desc\n),\n\ncalendar_date as(\n\tSELECT CAST((SYSDATE()-INTERVAL (H+T+U) DAY) AS date) d\n\tFROM ( SELECT 0 H\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT 100 UNION ALL SELECT 200 UNION ALL SELECT 300\n\t\t) H CROSS JOIN ( SELECT 0 T\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT  10 UNION ALL SELECT  20 UNION ALL SELECT  30\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT  40 UNION ALL SELECT  50 UNION ALL SELECT  60\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT  70 UNION ALL SELECT  80 UNION ALL SELECT  90\n\t\t) T CROSS JOIN ( SELECT 0 U\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT   1 UNION ALL SELECT   2 UNION ALL SELECT   3\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT   4 UNION ALL SELECT   5 UNION ALL SELECT   6\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT   7 UNION ALL SELECT   8 UNION ALL SELECT   9\n\t\t) U\n\tWHERE\n\t\t(SYSDATE()-INTERVAL (H+T+U) DAY) >= (SYSDATE()-INTERVAL 6 MONTH)\n),\n\ncalendar_weeks as(\n  select \n  \tdistinct date(DATE_ADD(date(d), INTERVAL -WEEKDAY(date(d)) DAY)) as start_of_week\n  FROM calendar_date\n  ORDER BY 1 asc\n)\n\n\nselect \n  concat(date_format(cw.start_of_week,'%m/%d'), ' - ', date_format(DATE_ADD(cw.start_of_week, INTERVAL +6 DAY),'%m/%d')) as week,\n  case when bug_count is not null then bug_count else 0 end as 'Weekly New Bugs'\nfrom calendar_weeks cw left join bugs b on cw.start_of_week = b.time\norder by cw.start_of_week asc\n",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -1667,7 +1667,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "with bugs as (\n  select \n    DATE_ADD(date(i.resolution_date), INTERVAL -WEEKDAY(date(i.resolution_date)) DAY) as time,\n    count(*) as bug_count\n  from\n    lake.issues as i\n\t  join lake.board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\t  join lake.boards b on bi.board_id =\n  where \n    i.type in ($issue_type)\n    and status = 'DONE'\n    and $__timeFilter(i.resolution_date)\n    and in ($board_id)\n  group by time\n  order by time desc\n),\n\ncalendar_date as(\n\tSELECT CAST((SYSDATE()-INTERVAL (H+T+U) DAY) AS date) d\n\tFROM ( SELECT 0 H\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT 100 UNION ALL SELECT 200 UNION ALL SELECT 300\n\t\t) H CROSS JOIN ( SELECT 0 T\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT  10 UNION ALL SELECT  20 UNION ALL SELECT  30\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT  40 UNION ALL SELECT  50 UNION ALL SELECT  60\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT  70 UNION ALL SELECT  80 UNION ALL SELECT  90\n\t\t) T CROSS JOIN ( SELECT 0 U\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT   1 UNION ALL SELECT   2 UNION ALL SELECT   3\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT   4 UNION ALL SELECT   5 UNION ALL SELECT   6\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT   7 UNION ALL SELECT   8 UNION ALL SELECT   9\n\t\t) U\n\tWHERE\n\t\t(SYSDATE()-INTERVAL (H+T+U) DAY) >= (SYSDATE()-INTERVAL 6 MONTH)\n),\n\ncalendar_weeks as(\n  select \n  \tdistinct date(DATE_ADD(date(d), INTERVAL -WEEKDAY(date(d)) DAY)) as start_of_week\n  FROM calendar_date\n  ORDER BY 1 asc\n)\n\nselect \n  concat(date_format(cw.start_of_week,'%m/%d'), ' - ', date_format(DATE_ADD(cw.start_of_week, INTERVAL +6 DAY),'%m/%d')) as week,\n  case when bug_count is not null then bug_count else 0 end as 'Weekly Closed Bugs'\nfrom calendar_weeks cw left join bugs b on cw.start_of_week = b.time\norder by cw.start_of_week asc",
+          "rawSql": "with bugs as (\n  select \n    DATE_ADD(date(i.resolution_date), INTERVAL -WEEKDAY(date(i.resolution_date)) DAY) as time,\n    count(*) as bug_count\n  from\n    issues as i\n\t  join board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\t  join boards b on bi.board_id =\n  where \n    i.type in ($issue_type)\n    and status = 'DONE'\n    and $__timeFilter(i.resolution_date)\n    and in ($board_id)\n  group by time\n  order by time desc\n),\n\ncalendar_date as(\n\tSELECT CAST((SYSDATE()-INTERVAL (H+T+U) DAY) AS date) d\n\tFROM ( SELECT 0 H\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT 100 UNION ALL SELECT 200 UNION ALL SELECT 300\n\t\t) H CROSS JOIN ( SELECT 0 T\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT  10 UNION ALL SELECT  20 UNION ALL SELECT  30\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT  40 UNION ALL SELECT  50 UNION ALL SELECT  60\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT  70 UNION ALL SELECT  80 UNION ALL SELECT  90\n\t\t) T CROSS JOIN ( SELECT 0 U\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT   1 UNION ALL SELECT   2 UNION ALL SELECT   3\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT   4 UNION ALL SELECT   5 UNION ALL SELECT   6\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT   7 UNION ALL SELECT   8 UNION ALL SELECT   9\n\t\t) U\n\tWHERE\n\t\t(SYSDATE()-INTERVAL (H+T+U) DAY) >= (SYSDATE()-INTERVAL 6 MONTH)\n),\n\ncalendar_weeks as(\n  select \n  \tdistinct date(DATE_ADD(date(d), INTERVAL -WEEKDAY(date(d)) DAY)) as start_of_week\n  FROM calendar_date\n  ORDER BY 1 asc\n)\n\nselect \n  concat(date_format(cw.start_of_week,'%m/%d'), ' - ', date_format(DATE_ADD(cw.start_of_week, INTERVAL +6 DAY),'%m/%d')) as week,\n  case when bug_count is not null then bug_count else 0 end as 'Weekly Closed Bugs'\nfrom calendar_weeks cw left join bugs b on cw.start_of_week = b.time\norder by cw.start_of_week asc",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -1786,7 +1786,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "with calendar_date as(\n\tSELECT CAST((SYSDATE()-INTERVAL (H+T+U) DAY) AS date) d\n\tFROM ( SELECT 0 H\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT 100 UNION ALL SELECT 200 UNION ALL SELECT 300\n\t\t) H CROSS JOIN ( SELECT 0 T\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT  10 UNION ALL SELECT  20 UNION ALL SELECT  30\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT  40 UNION ALL SELECT  50 UNION ALL SELECT  60\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT  70 UNION ALL SELECT  80 UNION ALL SELECT  90\n\t\t) T CROSS JOIN ( SELECT 0 U\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT   1 UNION ALL SELECT   2 UNION ALL SELECT   3\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT   4 UNION ALL SELECT   5 UNION ALL SELECT   6\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT   7 UNION ALL SELECT   8 UNION ALL SELECT   9\n\t\t) U\n\tWHERE\n\t\t(SYSDATE()-INTERVAL (H+T+U) DAY) >= (SYSDATE()-INTERVAL 6 MONTH)\n),\n\ncalendar_weeks as(\n  select \n  \tdistinct date(DATE_ADD(date(d), INTERVAL -WEEKDAY(date(d)) DAY)) as start_of_week\n  FROM calendar_date\n  ORDER BY 1 asc\n),\n\ncreated_bugs as (  \n  select \n    DATE_ADD(date(i.created_date), INTERVAL -WEEKDAY(date(i.created_date)) DAY) as time,\n    count(*) as bug_count\n  from\n    lake.issues as i\n\t  join lake.board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\t  join lake.boards b on bi.board_id =\n  where \n    i.type in ($issue_type)\n    and $__timeFilter(i.created_date)\n    and in ($board_id)\n  group by time\n  order by time desc\n),\n\nresolved_bugs as (\n  select \n    DATE_ADD(date(i.resolution_date), INTERVAL -WEEKDAY(date(i.resolution_date)) DAY) as time,\n    count(*) as bug_count\n  from\n    lake.issues as i\n\t  join lake.board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\t  join lake.boards b on bi.board_id =\n  where \n    i.type in ($issue_type)\n    and status = 'DONE'\n    and $__timeFilter(i.resolution_date)\n    and in ($board_id)\n  group by time\n  order by time desc\n),\n\nweekly_new_bug as(\n  select\n    cw.start_of_week as week,\n    case when bug_count is not null then bug_count else 0 end as weekly_new_bug\n  from calendar_weeks cw left join created_bugs cb on cw.start_of_week = cb.time\n),\n\nweekly_closed_bug as(\n  select\n    cw.start_of_week as week,\n    case when bug_count is not null then bug_count else 0 end as weekly_closed_bug\n  from calendar_weeks cw left join resolved_bugs cb on cw.start_of_week = cb.time\n),\n\nweekly_updates as(\n  SELECT t1.week, weekly_new_bug, weekly_closed_bug FROM weekly_new_bug t1\n  LEFT JOIN weekly_closed_bug t2 ON t1.week = t2.week\n  UNION\n  SELECT t1.week, weekly_new_bug, weekly_closed_bug FROM weekly_new_bug t1\n  RIGHT JOIN weekly_closed_bug t2 ON t1.week = t2.week\n),\n\n\noriginal_open_bugs as (\n  SELECT \n    count(distinct as original_open_bug_count\n  FROM\n    lake.issues as i\n\t  join lake.board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\t  join lake.boards b on bi.board_id =\n  where \n    i.type in ($issue_type)\n    and i.created_date < $__timeFrom()\n    and (i.status != 'DONE' or $__timeFilter(i.resolution_date))\n    and in ($board_id)\n),\n\nweekly_updated_without_null as(\n  SELECT \n    week, \n    COALESCE(weekly_new_bug,0) as weekly_new_bug, \n    COALESCE(weekly_closed_bug,0) as weekly_closed_bug,\n    original_open_bug_count\n  from weekly_updates, original_open_bugs\n  where week is not null\n),\n\nweekly_delta as(\n  SELECT \n    *,\n    (weekly_new_bug - weekly_closed_bug) as weekly_delta\n  from weekly_updated_without_null\n  order by week asc\n),\n\nfinal_data as(\n  SELECT \n    *,\n    concat(date_format(week,'%m/%d'), ' - ', date_format(DATE_ADD(week, INTERVAL +6 DAY),'%m/%d')) as _week,\n    sum(weekly_delta) over(order by week asc) as weekly_accumulated\n  from weekly_delta\n)\n\nSELECT \n  _week,\n  (original_open_bug_count + weekly_accumulated) as \"Total No. of Outstanding Bugs By the End of Week\" from final_data",
+          "rawSql": "with calendar_date as(\n\tSELECT CAST((SYSDATE()-INTERVAL (H+T+U) DAY) AS date) d\n\tFROM ( SELECT 0 H\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT 100 UNION ALL SELECT 200 UNION ALL SELECT 300\n\t\t) H CROSS JOIN ( SELECT 0 T\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT  10 UNION ALL SELECT  20 UNION ALL SELECT  30\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT  40 UNION ALL SELECT  50 UNION ALL SELECT  60\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT  70 UNION ALL SELECT  80 UNION ALL SELECT  90\n\t\t) T CROSS JOIN ( SELECT 0 U\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT   1 UNION ALL SELECT   2 UNION ALL SELECT   3\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT   4 UNION ALL SELECT   5 UNION ALL SELECT   6\n\t\t\tUNION ALL SELECT   7 UNION ALL SELECT   8 UNION ALL SELECT   9\n\t\t) U\n\tWHERE\n\t\t(SYSDATE()-INTERVAL (H+T+U) DAY) >= (SYSDATE()-INTERVAL 6 MONTH)\n),\n\ncalendar_weeks as(\n  select \n  \tdistinct date(DATE_ADD(date(d), INTERVAL -WEEKDAY(date(d)) DAY)) as start_of_week\n  FROM calendar_date\n  ORDER BY 1 asc\n),\n\ncreated_bugs as (  \n  select \n    DATE_ADD(date(i.created_date), INTERVAL -WEEKDAY(date(i.created_date)) DAY) as time,\n    count(*) as bug_count\n  from\n    issues as i\n\t  join board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\t  join boards b on bi.board_id =\n  where \n    i.type in ($issue_type)\n    and $__timeFilter(i.created_date)\n    and in ($board_id)\n  group by time\n  order by time desc\n),\n\nresolved_bugs as (\n  select \n    DATE_ADD(date(i.resolution_date), INTERVAL -WEEKDAY(date(i.resolution_date)) DAY) as time,\n    count(*) as bug_count\n  from\n    issues as i\n\t  join board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\t  join boards b on bi.board_id =\n  where \n    i.type in ($issue_type)\n    and status = 'DONE'\n    and $__timeFilter(i.resolution_date)\n    and in ($board_id)\n  group by time\n  order by time desc\n),\n\nweekly_new_bug as(\n  select\n    cw.start_of_week as week,\n    case when bug_count is not null then bug_count else 0 end as weekly_new_bug\n  from calendar_weeks cw left join created_bugs cb on cw.start_of_week = cb.time\n),\n\nweekly_closed_bug as(\n  select\n    cw.start_of_week as week,\n    case when bug_count is not null then bug_count else 0 end as weekly_closed_bug\n  from calendar_weeks cw left join resolved_bugs cb on cw.start_of_week = cb.time\n),\n\nweekly_updates as(\n  SELECT t1.week, weekly_new_bug, weekly_closed_bug FROM weekly_new_bug t1\n  LEFT JOIN weekly_closed_bug t2 ON t1.week = t2.week\n  UNION\n  SELECT t1.week, weekly_new_bug, weekly_closed_bug FROM weekly_new_bug t1\n  RIGHT JOIN weekly_closed_bug t2 ON t1.week = t2.week\n),\n\n\noriginal_open_bugs as (\n  SELECT \n    count(distinct as original_open_bug_count\n  FROM\n    issues as i\n\t  join board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n\t  join boards b on bi.board_id =\n  where \n    i.type in ($issue_type)\n    and i.created_date < $__timeFrom()\n    and (i.status != 'DONE' or $__timeFilter(i.resolution_date))\n    and in ($board_id)\n),\n\nweekly_updated_without_null as(\n  SELECT \n    week, \n    COALESCE(weekly_new_bug,0) as weekly_new_bug, \n    COALESCE(weekly_closed_bug,0) as weekly_closed_bug,\n    original_open_bug_count\n  from weekly_updates, original_open_bugs\n  where week is not null\n),\n\nweekly_delta as(\n  SELECT \n    *,\n    (weekly_new_bug - weekly_closed_bug) as weekly_delta\n  from weekly_updated_without_null\n  order by week asc\n),\n\nfinal_data as(\n  SELECT \n    *,\n    concat(date_format(week,'%m/%d'), ' - ', date_format(DATE_ADD(week, INTERVAL +6 DAY),'%m/%d')) as _week,\n    sum(weekly_delta) over(order by week asc) as weekly_accumulated\n  from weekly_delta\n)\n\nSELECT \n  _week,\n  (original_open_bug_count + weekly_accumulated) as \"Total No. of Outstanding Bugs By the End of Week\" from final_data",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
diff --git a/grafana/dashboards/WeeklyCommunityRetro.json b/grafana/dashboards/WeeklyCommunityRetro.json
index 539fbae..cd232b5 100644
--- a/grafana/dashboards/WeeklyCommunityRetro.json
+++ b/grafana/dashboards/WeeklyCommunityRetro.json
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "select\n  count(*)\nfrom\n  lake.issues as i\n  join lake.board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n  join boards b on bi.board_id =\nwhere\n  i.type in ($issue_type)\n  and date(i.created_date) BETWEEN curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+7 DAY AND curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+1 DAY\n  and in ($repo_id)",
+          "rawSql": "select\n  count(*)\nfrom\n  issues as i\n  join board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n  join boards b on bi.board_id =\nwhere\n  i.type in ($issue_type)\n  and date(i.created_date) BETWEEN curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+7 DAY AND curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+1 DAY\n  and in ($repo_id)",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "select\n  count(*)\nfrom\n  lake.issues as i\n  join lake.board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n  join boards b on bi.board_id =\nwhere\n  i.type in ($issue_type)\n  and date(i.created_date) BETWEEN curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+7 DAY AND curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+1 DAY\n  and in ($repo_id)\n  and i.creator_id not in (select distinct id from accounts where organization in ($org))",
+          "rawSql": "select\n  count(*)\nfrom\n  issues as i\n  join board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n  join boards b on bi.board_id =\nwhere\n  i.type in ($issue_type)\n  and date(i.created_date) BETWEEN curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+7 DAY AND curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+1 DAY\n  and in ($repo_id)\n  and i.creator_id not in (select distinct id from accounts where organization in ($org))",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "select\n  sum(case when i.creator_id not in (select distinct id from accounts where organization in ($org)\n    ) then 1 else 0 end)/count(*) as community_issue_ratio\nfrom\n  lake.issues as i\n  join lake.board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n  join boards b on bi.board_id =\nwhere\n  i.type in ($issue_type)\n  and date(i.created_date) BETWEEN curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+7 DAY AND curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+1 DAY\n  and in ($repo_id)",
+          "rawSql": "select\n  sum(case when i.creator_id not in (select distinct id from accounts where organization in ($org)\n    ) then 1 else 0 end)/count(*) as community_issue_ratio\nfrom\n  issues as i\n  join board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n  join boards b on bi.board_id =\nwhere\n  i.type in ($issue_type)\n  and date(i.created_date) BETWEEN curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+7 DAY AND curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+1 DAY\n  and in ($repo_id)",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@
           "metricColumn": "none",
           "queryType": "randomWalk",
           "rawQuery": true,
-          "rawSql": "select\n  distinct i.creator_name\nfrom\n  lake.issues as i\n  join lake.board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n  join boards b on bi.board_id =\nwhere\n  i.type in ($issue_type)\n  and date(i.created_date) BETWEEN curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+7 DAY AND curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+1 DAY\n  and in ($repo_id)\n  and i.creator_name not in (select distinct creator_name from issues where created_date < curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+7 DAY and creator_name is not null)",
+          "rawSql": "select\n  distinct i.creator_name\nfrom\n  issues as i\n  join board_issues bi on = bi.issue_id\n  join boards b on bi.board_id =\nwhere\n  i.type in ($issue_type)\n  and date(i.created_date) BETWEEN curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+7 DAY AND curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+1 DAY\n  and in ($repo_id)\n  and i.creator_name not in (select distinct creator_name from issues where created_date < curdate() - INTERVAL WEEKDAY(curdate())+7 DAY and creator_name is not null)",
           "refId": "A",
           "select": [