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package api
import (
type WebhookDeployTaskRequest struct {
PipelineId string `mapstructure:"pipeline_id"`
// RepoUrl should be unique string, fill url or other unique data
RepoId string `mapstructure:"repo_id"`
RepoUrl string `mapstructure:"repo_url" validate:"required"`
CommitSha string `mapstructure:"commit_sha" validate:"required"`
RefName string `mapstructure:"ref_name"`
Result string `mapstructure:"result"`
// start_time and end_time is more readable for users,
// StartedDate and FinishedDate is same as columns in db.
// So they all keep.
CreatedDate *time.Time `mapstructure:"create_time"`
StartedDate *time.Time `mapstructure:"start_time" validate:"required"`
FinishedDate *time.Time `mapstructure:"end_time"`
Environment string `validate:"omitempty,oneof=PRODUCTION STAGING TESTING DEVELOPMENT"`
// PostDeploymentCicdTask
// @Summary create deployment by webhook
// @Description Create deployment pipeline by webhook.<br/>
// @Description example1: {"repo_url":"devlake","commit_sha":"015e3d3b480e417aede5a1293bd61de9b0fd051d","start_time":"2020-01-01T12:00:00+00:00","end_time":"2020-01-01T12:59:59+00:00","environment":"PRODUCTION"}<br/>
// @Description So we suggest request before task after deployment pipeline finish.
// @Description Both cicd_pipeline and cicd_task will be created
// @Tags plugins/webhook
// @Param body body WebhookDeployTaskRequest true "json body"
// @Success 200
// @Failure 400 {string} errcode.Error "Bad Request"
// @Failure 403 {string} errcode.Error "Forbidden"
// @Failure 500 {string} errcode.Error "Internal Error"
// @Router /plugins/webhook/:connectionId/deployments [POST]
func PostDeploymentCicdTask(input *plugin.ApiResourceInput) (*plugin.ApiResourceOutput, errors.Error) {
connection := &models.WebhookConnection{}
err := connectionHelper.First(connection, input.Params)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// get request
request := &WebhookDeployTaskRequest{}
err = api.DecodeMapStruct(input.Body, request, true)
if err != nil {
return &plugin.ApiResourceOutput{Body: err.Error(), Status: http.StatusBadRequest}, nil
// validate
vld = validator.New()
err = errors.Convert(vld.Struct(request))
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.BadInput.Wrap(vld.Struct(request), `input json error`)
db := basicRes.GetDal()
urlHash16 := fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5.Sum([]byte(request.RepoUrl)))[:16]
scopeId := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", "webhook", connection.ID)
deploymentCommitId := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d:%s:%s", "webhook", connection.ID, urlHash16, request.CommitSha)
pipelineId := request.PipelineId
if pipelineId == "" {
pipelineId = deploymentCommitId
if request.CreatedDate == nil {
request.CreatedDate = request.StartedDate
if request.Environment == "" {
request.Environment = devops.PRODUCTION
if request.FinishedDate == nil {
now := time.Now()
request.FinishedDate = &now
if request.Result == "" {
request.Result = devops.RESULT_SUCCESS
duration := uint64(request.FinishedDate.Sub(*request.StartedDate).Seconds())
// create a deployment_commit record
deploymentCommit := &devops.CicdDeploymentCommit{
DomainEntity: domainlayer.DomainEntity{
Id: deploymentCommitId,
CicdDeploymentId: pipelineId,
CicdScopeId: scopeId,
Name: fmt.Sprintf(`deployment for %s`, request.CommitSha),
Result: request.Result,
Status: devops.STATUS_DONE,
Environment: request.Environment,
CreatedDate: *request.CreatedDate,
StartedDate: request.StartedDate,
FinishedDate: request.FinishedDate,
DurationSec: &duration,
CommitSha: request.CommitSha,
RefName: request.RefName,
RepoId: request.RepoId,
RepoUrl: request.RepoUrl,
err = db.CreateOrUpdate(deploymentCommit)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// TODO: create a deployment record when the table is ready
return &plugin.ApiResourceOutput{Body: nil, Status: http.StatusOK}, nil