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package tasks
import (
// CalculateChangeLeadTime calculates change lead time for a project.
func CalculateChangeLeadTime(taskCtx plugin.SubTaskContext) errors.Error {
// Get instances of the DAL and logger
db := taskCtx.GetDal()
logger := taskCtx.GetLogger()
data := taskCtx.GetData().(*DoraTaskData)
// Build deployment pairs
deploymentDiffPairs, err := buildDeploymentPairs(db, data)
if err != nil {
return err
// Get pull requests by repo project_name
clauses := []dal.Clause{
dal.Join(`left join project_mapping pm on pm.row_id = pull_requests.base_repo_id`),
dal.Where("pull_requests.merged_date IS NOT NULL and pm.project_name = ? and pm.table = ?", data.Options.ProjectName, "repos"),
cursor, err := db.Cursor(clauses...)
if err != nil {
return err
defer cursor.Close()
// Initialize a new data converter
converter, err := api.NewDataConverter(api.DataConverterArgs{
RawDataSubTaskArgs: api.RawDataSubTaskArgs{
Ctx: taskCtx,
Params: DoraApiParams{
ProjectName: data.Options.ProjectName,
Table: "pull_requests",
BatchSize: 100,
InputRowType: reflect.TypeOf(code.PullRequest{}),
Input: cursor,
Convert: func(inputRow interface{}) ([]interface{}, errors.Error) {
// Process each pull request
pr := inputRow.(*code.PullRequest)
// Get the first commit for the PR
firstCommit, err := getFirstCommit(pr.Id, db)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Initialize a new ProjectPrMetric
projectPrMetric := &crossdomain.ProjectPrMetric{}
projectPrMetric.Id = pr.Id
projectPrMetric.ProjectName = data.Options.ProjectName
// Calculate PR coding time
if firstCommit != nil {
codingTime := int64(pr.CreatedDate.Sub(firstCommit.AuthoredDate).Seconds())
if codingTime/60 == 0 && codingTime%60 > 0 {
codingTime = 1
} else {
codingTime = codingTime / 60
projectPrMetric.PrCodingTime = processNegativeValue(codingTime)
projectPrMetric.FirstCommitSha = firstCommit.Sha
// Get the first review for the PR
firstReview, err := getFirstReview(pr.Id, pr.AuthorId, db)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Calculate PR pickup time and PR review time
prDuring := processNegativeValue(int64(pr.MergedDate.Sub(pr.CreatedDate).Minutes()))
if firstReview != nil {
projectPrMetric.PrPickupTime = processNegativeValue(int64(firstReview.CreatedDate.Sub(pr.CreatedDate).Minutes()))
projectPrMetric.PrReviewTime = processNegativeValue(int64(pr.MergedDate.Sub(firstReview.CreatedDate).Minutes()))
projectPrMetric.FirstReviewId = firstReview.Id
// Get the deployment for the PR
deployment, err := getDeployment(pr.MergeCommitSha, pr.BaseRepoId, deploymentDiffPairs, db)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Calculate PR deploy time
if deployment != nil && deployment.TaskFinishedDate != nil {
timespan := deployment.TaskFinishedDate.Sub(*pr.MergedDate)
projectPrMetric.PrDeployTime = processNegativeValue(int64(timespan.Minutes()))
projectPrMetric.DeploymentId = deployment.TaskId
} else {
logger.Debug("deploy time of pr %v is nil\n", pr.PullRequestKey)
// Calculate PR cycle time
if deployment == nil || projectPrMetric.PrDeployTime == nil {
// Return the projectPrMetric with nill cycle time
return []interface{}{projectPrMetric}, nil
var result int64
if projectPrMetric.PrCodingTime != nil {
result += *projectPrMetric.PrCodingTime
if prDuring != nil {
result += *prDuring
result += *projectPrMetric.PrDeployTime
if result > 0 {
projectPrMetric.PrCycleTime = &result
// Return the projectPrMetric
return []interface{}{projectPrMetric}, nil
if err != nil {
return err
// Execute the data converter
return converter.Execute()
// buildDeploymentPairs populates the OldDeployCommitSha field of each deploymentPair in the given slice.
func buildDeploymentPairs(db dal.Dal, data *DoraTaskData) ([]deploymentPair, errors.Error) {
// Construct a list of tuple[task, oldPipelineCommitSha, newPipelineCommitSha, taskFinishedDate]
deploymentClause := []dal.Clause{
dal.Select(` as task_id, cpc.commit_sha as new_deploy_commit_sha,
ct.finished_date as task_finished_date, cpc.repo_id as repo_id`),
dal.From(`cicd_tasks ct`),
dal.Join(`left join cicd_pipeline_commits cpc on ct.pipeline_id = cpc.pipeline_id`),
dal.Join(`left join project_mapping pm on pm.row_id = ct.cicd_scope_id`),
dal.Where(`ct.environment = ? and ct.type = ? and ct.result = ? and pm.project_name = ? and pm.table = ?`,
devops.PRODUCTION, devops.DEPLOYMENT, devops.SUCCESS, data.Options.ProjectName, "cicd_scopes"),
dal.Orderby(`cpc.repo_id, ct.started_date`),
// Initialize deploymentDiffPairs without oldPipelineCommitSha
deploymentDiffPairs := make([]deploymentPair, 0)
err := db.All(&deploymentDiffPairs, deploymentClause...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
oldDeployCommitSha := ""
lastRepoId := ""
for i := 0; i < len(deploymentDiffPairs); i++ {
// If two deployments belong to different repos, skip
if lastRepoId == deploymentDiffPairs[i].RepoId {
deploymentDiffPairs[i].OldDeployCommitSha = oldDeployCommitSha
} else {
lastRepoId = deploymentDiffPairs[i].RepoId
oldDeployCommitSha = deploymentDiffPairs[i].NewDeployCommitSha
return deploymentDiffPairs, nil
// getFirstCommit takes a PR ID and a database connection as input, and returns the first commit of the PR.
func getFirstCommit(prId string, db dal.Dal) (*code.Commit, errors.Error) {
// Initialize a commit object
commit := &code.Commit{}
// Define the SQL clauses for the database query
commitClauses := []dal.Clause{
dal.From(&code.Commit{}), // Select from the "commits" table
dal.Join("left join pull_request_commits on commits.sha = pull_request_commits.commit_sha"), // Join with the "pull_request_commits" table
dal.Where("pull_request_commits.pull_request_id = ?", prId), // Filter by the PR ID
dal.Orderby("commits.authored_date ASC"), // Order by the authored date of the commits (ascending)
// Execute the query and retrieve the first commit
err := db.First(commit, commitClauses...)
// If the error indicates that no commit was found, return nil and no error
if db.IsErrorNotFound(err) {
return nil, nil
// If any other error occurred, return nil and the error
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If there were no errors, return the first commit and no error
return commit, nil
// getFirstReview takes a PR ID, PR creator ID, and a database connection as input, and returns the first review comment of the PR.
func getFirstReview(prId string, prCreator string, db dal.Dal) (*code.PullRequestComment, errors.Error) {
// Initialize a review comment object
review := &code.PullRequestComment{}
// Define the SQL clauses for the database query
commentClauses := []dal.Clause{
dal.From(&code.PullRequestComment{}), // Select from the "pull_request_comments" table
dal.Where("pull_request_id = ? and account_id != ?", prId, prCreator), // Filter by the PR ID and exclude comments from the PR creator
dal.Orderby("created_date ASC"), // Order by the created date of the review comments (ascending)
// Execute the query and retrieve the first review comment
err := db.First(review, commentClauses...)
// If the error indicates that no review comment was found, return nil and no error
if db.IsErrorNotFound(err) {
return nil, nil
// If any other error occurred, return nil and the error
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If there were no errors, return the first review comment and no error
return review, nil
// getDeployment takes a merge commit SHA, a repository ID, a list of deployment pairs, and a database connection as input.
// It returns the deployment pair related to the merge commit, or nil if not found.
func getDeployment(mergeSha string, repoId string, deploymentPairList []deploymentPair, db dal.Dal) (*deploymentPair, errors.Error) {
// Ignore environment detection based on job name since it's not enough to distinguish between testing/production environments.
commitDiff := &code.CommitsDiff{}
// Iterate through the deploymentPairList to find if a tuple [merge_sha, new_commit_sha, old_commit_sha] exists in commits_diffs.
// If found, return the corresponding deployment pair.
for _, pair := range deploymentPairList {
// Continue to the next iteration if the repoId does not match the current deployment pair's RepoId.
if repoId != pair.RepoId {
// Query the database to find the commit diff with the given merge SHA, new commit SHA, and old commit SHA.
err := db.First(commitDiff, dal.Where(`commit_sha = ? and new_commit_sha = ? and old_commit_sha = ?`,
mergeSha, pair.NewDeployCommitSha, pair.OldDeployCommitSha))
// If no error occurred, return the current deployment pair.
if err == nil {
return &pair, nil
// If the error indicates that no commit diff was found, continue to the next iteration.
if db.IsErrorNotFound(err) {
// If any other error occurred, return nil and the error.
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If no matching deployment pair was found, return nil and no error.
return nil, nil
func processNegativeValue(v int64) *int64 {
if v > 0 {
return &v
} else {
return nil
// CalculateChangeLeadTimeMeta contains metadata for the CalculateChangeLeadTime subtask.
var CalculateChangeLeadTimeMeta = plugin.SubTaskMeta{
Name: "calculateChangeLeadTime",
EntryPoint: CalculateChangeLeadTime,
EnabledByDefault: true,
Description: "Calculate change lead time",
DomainTypes: []string{plugin.DOMAIN_TYPE_CICD, plugin.DOMAIN_TYPE_CODE},
// deploymentPair is a struct representing a deployment pair with fields for task ID, repo ID, new and old commit SHAs, and task finished date.
type deploymentPair struct {
TaskId string
RepoId string
NewDeployCommitSha string
OldDeployCommitSha string
TaskFinishedDate *time.Time