blob: fa7181e7c26bbf6fd91182b771f4e01663169610 [file] [log] [blame]
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package tasks
import (
helper ""
var ExtractApiPrReviewCommentsMeta = plugin.SubTaskMeta{
Name: "extractApiPrReviewComments",
EntryPoint: ExtractApiPrReviewComments,
EnabledByDefault: true,
Description: "Extract raw comment data into tool layer table github_pull_request_comments" +
"and github_issue_comments",
DomainTypes: []string{plugin.DOMAIN_TYPE_CROSS, plugin.DOMAIN_TYPE_CODE_REVIEW},
func ExtractApiPrReviewComments(taskCtx plugin.SubTaskContext) errors.Error {
data := taskCtx.GetData().(*GithubTaskData)
db := taskCtx.GetDal()
prUrlPattern := fmt.Sprintf(`https\:\/\/api\.github\.com\/repos\/%s\/pulls\/(\d+)`, data.Options.Name)
extractor, err := helper.NewApiExtractor(helper.ApiExtractorArgs{
RawDataSubTaskArgs: helper.RawDataSubTaskArgs{
Ctx: taskCtx,
Params: GithubApiParams{
ConnectionId: data.Options.ConnectionId,
Name: data.Options.Name,
Extract: func(row *helper.RawData) ([]interface{}, errors.Error) {
var prReviewComment struct {
GithubId int `json:"id"`
Body json.RawMessage
User *GithubAccountResponse
PrUrl string `json:"pull_request_url"`
GithubCreatedAt helper.Iso8601Time `json:"created_at"`
GithubUpdatedAt helper.Iso8601Time `json:"updated_at"`
CommitId string `json:"commit_id"`
PrReviewId int `json:"pull_request_review_id"`
err := errors.Convert(json.Unmarshal(row.Data, &prReviewComment))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
results := make([]interface{}, 0, 1)
githubPrComment := &models.GithubPrComment{
ConnectionId: data.Options.ConnectionId,
GithubId: prReviewComment.GithubId,
Body: string(prReviewComment.Body),
CommitSha: prReviewComment.CommitId,
ReviewId: prReviewComment.PrReviewId,
GithubCreatedAt: prReviewComment.GithubCreatedAt.ToTime(),
GithubUpdatedAt: prReviewComment.GithubUpdatedAt.ToTime(),
Type: "DIFF",
prUrlRegex, err := errors.Convert01(regexp.Compile(prUrlPattern))
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Default.Wrap(err, "regexp Compile prUrlPattern failed")
prId, err := enrichGithubPrComment(data, db, prUrlRegex, prReviewComment.PrUrl)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Default.Wrap(err, "parse prId failed")
if prId != 0 {
githubPrComment.PullRequestId = prId
if prReviewComment.User != nil {
githubPrComment.AuthorUserId = prReviewComment.User.Id
githubPrComment.AuthorUsername = prReviewComment.User.Login
githubAccount, err := convertAccount(prReviewComment.User, data.Options.GithubId, data.Options.ConnectionId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
results = append(results, githubAccount)
results = append(results, githubPrComment)
return results, nil
if err != nil {
return err
return extractor.Execute()
func enrichGithubPrComment(data *GithubTaskData, db dal.Dal, prUrlRegex *regexp.Regexp, prUrl string) (int, errors.Error) {
groups := prUrlRegex.FindStringSubmatch(prUrl)
if len(groups) > 0 {
prNumber, err := strconv.Atoi(groups[1])
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Default.Wrap(err, "parse prId failed")
pr := &models.GithubPullRequest{}
err1 := db.First(pr, dal.Where("connection_id = ? and number = ? and repo_id = ?", data.Options.ConnectionId, prNumber, data.Options.GithubId))
if db.IsErrorNotFound(err1) {
return 0, nil
} else if err1 != nil {
return 0, errors.NotFound.Wrap(err1, "github pull request parse failed ")
return pr.GithubId, nil
return 0, nil