blob: d1d6b5805f0966de501766a48b46c82174d4cddc [file] [log] [blame]
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The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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limitations under the License.
package parser
import (
git ""
const SkipCommitFiles = "SKIP_COMMIT_FILES"
var TypeNotMatchError = "the requested type does not match the type in the ODB"
type GitRepo struct {
store models.Store
logger log.Logger
id string
repo *git.Repository
cleanup func()
// CollectAll The main parser subtask
func (r *GitRepo) CollectAll(subtaskCtx plugin.SubTaskContext) errors.Error {
subtaskCtx.SetProgress(0, -1)
err := r.CollectTags(subtaskCtx)
if err != nil {
return err
err = r.CollectBranches(subtaskCtx)
if err != nil {
return err
err = r.CollectCommits(subtaskCtx)
if err != nil {
return err
return r.CollectDiffLine(subtaskCtx)
// Close resources
func (r *GitRepo) Close() errors.Error {
defer func() {
if r.cleanup != nil {
// CountTags Count git tags subtask
func (r *GitRepo) CountTags() (int, errors.Error) {
tags, err := r.repo.Tags.List()
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Convert(err)
return len(tags), nil
// CountBranches count the number of branches in a git repo
func (r *GitRepo) CountBranches(ctx context.Context) (int, errors.Error) {
var branchIter *git.BranchIterator
branchIter, err := r.repo.NewBranchIterator(git.BranchAll)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Convert(err)
count := 0
err = branchIter.ForEach(func(branch *git.Branch, branchType git.BranchType) error {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
if branch.IsBranch() || branch.IsRemote() {
return nil
return count, errors.Convert(err)
// CountCommits count the number of commits in a git repo
func (r *GitRepo) CountCommits(ctx context.Context) (int, errors.Error) {
odb, err := r.repo.Odb()
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Convert(err)
count := 0
err = odb.ForEach(func(id *git.Oid) error {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
commit, e := r.repo.LookupCommit(id)
if e != nil && e.Error() != TypeNotMatchError {
return errors.Convert(e)
if commit != nil {
return nil
return count, errors.Convert(err)
// CollectTags Collect Tags data
func (r *GitRepo) CollectTags(subtaskCtx plugin.SubTaskContext) errors.Error {
return errors.Convert(r.repo.Tags.Foreach(func(name string, id *git.Oid) error {
select {
case <-subtaskCtx.GetContext().Done():
return subtaskCtx.GetContext().Err()
var err1 error
var tag *git.Tag
var tagCommit string
tag, err1 = r.repo.LookupTag(id)
if err1 != nil && err1.Error() != TypeNotMatchError {
return errors.Convert(err1)
if tag != nil {
tagCommit = tag.TargetId().String()
} else {
tagCommit = id.String()
r.logger.Info("tagCommit:%s", tagCommit)
if tagCommit != "" {
ref := &code.Ref{
DomainEntity: domainlayer.DomainEntity{Id: fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s",, name)},
Name: name,
CommitSha: tagCommit,
RefType: TAG,
err1 =
if err1 != nil {
return err1
return nil
// CollectBranches Collect branch data
func (r *GitRepo) CollectBranches(subtaskCtx plugin.SubTaskContext) errors.Error {
var repoInter *git.BranchIterator
repoInter, err := r.repo.NewBranchIterator(git.BranchAll)
if err != nil {
return errors.Convert(err)
return errors.Convert(repoInter.ForEach(func(branch *git.Branch, branchType git.BranchType) error {
select {
case <-subtaskCtx.GetContext().Done():
return subtaskCtx.GetContext().Err()
if branch.IsBranch() || branch.IsRemote() {
name, err1 := branch.Name()
if err1 != nil && err1.Error() != TypeNotMatchError {
return err1
var sha string
if oid := branch.Target(); oid != nil {
sha = oid.String()
ref := &code.Ref{
DomainEntity: domainlayer.DomainEntity{Id: fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s",, name)},
Name: name,
CommitSha: sha,
RefType: BRANCH,
ref.IsDefault, err1 = branch.IsHead()
if err1 != nil && err1.Error() != TypeNotMatchError {
return err1
err1 =
if err1 != nil && err1.Error() != TypeNotMatchError {
return err1
return nil
return nil
// CollectCommits Collect data from each commit, we can also get the diff line
func (r *GitRepo) CollectCommits(subtaskCtx plugin.SubTaskContext) errors.Error {
opts, err := getDiffOpts()
if err != nil {
return err
db := subtaskCtx.GetDal()
components := make([]code.Component, 0)
err = db.All(&components, dal.From(components), dal.Where("repo_id= ?",
if err != nil {
return err
componentMap := make(map[string]*regexp.Regexp)
for _, component := range components {
componentMap[component.Name] = regexp.MustCompile(component.PathRegex)
odb, err := errors.Convert01(r.repo.Odb())
if err != nil {
return err
return errors.Convert(odb.ForEach(func(id *git.Oid) error {
select {
case <-subtaskCtx.GetContext().Done():
return subtaskCtx.GetContext().Err()
commit, err1 := r.repo.LookupCommit(id)
if err1 != nil && err1.Error() != TypeNotMatchError {
return errors.Convert(err1)
if commit == nil {
return nil
commitSha := commit.Id().String()
r.logger.Debug("process commit: %s", commitSha)
c := &code.Commit{
Sha: commitSha,
Message: commit.Message(),
author := commit.Author()
if author != nil {
c.AuthorName = author.Name
c.AuthorEmail = author.Email
c.AuthorId = author.Email
c.AuthoredDate = author.When
committer := commit.Committer()
if committer != nil {
c.CommitterName = committer.Name
c.CommitterEmail = committer.Email
c.CommitterId = committer.Email
c.CommittedDate = committer.When
err = r.storeParentCommits(commitSha, commit)
if err != nil {
return err
var parent *git.Commit
if commit.ParentCount() > 0 {
parent = commit.Parent(0)
var stats *git.DiffStats
if stats, err = r.getDiffComparedToParent(c.Sha, commit, parent, opts, componentMap); err != nil {
return err
c.Additions += stats.Insertions()
c.Deletions += stats.Deletions()
err =
if err != nil {
return err
repoCommit := &code.RepoCommit{
CommitSha: c.Sha,
err =
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (r *GitRepo) storeParentCommits(commitSha string, commit *git.Commit) errors.Error {
var commitParents []*code.CommitParent
for i := uint(0); i < commit.ParentCount(); i++ {
parent := commit.Parent(i)
if parent != nil {
if parentId := parent.Id(); parentId != nil {
commitParents = append(commitParents, &code.CommitParent{
CommitSha: commitSha,
ParentCommitSha: parentId.String(),
func (r *GitRepo) getDiffComparedToParent(commitSha string, commit *git.Commit, parent *git.Commit, opts *git.DiffOptions, componentMap map[string]*regexp.Regexp) (*git.DiffStats, errors.Error) {
var err error
var parentTree, tree *git.Tree
if parent != nil {
parentTree, err = parent.Tree()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Convert(err)
tree, err = commit.Tree()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Convert(err)
var diff *git.Diff
diff, err = r.repo.DiffTreeToTree(parentTree, tree, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Convert(err)
cfg := config.GetConfig()
skipCommitFiles := cfg.GetBool(SkipCommitFiles)
if !skipCommitFiles {
err = r.storeCommitFilesFromDiff(commitSha, diff, componentMap)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Convert(err)
var stats *git.DiffStats
stats, err = diff.Stats()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Convert(err)
return stats, nil
func (r *GitRepo) storeCommitFilesFromDiff(commitSha string, diff *git.Diff, componentMap map[string]*regexp.Regexp) errors.Error {
var commitFile *code.CommitFile
var commitFileComponent *code.CommitFileComponent
var err error
err = diff.ForEach(func(file git.DiffDelta, progress float64) (
git.DiffForEachHunkCallback, error) {
if commitFile != nil {
err =
if err != nil {
r.logger.Error(err, "CommitFiles error")
return nil, err
commitFile = new(code.CommitFile)
commitFile.CommitSha = commitSha
commitFile.FilePath = file.NewFile.Path
// With some long path,the varchar(255) was not enough both ID and file_path
// So we use the hash to compress the path in ID and add length of file_path.
// Use commitSha and the sha256 of FilePath to create id
shaFilePath := sha256.New()
commitFile.Id = commitSha + ":" + hex.EncodeToString(shaFilePath.Sum(nil))
commitFileComponent = new(code.CommitFileComponent)
for component, reg := range componentMap {
if reg.MatchString(commitFile.FilePath) {
commitFileComponent.ComponentName = component
commitFileComponent.CommitFileId = commitFile.Id
if commitFileComponent.ComponentName == "" {
commitFileComponent.ComponentName = "Default"
return func(hunk git.DiffHunk) (git.DiffForEachLineCallback, error) {
return func(line git.DiffLine) error {
if line.Origin == git.DiffLineAddition {
commitFile.Additions += line.NumLines
if line.Origin == git.DiffLineDeletion {
commitFile.Deletions += line.NumLines
return nil
}, nil
}, nil
}, git.DiffDetailLines)
if commitFileComponent != nil {
err =
if err != nil {
r.logger.Error(err, "CommitFileComponents error")
if commitFile != nil {
err =
if err != nil {
r.logger.Error(err, "CommitFiles error")
return errors.Convert(err)
// CollectDiffLine get line diff data from a specific branch
func (r *GitRepo) CollectDiffLine(subtaskCtx plugin.SubTaskContext) errors.Error {
//Using this subtask,we can get every line change in every commit.
//We maintain a snapshot structure to get which commit each deleted line belongs to
snapshot := make(map[string] /*file path*/ *models.FileBlame)
repo := r.repo
//step 1. get the reverse commit list
commitList := make([]git.Commit, 0)
//get currently head commitsha, dafault is master branch
// check branch, if not master, checkout to branch's head
commitOid, err1 := repo.Head()
if err1 != nil && err1.Error() != TypeNotMatchError {
return errors.Convert(err1)
//get head commit object and add into commitList
commit, err1 := repo.LookupCommit(commitOid.Target())
if err1 != nil && err1.Error() != TypeNotMatchError {
return errors.Convert(err1)
commitList = append(commitList, *commit)
// if current head has parents, get parent commitsha
for commit != nil && commit.ParentCount() > 0 {
pid := commit.ParentId(0)
commit, err1 = repo.LookupCommit(pid)
if err1 != nil && err1.Error() != TypeNotMatchError {
return errors.Convert(err1)
commitList = append(commitList, *commit)
// reverse commitList
for i, j := 0, len(commitList)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
commitList[i], commitList[j] = commitList[j], commitList[i]
//step 2. get the diff of each commit
// for each commit, get the diff
for _, commitsha := range commitList {
curcommit, err := repo.LookupCommit(commitsha.Id())
if err != nil {
return errors.Convert(err)
if curcommit.ParentCount() == 0 || curcommit.ParentCount() > 0 {
var parentTree, tree *git.Tree
tree, err = curcommit.Tree()
if err != nil {
return errors.Convert(err)
var diff *git.Diff
//FIXME error type convert
opts, err := git.DefaultDiffOptions()
opts.NotifyCallback = func(diffSoFar *git.Diff, delta git.DiffDelta, matchedPathSpec string) error {
return nil
if err != nil {
return errors.Convert(err)
if curcommit.ParentCount() > 0 {
parent := curcommit.Parent(0)
parentTree, err = parent.Tree()
diff, err = repo.DiffTreeToTree(parentTree, tree, &opts)
if err != nil {
return errors.Convert(err)
deleted := make(models.DiffLines, 0)
added := make(models.DiffLines, 0)
var lastFile string
lastFile = ""
err = diff.ForEach(func(file git.DiffDelta, progress float64) (git.DiffForEachHunkCallback, error) {
//if doesn't exist in snapshot, create a new one
if _, ok := snapshot[file.OldFile.Path]; !ok {
fileBlame, err := models.NewFileBlame()
if err != nil {
r.logger.Info("Create FileBlame Error")
return nil, err
snapshot[file.OldFile.Path] = (*models.FileBlame)(fileBlame)
if lastFile == "" {
lastFile = file.NewFile.Path
} else if lastFile != file.NewFile.Path {
updateSnapshotFileBlame(curcommit, deleted, added, lastFile, snapshot)
//reset the deleted and added,last_file now is current file
deleted = make([]git.DiffLine, 0)
added = make([]git.DiffLine, 0)
lastFile = file.NewFile.Path
hunkNum := 0
return func(hunk git.DiffHunk) (git.DiffForEachLineCallback, error) {
return func(line git.DiffLine) error {
commitLineChange := &code.CommitLineChange{}
commitLineChange.CommitSha = curcommit.Id().String()
commitLineChange.ChangedType = line.Origin.String()
commitLineChange.LineNoNew = line.NewLineno
commitLineChange.LineNoOld = line.OldLineno
commitLineChange.OldFilePath = file.OldFile.Path
commitLineChange.NewFilePath = file.NewFile.Path
commitLineChange.HunkNum = hunkNum
commitLineChange.Id = curcommit.Id().String() + ":" + file.NewFile.Path + ":" + strconv.Itoa(line.OldLineno) + ":" + strconv.Itoa(line.NewLineno)
if line.Origin == git.DiffLineAddition {
added = append(added, line)
} else if line.Origin == git.DiffLineDeletion {
fb := snapshot[file.OldFile.Path]
l := fb.Find(line.OldLineno)
if l != nil && l.Value != nil {
temp := snapshot[file.OldFile.Path].Find(line.OldLineno)
commitLineChange.PrevCommit = temp.Value.(string)
} else {
r.logger.Info("err", file.OldFile.Path, line.OldLineno, curcommit.Id().String())
deleted = append(deleted, line)
err =
if err != nil {
return errors.Convert(err)
return nil
}, nil
}, nil
}, git.DiffDetailLines)
if err != nil {
return errors.Convert(err)
//finally,process the last file in diff
updateSnapshotFileBlame(curcommit, deleted, added, lastFile, snapshot)
r.logger.Info("line change collect success")
db := subtaskCtx.GetDal()
err := db.Delete(&code.RepoSnapshot{}, dal.Where("repo_id= ?",
if err != nil {
return errors.Convert(err)
for fp := range snapshot {
temp := snapshot[fp]
count := 0
for e := temp.Lines.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
snapshotLine := &code.RepoSnapshot{}
snapshotLine.RepoId =
snapshotLine.LineNo = count
snapshotLine.CommitSha = e.Value.(string)
snapshotLine.FilePath = fp
err :=
if err != nil {
return err
r.logger.Info("collect snapshot finished")
return nil
func updateSnapshotFileBlame(currentCommit *git.Commit, deleted models.DiffLines, added models.DiffLines, lastFile string, snapshot map[string]*models.FileBlame) {
for _, line := range deleted {
for _, line := range added {
snapshot[lastFile].AddLine(line.NewLineno, currentCommit.Id().String())
func getDiffOpts() (*git.DiffOptions, errors.Error) {
opts, err := git.DefaultDiffOptions()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Convert(err)
opts.NotifyCallback = func(diffSoFar *git.Diff, delta git.DiffDelta, matchedPathSpec string) error {
return nil
return &opts, nil