blob: 73c3dbd0bddd91993d113f56ba45770fc83d3641 [file] [log] [blame]
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
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The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package services
import (
v11 ""
var notificationService *NotificationService
var temporalClient client.Client
var globalPipelineLog = logruslog.Global.Nested("pipeline service")
// PipelineQuery is a query for GetPipelines
type PipelineQuery struct {
Status string `form:"status"`
Pending int `form:"pending"`
BlueprintId uint64 `uri:"blueprintId" form:"blueprint_id"`
Label string `form:"label"`
func pipelineServiceInit() {
// notification
var notificationEndpoint = cfg.GetString("NOTIFICATION_ENDPOINT")
var notificationSecret = cfg.GetString("NOTIFICATION_SECRET")
if strings.TrimSpace(notificationEndpoint) != "" {
notificationService = NewNotificationService(notificationEndpoint, notificationSecret)
// temporal client
var temporalUrl = cfg.GetString("TEMPORAL_URL")
if temporalUrl != "" {
// TODO: logger
var err error
temporalClient, err = client.NewClient(client.Options{
HostPort: temporalUrl,
if err != nil {
} else {
// standalone mode: reset pipeline status
errMsg := "The process was terminated unexpectedly"
err := db.UpdateColumns(
{ColumnName: "status", Value: models.TASK_FAILED},
{ColumnName: "message", Value: errMsg},
dal.Where("status = ?", models.TASK_RUNNING),
if err != nil {
err = db.UpdateColumns(
{ColumnName: "status", Value: models.TASK_FAILED},
{ColumnName: "message", Value: errMsg},
dal.Where("status = ?", models.TASK_RUNNING),
if err != nil {
err := ReloadBlueprints(cronManager)
if err != nil {
var pipelineMaxParallel = cfg.GetInt64("PIPELINE_MAX_PARALLEL")
if pipelineMaxParallel < 0 {
panic(errors.BadInput.New(`PIPELINE_MAX_PARALLEL should be a positive integer`))
if pipelineMaxParallel == 0 {
globalPipelineLog.Warn(nil, `pipelineMaxParallel=0 means pipeline will be run No Limit`)
pipelineMaxParallel = 10000
// run pipeline with independent goroutine
go RunPipelineInQueue(pipelineMaxParallel)
// CreatePipeline and return the model
func CreatePipeline(newPipeline *models.NewPipeline) (*models.Pipeline, errors.Error) {
pipeline, err := CreateDbPipeline(newPipeline)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Convert(err)
return pipeline, nil
// GetPipelines by query
func GetPipelines(query *PipelineQuery) ([]*models.Pipeline, int64, errors.Error) {
pipelines, i, err := GetDbPipelines(query)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, errors.Convert(err)
for _, p := range pipelines {
err = fillPipelineDetail(p)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
return pipelines, i, nil
// GetPipeline by id
func GetPipeline(pipelineId uint64) (*models.Pipeline, errors.Error) {
dbPipeline, err := GetDbPipeline(pipelineId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = fillPipelineDetail(dbPipeline)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dbPipeline, nil
// GetPipelineLogsArchivePath creates an archive for the logs of this pipeline and returns its file path
func GetPipelineLogsArchivePath(pipeline *models.Pipeline) (string, errors.Error) {
logPath, err := getPipelineLogsPath(pipeline)
if err != nil {
return "", err
archive := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/logging.tar.gz", os.TempDir(), uuid.New())
if err = utils.CreateGZipArchive(archive, fmt.Sprintf("%s/*", logPath)); err != nil {
return "", err
return archive, err
// RunPipelineInQueue query pipeline from db and run it in a queue
func RunPipelineInQueue(pipelineMaxParallel int64) {
sema := semaphore.NewWeighted(pipelineMaxParallel)
runningParallelLabels := []string{}
var runningParallelLabelLock sync.Mutex
for {
globalPipelineLog.Info("acquire lock")
// start goroutine when sema lock ready and pipeline exist.
// to avoid read old pipeline, acquire lock before read exist pipeline
err := sema.Acquire(context.TODO(), 1)
if err != nil {
globalPipelineLog.Info("get lock and wait next pipeline")
dbPipeline := &models.Pipeline{}
for {
// prepare query to find an appropriate pipeline to execute
err := db.First(dbPipeline,
dal.Where("status IN ?", []string{models.TASK_CREATED, models.TASK_RERUN}),
`left join _devlake_pipeline_labels ON
_devlake_pipeline_labels.pipeline_id = AND LIKE 'parallel/%' AND in ?`,
dal.Orderby("id ASC"),
if err == nil {
// next pipeline found
if !db.IsErrorNotFound(err) {
// log unexpected err
globalPipelineLog.Error(err, "dequeue failed")
// mark the pipeline running
err = db.UpdateColumns(&models.Pipeline{}, []dal.DalSet{
{ColumnName: "status", Value: models.TASK_RUNNING},
{ColumnName: "message", Value: ""},
{ColumnName: "began_at", Value: time.Now()},
}, dal.Where("id = ?", dbPipeline.ID))
if err != nil {
// add pipelineParallelLabels to runningParallelLabels
var pipelineParallelLabels []string
err = fillPipelineDetail(dbPipeline)
if err != nil {
for _, dbLabel := range dbPipeline.Labels {
if strings.HasPrefix(dbLabel, `parallel/`) {
pipelineParallelLabels = append(pipelineParallelLabels, dbLabel)
runningParallelLabels = append(runningParallelLabels, pipelineParallelLabels...)
go func(pipelineId uint64, parallelLabels []string) {
defer sema.Release(1)
defer func() {
runningParallelLabels = utils.SliceRemove(runningParallelLabels, parallelLabels...)
globalPipelineLog.Info("finish pipeline #%d, now runningParallelLabels is %s", pipelineId, runningParallelLabels)
globalPipelineLog.Info("run pipeline, %d, now running runningParallelLabels are %s", pipelineId, runningParallelLabels)
err = runPipeline(pipelineId)
if err != nil {
globalPipelineLog.Error(err, "failed to run pipeline %d", pipelineId)
}(dbPipeline.ID, pipelineParallelLabels)
func watchTemporalPipelines() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(3 * time.Second)
dc := converter.GetDefaultDataConverter()
go func() {
// run forever
for range ticker.C {
// load all running pipeline from database
runningDbPipelines := make([]models.Pipeline, 0)
err := db.All(&runningDbPipelines, dal.Where("status = ?", models.TASK_RUNNING))
if err != nil {
// progressDetails will be only used in this goroutine now
// So it needn't lock and unlock now
progressDetails := make(map[uint64]*models.TaskProgressDetail)
// check their status against temporal
for _, rp := range runningDbPipelines {
workflowId := getTemporalWorkflowId(rp.ID)
desc, err := temporalClient.DescribeWorkflowExecution(
if err != nil {
globalPipelineLog.Error(err, "failed to query workflow execution: %v", err)
// workflow is terminated by outsider
s := desc.WorkflowExecutionInfo.Status
rp.Status = models.TASK_COMPLETED
rp.Status = models.TASK_FAILED
// get error message
hisIter := temporalClient.GetWorkflowHistory(
for hisIter.HasNext() {
his, err := hisIter.Next()
if err != nil {
globalPipelineLog.Error(err, "failed to get next from workflow history iterator: %v", err)
rp.Message = fmt.Sprintf("temporal event type: %v", his.GetEventType())
rp.FinishedAt = desc.WorkflowExecutionInfo.CloseTime
err = db.UpdateColumns(rp, []dal.DalSet{
{ColumnName: "status", Value: rp.Status},
{ColumnName: "message", Value: rp.Message},
{ColumnName: "finished_at", Value: rp.FinishedAt},
if err != nil {
globalPipelineLog.Error(err, "failed to update db: %v", err)
// check pending activity
for _, activity := range desc.PendingActivities {
taskId, err := getTaskIdFromActivityId(activity.ActivityId)
if err != nil {
globalPipelineLog.Error(err, "unable to extract task id from activity id `%s`", activity.ActivityId)
progressDetail := &models.TaskProgressDetail{}
progressDetails[taskId] = progressDetail
heartbeats := activity.GetHeartbeatDetails()
if heartbeats == nil {
payloads := heartbeats.GetPayloads()
if len(payloads) == 0 {
lastPayload := payloads[len(payloads)-1]
if err := dc.FromPayload(lastPayload, progressDetail); err != nil {
globalPipelineLog.Error(err, "failed to unmarshal heartbeat payload: %v", err)
func getTemporalWorkflowId(pipelineId uint64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("pipeline #%d", pipelineId)
// NotifyExternal FIXME ...
func NotifyExternal(pipelineId uint64) errors.Error {
if notificationService == nil {
return nil
// send notification to an external web endpoint
pipeline, err := GetPipeline(pipelineId)
if err != nil {
return err
err = notificationService.PipelineStatusChanged(PipelineNotification{
PipelineID: pipeline.ID,
CreatedAt: pipeline.CreatedAt,
UpdatedAt: pipeline.UpdatedAt,
BeganAt: pipeline.BeganAt,
FinishedAt: pipeline.FinishedAt,
Status: pipeline.Status,
if err != nil {
globalPipelineLog.Error(err, "failed to send notification: %v", err)
return err
return nil
// CancelPipeline FIXME ...
func CancelPipeline(pipelineId uint64) errors.Error {
// prevent RunPipelineInQueue from consuming pending pipelines
defer cronLocker.Unlock()
pipeline := &models.Pipeline{}
err := db.First(pipeline, dal.Where("id = ?", pipelineId))
if err != nil {
return errors.BadInput.New("pipeline not found")
if pipeline.Status == models.TASK_CREATED || pipeline.Status == models.TASK_RERUN {
pipeline.Status = models.TASK_CANCELLED
err = db.Update(pipeline)
if err != nil {
return errors.Default.Wrap(err, "faile to update pipeline")
// now, with RunPipelineInQueue being block and target pipeline got updated
// we should update the related tasks as well
err = db.UpdateColumn(
"status", models.TASK_CANCELLED,
dal.Where("pipeline_id = ?", pipelineId),
if err != nil {
return errors.Default.Wrap(err, "faile to update pipeline tasks")
// the target pipeline is pending, no running, no need to perform the actual cancel operation
return nil
if temporalClient != nil {
return errors.Convert(temporalClient.CancelWorkflow(context.Background(), getTemporalWorkflowId(pipelineId), ""))
pendingTasks, count, err := GetTasks(&TaskQuery{PipelineId: pipelineId, Pending: 1, Pagination: Pagination{PageSize: -1}})
if err != nil {
return errors.Convert(err)
if count == 0 {
return nil
for _, pendingTask := range pendingTasks {
_ = CancelTask(pendingTask.ID)
return errors.Convert(err)
// getPipelineLogsPath gets the logs directory of this pipeline
func getPipelineLogsPath(pipeline *models.Pipeline) (string, errors.Error) {
pipelineLog := GetPipelineLogger(pipeline)
path := filepath.Dir(pipelineLog.GetConfig().Path)
_, err := os.Stat(path)
if err == nil {
return path, nil
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return "", errors.NotFound.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("logs for pipeline #%d not found", pipeline.ID))
return "", errors.Default.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("error validating logs path for pipeline #%d", pipeline.ID))
// RerunPipeline would rerun all failed tasks or specified task
func RerunPipeline(pipelineId uint64, task *models.Task) ([]*models.Task, errors.Error) {
// prevent pipeline executor from doing anything that might jeopardize the integrity
defer cronLocker.Unlock()
// load the pipeline
pipeline, err := GetPipeline(pipelineId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// verify the status
if pipeline.Status == models.TASK_RUNNING {
return nil, errors.BadInput.New("pipeline is running")
if pipeline.Status == models.TASK_CREATED || pipeline.Status == models.TASK_RERUN {
return nil, errors.BadInput.New("pipeline is waiting to run")
// determine which tasks to rerun
var failedTasks []*models.Task
if task != nil {
if task.PipelineId != pipelineId {
return nil, errors.BadInput.New("the task ID and pipeline ID doesn't match")
failedTasks = append(failedTasks, task)
} else {
tasks, err := GetTasksWithLastStatus(pipelineId)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Default.Wrap(err, "error getting tasks")
for _, t := range tasks {
if t.Status != models.TASK_COMPLETED {
failedTasks = append(failedTasks, t)
// no tasks to rerun
if len(failedTasks) == 0 {
return nil, errors.BadInput.New("no tasks to be re-ran")
// create new tasks
// TODO: this is better to be wrapped inside a transaction
rerunTasks := []*models.Task{}
for _, t := range failedTasks {
// mark previous task failed
t.Status = models.TASK_FAILED
err := db.UpdateColumn(t, "status", models.TASK_FAILED)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// create new task
subtasks, err := t.GetSubTasks()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
options, err := t.GetOptions()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rerunTask, err := CreateTask(&models.NewTask{
PipelineTask: &plugin.PipelineTask{
Plugin: t.Plugin,
Subtasks: subtasks,
Options: options,
PipelineId: t.PipelineId,
PipelineRow: t.PipelineRow,
PipelineCol: t.PipelineCol,
IsRerun: true,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// append to result
rerunTasks = append(rerunTasks, rerunTask)
// mark pipline rerun
err = db.UpdateColumn(&models.Pipeline{},
"status", models.TASK_RERUN,
dal.Where("id = ?", pipelineId),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return rerunTasks, nil