blob: a765f6bdc7b269f8003d1410eeeb328b899e23f7 [file] [log] [blame]
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package services
import (
type BlueprintManager struct {
db dal.Dal
type GetBlueprintQuery struct {
Enable *bool
IsManual *bool
Label string
SkipRecords int
PageSize int
Mode string
type BlueprintProjectPairs struct {
Projects []string `json:"projects"`
Blueprints []string `json:"blueprints"`
func NewBlueprintManager(db dal.Dal) *BlueprintManager {
return &BlueprintManager{
db: db,
func NewBlueprintProjectPairs(bps []*models.Blueprint) *BlueprintProjectPairs {
pairs := &BlueprintProjectPairs{}
for _, bp := range bps {
pairs.Blueprints = append(pairs.Blueprints, bp.Name)
pairs.Projects = append(pairs.Projects, bp.ProjectName)
return pairs
// SaveDbBlueprint accepts a Blueprint instance and upsert it to database
func (b *BlueprintManager) SaveDbBlueprint(blueprint *models.Blueprint) errors.Error {
var err error
if blueprint.ID != 0 {
err = b.db.Update(&blueprint)
} else {
err = b.db.Create(&blueprint)
if err != nil {
return errors.Default.Wrap(err, "error creating DB blueprint")
err = b.db.Delete(&models.DbBlueprintLabel{}, dal.Where(`blueprint_id = ?`, blueprint.ID))
if err != nil {
return errors.Default.Wrap(err, "error delete DB blueprint's old labelModels")
if len(blueprint.Labels) > 0 {
blueprintLabels := make([]*models.DbBlueprintLabel, 0)
for i := range blueprint.Labels {
blueprintLabels = append(blueprintLabels, &models.DbBlueprintLabel{
BlueprintId: blueprint.ID,
Name: blueprint.Labels[i],
err = b.db.Create(&blueprintLabels)
if err != nil {
return errors.Default.Wrap(err, "error creating DB blueprint's labelModels")
return nil
// GetDbBlueprints returns a paginated list of Blueprints based on `query`
func (b *BlueprintManager) GetDbBlueprints(query *GetBlueprintQuery) ([]*models.Blueprint, int64, errors.Error) {
// process query parameters
clauses := []dal.Clause{dal.From(&models.Blueprint{})}
if query.Enable != nil {
clauses = append(clauses, dal.Where("enable = ?", *query.Enable))
if query.IsManual != nil {
clauses = append(clauses, dal.Where("is_manual = ?", *query.IsManual))
if query.Label != "" {
clauses = append(clauses,
dal.Join("left join _devlake_blueprint_labels bl ON bl.blueprint_id ="),
dal.Where(" = ?", query.Label),
if query.Mode != "" {
clauses = append(clauses, dal.Where("mode = ?", query.Mode))
// count total records
count, err := b.db.Count(clauses...)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
clauses = append(clauses, dal.Orderby("id DESC"))
// load paginated blueprints from database
if query.SkipRecords != 0 {
clauses = append(clauses, dal.Offset(query.SkipRecords))
if query.PageSize != 0 {
clauses = append(clauses, dal.Limit(query.PageSize))
dbBlueprints := make([]*models.Blueprint, 0)
err = b.db.All(&dbBlueprints, clauses...)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, errors.Default.Wrap(err, "error getting DB count of blueprints")
// load labels for blueprints
for _, dbBlueprint := range dbBlueprints {
err = b.fillBlueprintDetail(dbBlueprint)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
return dbBlueprints, count, nil
// GetDbBlueprint returns the detail of a given Blueprint ID
func (b *BlueprintManager) GetDbBlueprint(blueprintId uint64) (*models.Blueprint, errors.Error) {
blueprint := &models.Blueprint{}
err := b.db.First(blueprint, dal.Where("id = ?", blueprintId))
if err != nil {
if b.db.IsErrorNotFound(err) {
return nil, errors.NotFound.Wrap(err, "could not find blueprint in DB")
return nil, errors.Default.Wrap(err, "error getting blueprint from DB")
err = b.fillBlueprintDetail(blueprint)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return blueprint, nil
// GetBlueprintsByScopes returns all blueprints that have these scopeIds and this connection Id
func (b *BlueprintManager) GetBlueprintsByScopes(connectionId uint64, pluginName string, scopeIds ...string) (map[string][]*models.Blueprint, errors.Error) {
bps, _, err := b.GetDbBlueprints(&GetBlueprintQuery{Mode: "NORMAL"})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
scopeMap := map[string][]*models.Blueprint{}
for _, bp := range bps {
scopes, err := bp.GetScopes(connectionId, pluginName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, scope := range scopes {
if contains(scopeIds, scope.Id) {
scopeMap[scope.Id] = append(scopeMap[scope.Id], bp)
return scopeMap, nil
// GetBlueprintsByScopes returns all blueprints that have these scopeIds and this connection Id
func (b *BlueprintManager) GetBlueprintsByConnection(plugin string, connectionId uint64) ([]*models.Blueprint, errors.Error) {
bps, _, err := b.GetDbBlueprints(&GetBlueprintQuery{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var filteredBps []*models.Blueprint
for _, bp := range bps {
connections, err := bp.GetConnections()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, connection := range connections {
if connection.ConnectionId == connectionId && connection.Plugin == plugin {
filteredBps = append(filteredBps, bp)
return filteredBps, nil
// GetDbBlueprintByProjectName returns the detail of a given projectName
func (b *BlueprintManager) GetDbBlueprintByProjectName(projectName string) (*models.Blueprint, errors.Error) {
dbBlueprint := &models.Blueprint{}
err := b.db.First(dbBlueprint, dal.Where("project_name = ?", projectName))
if err != nil {
if b.db.IsErrorNotFound(err) {
return nil, errors.NotFound.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("could not find blueprint in DB by projectName %s", projectName))
return nil, errors.Default.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("error getting blueprint from DB by projectName %s", projectName))
err = b.fillBlueprintDetail(dbBlueprint)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dbBlueprint, nil
// DeleteBlueprint deletes a blueprint by its id
func (b *BlueprintManager) DeleteBlueprint(id uint64) errors.Error {
var err errors.Error
tx := b.db.Begin()
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil || err != nil {
err = tx.Rollback()
if err != nil {
logruslog.Global.Error(err, "DeleteBlueprint: failed to rollback")
err = tx.Delete(&models.DbBlueprintLabel{}, dal.Where("blueprint_id = ?", id))
if err != nil {
return err
err = tx.Delete(&models.Blueprint{
Model: common.Model{
ID: id,
if err != nil {
return err
return tx.Commit()
func (b *BlueprintManager) fillBlueprintDetail(blueprint *models.Blueprint) errors.Error {
err := b.db.Pluck("name", &blueprint.Labels, dal.From(&models.DbBlueprintLabel{}), dal.Where("blueprint_id = ?", blueprint.ID))
if err != nil {
return errors.Internal.Wrap(err, "error getting the blueprint labels from database")
return nil
func contains(list []string, target string) bool {
for _, t := range list {
if t == target {
return true
return false