blob: dd46b47f5d8c91be8770e55234b6c307b14395d2 [file] [log] [blame]
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package e2ehelper
import (
contextimpl ""
// DataFlowTester provides a universal data integrity validation facility to help `Plugin` verifying records between
// each step.
// How it works:
// 1. Flush specified `table` and import data from a `csv` file by `ImportCsv` method
// 2. Execute specified `subtask` by `Subtask` method
// 3. Verify actual data from specified table against expected data from another `csv` file
// 4. Repeat step 2 and 3
// Recommended Usage:
// DataFlowTester use `N`
// 1. Create a folder under your plugin root folder. i.e. `plugins/gitlab/e2e/ to host all your e2e-tests`
// 2. Create a folder named `tables` to hold all data in `csv` format
// 3. Create e2e test-cases to cover all possible data-flow routes
// Example code:
// See [Gitlab Project Data Flow Test](plugins/gitlab/e2e/project_test.go) for detail
type DataFlowTester struct {
Cfg *viper.Viper
Db *gorm.DB
Dal dal.Dal
T *testing.T
Name string
Plugin plugin.PluginMeta
Log log.Logger
// TableOptions FIXME ...
type TableOptions struct {
// CSVRelPath relative path to the CSV file that contains the seeded data
CSVRelPath string
// TargetFields the fields (columns) to consider for verification. Leave empty to default to all.
TargetFields []string
// IgnoreFields the fields (columns) to ignore/skip.
IgnoreFields []string
// IgnoreTypes similar to IgnoreFields, this will ignore the fields contained in the type. Useful for ignoring embedded
// types and their fields in the target model
IgnoreTypes []interface{}
// NewDataFlowTester create a *DataFlowTester to help developer test their subtasks data flow
func NewDataFlowTester(t *testing.T, pluginName string, pluginMeta plugin.PluginMeta) *DataFlowTester {
err := plugin.RegisterPlugin(pluginName, pluginMeta)
if err != nil {
cfg := config.GetConfig()
e2eDbUrl := cfg.GetString(`E2E_DB_URL`)
if e2eDbUrl == `` {
panic(errors.Default.New(`e2e can only run with E2E_DB_URL, please set it in .env`))
cfg.Set(`DB_URL`, cfg.GetString(`E2E_DB_URL`))
db, err := runner.NewGormDb(cfg, logruslog.Global)
if err != nil {
return &DataFlowTester{
Cfg: cfg,
Db: db,
Dal: dalgorm.NewDalgorm(db),
T: t,
Name: pluginName,
Plugin: pluginMeta,
Log: logruslog.Global,
// ImportCsvIntoRawTable imports records from specified csv file into target raw table, note that existing data would be deleted first.
func (t *DataFlowTester) ImportCsvIntoRawTable(csvRelPath string, rawTableName string) {
csvIter, _ := pluginhelper.NewCsvFileIterator(csvRelPath)
defer csvIter.Close()
// load rows and insert into target table
for csvIter.HasNext() {
toInsertValues := csvIter.Fetch()
toInsertValues[`data`] = json.RawMessage(toInsertValues[`data`].(string))
result := t.Db.Table(rawTableName).Create(toInsertValues)
if result.Error != nil {
assert.Equal(t.T, int64(1), result.RowsAffected)
// ImportCsvIntoTabler imports records from specified csv file into target tabler, note that existing data would be deleted first.
func (t *DataFlowTester) ImportCsvIntoTabler(csvRelPath string, dst schema.Tabler) {
csvIter, _ := pluginhelper.NewCsvFileIterator(csvRelPath)
defer csvIter.Close()
// load rows and insert into target table
for csvIter.HasNext() {
toInsertValues := csvIter.Fetch()
for i := range toInsertValues {
if toInsertValues[i].(string) == `` {
toInsertValues[i] = nil
result := t.Db.Model(dst).Create(toInsertValues)
if result.Error != nil {
assert.Equal(t.T, int64(1), result.RowsAffected)
// FlushRawTable migrate table and deletes all records from specified table
func (t *DataFlowTester) FlushRawTable(rawTableName string) {
// flush target table
err := t.Db.Migrator().DropTable(rawTableName)
if err != nil {
err = t.Db.Table(rawTableName).AutoMigrate(&api.RawData{})
if err != nil {
// FlushTabler migrate table and deletes all records from specified table
func (t *DataFlowTester) FlushTabler(dst schema.Tabler) {
// flush target table
err := t.Db.Migrator().DropTable(dst)
if err != nil {
err = t.Db.AutoMigrate(dst)
if err != nil {
// Subtask executes specified subtasks
func (t *DataFlowTester) Subtask(subtaskMeta plugin.SubTaskMeta, taskData interface{}) {
subtaskCtx := t.SubtaskContext(taskData)
err := subtaskMeta.EntryPoint(subtaskCtx)
if err != nil {
// SubtaskContext creates a subtask context
func (t *DataFlowTester) SubtaskContext(taskData interface{}) plugin.SubTaskContext {
return contextimpl.NewStandaloneSubTaskContext(context.Background(), runner.CreateBasicRes(t.Cfg, t.Log, t.Db), t.Name, taskData)
func filterColumn(column dal.ColumnMeta, opts TableOptions) bool {
for _, ignore := range opts.IgnoreFields {
if column.Name() == ignore {
return false
if len(opts.TargetFields) == 0 {
return true
targetFound := false
for _, target := range opts.TargetFields {
if column.Name() == target {
targetFound = true
return targetFound
// CreateSnapshot reads rows from database and write them into .csv file.
func (t *DataFlowTester) CreateSnapshot(dst schema.Tabler, opts TableOptions) {
location, _ := time.LoadLocation(`UTC`)
targetFields := t.resolveTargetFields(dst, opts)
pkColumnNames, err := dal.GetPrimarykeyColumnNames(t.Dal, dst)
if err != nil {
for i := 0; i < len(pkColumnNames); i++ {
group := strings.Split(pkColumnNames[i], ".")
if len(group) > 1 {
pkColumnNames[i] = group[len(group)-1]
allFields := append(pkColumnNames, targetFields...)
allFields = utils.StringsUniq(allFields)
dbCursor, err := t.Dal.Cursor(
dal.Select(strings.Join(allFields, `,`)),
dal.Orderby(strings.Join(pkColumnNames, `,`)),
if err != nil {
panic(errors.Default.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("unable to run select query on table %s", dst.TableName())))
columns, err := errors.Convert01(dbCursor.Columns())
if err != nil {
panic(errors.Default.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("unable to get columns from table %s", dst.TableName())))
csvWriter, _ := pluginhelper.NewCsvFileWriter(opts.CSVRelPath, columns)
defer csvWriter.Close()
// define how to scan value
columnTypes, _ := dbCursor.ColumnTypes()
forScanValues := make([]interface{}, len(allFields))
for i, columnType := range columnTypes {
if columnType.ScanType().Name() == `Time` || columnType.ScanType().Name() == `NullTime` {
forScanValues[i] = new(sql.NullTime)
} else if columnType.ScanType().Name() == `bool` {
forScanValues[i] = new(bool)
} else if columnType.ScanType().Name() == `RawBytes` {
forScanValues[i] = new(sql.NullString)
} else if columnType.ScanType().Name() == `NullInt64` {
forScanValues[i] = new(sql.NullInt64)
} else {
forScanValues[i] = new(sql.NullString)
for dbCursor.Next() {
err = errors.Convert(dbCursor.Scan(forScanValues...))
if err != nil {
panic(errors.Default.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("unable to scan row on table %s: %v", dst.TableName(), err)))
values := make([]string, len(allFields))
for i := range forScanValues {
switch forScanValues[i].(type) {
case *sql.NullTime:
value := forScanValues[i].(*sql.NullTime)
if value.Valid {
values[i] = value.Time.In(location).Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05.000-07:00")
} else {
values[i] = ``
case *bool:
if *forScanValues[i].(*bool) {
values[i] = `1`
} else {
values[i] = `0`
case *sql.NullString:
value := *forScanValues[i].(*sql.NullString)
if value.Valid {
values[i] = value.String
} else {
values[i] = ``
case *sql.NullInt64:
value := *forScanValues[i].(*sql.NullInt64)
if value.Valid {
values[i] = strconv.FormatInt(value.Int64, 10)
} else {
values[i] = ``
case *string:
values[i] = fmt.Sprint(*forScanValues[i].(*string))
fmt.Printf("created CSV file: %s\n", opts.CSVRelPath)
// ExportRawTable reads rows from raw table and write them into .csv file.
func (t *DataFlowTester) ExportRawTable(rawTableName string, csvRelPath string) {
location, _ := time.LoadLocation(`UTC`)
allFields := []string{`id`, `params`, `data`, `url`, `input`, `created_at`}
rawRows := &[]api.RawData{}
err := t.Dal.All(
dal.Select(`id, params, data, url, input, created_at`),
if err != nil {
csvWriter, _ := pluginhelper.NewCsvFileWriter(csvRelPath, allFields)
defer csvWriter.Close()
for _, rawRow := range *rawRows {
strconv.FormatUint(rawRow.ID, 10),
func formatDbValue(value interface{}) string {
location, _ := time.LoadLocation(`UTC`)
switch value := value.(type) {
case time.Time:
return value.In(location).Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05.000-07:00")
case bool:
if value {
return `1`
} else {
return `0`
if value != nil {
return fmt.Sprint(value)
return ``
// ColumnWithRawData create an Column string with _raw_data_* appending
func ColumnWithRawData(column ...string) []string {
return append(
// VerifyTableWithRawData use VerifyTable and append the _raw_data_* checking after targetFields
func (t *DataFlowTester) VerifyTableWithRawData(dst schema.Tabler, csvRelPath string, targetFields []string) {
t.VerifyTable(dst, csvRelPath, ColumnWithRawData(targetFields...))
// VerifyTable reads rows from csv file and compare with records from database one by one. You must specify the
// Primary Key Fields with `pkFields` so DataFlowTester could select the exact record from database, as well as which
// fields to compare with by specifying `targetFields` parameter. Leaving `targetFields` empty/nil will compare all fields.
func (t *DataFlowTester) VerifyTable(dst schema.Tabler, csvRelPath string, targetFields []string) {
t.VerifyTableWithOptions(dst, TableOptions{
CSVRelPath: csvRelPath,
TargetFields: targetFields,
func (t *DataFlowTester) extractColumns(ifc interface{}) []string {
sch, err := schema.Parse(ifc, &sync.Map{}, schema.NamingStrategy{})
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("error getting object schema: %v", err))
var columns []string
for _, f := range sch.Fields {
columns = append(columns, f.DBName)
return columns
func (t *DataFlowTester) resolveTargetFields(dst schema.Tabler, opts TableOptions) []string {
for _, ignore := range opts.IgnoreTypes {
opts.IgnoreFields = append(opts.IgnoreFields, t.extractColumns(ignore)...)
var targetFields []string
if len(opts.TargetFields) == 0 || len(opts.IgnoreFields) > 0 {
names, err := dal.GetColumnNames(t.Dal, dst, func(cm dal.ColumnMeta) bool {
return filterColumn(cm, opts)
if err != nil {
targetFields = append(targetFields, names...)
} else {
targetFields = opts.TargetFields
return targetFields
// VerifyTableWithOptions extends VerifyTable and allows for more advanced usages using TableOptions
func (t *DataFlowTester) VerifyTableWithOptions(dst schema.Tabler, opts TableOptions) {
if opts.CSVRelPath == "" {
panic("CSV relative path missing")
_, err := os.Stat(opts.CSVRelPath)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
t.CreateSnapshot(dst, opts)
targetFields := t.resolveTargetFields(dst, opts)
pkColumns, err := dal.GetPrimarykeyColumns(t.Dal, dst)
if err != nil {
csvIter, _ := pluginhelper.NewCsvFileIterator(opts.CSVRelPath)
defer csvIter.Close()
var expectedTotal int64
csvMap := map[string]map[string]interface{}{}
for csvIter.HasNext() {
expected := csvIter.Fetch()
pkValues := make([]string, 0, len(pkColumns))
for _, pkc := range pkColumns {
pkValues = append(pkValues, expected[pkc.Name()].(string))
pkValueStr := strings.Join(pkValues, `-`)
_, ok := csvMap[pkValueStr]
assert.False(t.T, ok, fmt.Sprintf(`%s duplicated in csv (with params from csv %s)`, dst.TableName(), pkValues))
for _, ignore := range opts.IgnoreFields {
delete(expected, ignore)
csvMap[pkValueStr] = expected
var actualTotal int64
dbRows := &[]map[string]interface{}{}
err = t.Db.Table(dst.TableName()).Find(dbRows).Error
if err != nil {
for _, actual := range *dbRows {
pkValues := make([]string, 0, len(pkColumns))
for _, pkc := range pkColumns {
pkValues = append(pkValues, formatDbValue(actual[pkc.Name()]))
expected, ok := csvMap[strings.Join(pkValues, `-`)]
assert.True(t.T, ok, fmt.Sprintf(`%s not found (with params from csv %s)`, dst.TableName(), pkValues))
if !ok {
for _, field := range targetFields {
assert.Equal(t.T, expected[field], formatDbValue(actual[field]), fmt.Sprintf(`%s.%s not match (with params from csv %s)`, dst.TableName(), field, pkValues))
assert.Equal(t.T, expectedTotal, actualTotal, fmt.Sprintf(`%s count not match count,[expected:%d][actual:%d]`, dst.TableName(), expectedTotal, actualTotal))