blob: e8f5636905151e107ffcdb859dde10c02d64d212 [file] [log] [blame]
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package plugin
import (
coreModels ""
type (
remotePluginImpl struct {
name string
subtaskMetas []plugin.SubTaskMeta
pluginPath string
description string
invoker bridge.Invoker
connectionTabler *coreModels.DynamicTabler
scopeTabler *coreModels.DynamicTabler
transformationRuleTabler *coreModels.DynamicTabler
resources map[string]map[string]plugin.ApiResourceHandler
openApiSpec string
RemotePluginTaskData struct {
DbUrl string `json:"db_url"`
Scope interface{} `json:"scope"`
Connection interface{} `json:"connection"`
TransformationRule interface{} `json:"transformation_rule"`
Options map[string]interface{} `json:"options"`
func newPlugin(info *models.PluginInfo, invoker bridge.Invoker) (*remotePluginImpl, errors.Error) {
connectionTabler, err := info.ConnectionModelInfo.LoadDynamicTabler(true, common.Model{})
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Default.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't load Connection type for plugin %s", info.Name))
var txRuleTabler *coreModels.DynamicTabler
if info.TransformationRuleModelInfo != nil {
txRuleTabler, err = info.TransformationRuleModelInfo.LoadDynamicTabler(false, models.TransformationModel{})
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Default.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't load TransformationRule type for plugin %s", info.Name))
scopeTabler, err := info.ScopeModelInfo.LoadDynamicTabler(false, models.ScopeModel{})
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Default.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't load Scope type for plugin %s", info.Name))
openApiSpec, err := doc.GenerateOpenApiSpec(info)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Default.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't generate OpenAPI spec for plugin %s", info.Name))
p := remotePluginImpl{
name: info.Name,
invoker: invoker,
pluginPath: info.PluginPath,
description: info.Description,
connectionTabler: connectionTabler,
scopeTabler: scopeTabler,
transformationRuleTabler: txRuleTabler,
resources: GetDefaultAPI(invoker, connectionTabler, txRuleTabler, scopeTabler, connectionHelper),
openApiSpec: *openApiSpec,
remoteBridge := bridge.NewBridge(invoker)
for _, subtask := range info.SubtaskMetas {
p.subtaskMetas = append(p.subtaskMetas, plugin.SubTaskMeta{
Name: subtask.Name,
EntryPoint: remoteBridge.RemoteSubtaskEntrypointHandler(subtask),
Required: subtask.Required,
EnabledByDefault: subtask.EnabledByDefault,
Description: subtask.Description,
DomainTypes: subtask.DomainTypes,
return &p, nil
func (p *remotePluginImpl) SubTaskMetas() []plugin.SubTaskMeta {
return p.subtaskMetas
func (p *remotePluginImpl) PrepareTaskData(taskCtx plugin.TaskContext, options map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, errors.Error) {
dbUrl := taskCtx.GetConfig("db_url")
connectionId := uint64(options["connectionId"].(float64))
helper := api.NewConnectionHelper(
wrappedConnection := p.connectionTabler.New()
err := helper.FirstById(wrappedConnection, connectionId)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Convert(err)
connection := wrappedConnection.Unwrap()
scopeId, ok := options["scopeId"].(string)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.BadInput.New("missing scopeId")
db := taskCtx.GetDal()
wrappedScope := p.scopeTabler.New()
err = api.CallDB(db.First, wrappedScope, dal.Where("connection_id = ? AND id = ?", connectionId, scopeId))
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.BadInput.New("Invalid scope id")
var scope models.ScopeModel
err = wrappedScope.To(&scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
txRule, err := p.getTxRule(db, scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return RemotePluginTaskData{
DbUrl: dbUrl,
Scope: wrappedScope.Unwrap(),
Connection: connection,
TransformationRule: txRule,
Options: options,
}, nil
func (p *remotePluginImpl) getTxRule(db dal.Dal, scope models.ScopeModel) (interface{}, errors.Error) {
if scope.TransformationRuleId > 0 {
if p.transformationRuleTabler == nil {
return nil, errors.Default.New(fmt.Sprintf("Cannot load transformation rule %v: plugin %s has no transformation rule model", scope.TransformationRuleId,
wrappedTxRule := p.transformationRuleTabler.New()
err := api.CallDB(db.First, wrappedTxRule, dal.From(p.transformationRuleTabler.TableName()), dal.Where("id = ?", scope.TransformationRuleId))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return wrappedTxRule.Unwrap(), nil
} else {
return nil, nil
func (p *remotePluginImpl) Description() string {
return p.description
func (p *remotePluginImpl) RootPkgPath() string {
// RootPkgPath is used by DomainIdGenerator to find the name of the plugin that defines a given type.
// While remote plugins do not use the DomainIdGenerator, we still need to implement this function.
// Indeed, DomainIdGenerator uses FindPluginNameBySubPkgPath that returns the name of the first plugin
// whose RootPkgPath is a prefix of the type package path.
// So we forge a fake package path that is not a prefix of any go plugin package path.
return "" +
func (p *remotePluginImpl) ApiResources() map[string]map[string]plugin.ApiResourceHandler {
return p.resources
func (p *remotePluginImpl) RunMigrations(forceMigrate bool) errors.Error {
err := api.CallDB(basicRes.GetDal().AutoMigrate, p.connectionTabler.New())
if err != nil {
return err
err = api.CallDB(basicRes.GetDal().AutoMigrate, p.scopeTabler.New())
if err != nil {
return err
if p.transformationRuleTabler != nil {
err = api.CallDB(basicRes.GetDal().AutoMigrate, p.transformationRuleTabler.New())
if err != nil {
return err
err = p.invoker.Call("run-migrations", bridge.DefaultContext, forceMigrate).Err
return err
func (p *remotePluginImpl) OpenApiSpec() string {
return p.openApiSpec
var _ models.RemotePlugin = (*remotePluginImpl)(nil)