feat: add BitBucket dashboard and update other dashboards (#4617)

* fix: home dashboard link and zentao dashboard

* fix: update the homepage dashboard link

* feat: add bitbucket and fix other dashboards


Co-authored-by: Startrekzky <kaiyun.zhang@merico.dev>
diff --git a/grafana/dashboards/BitBucket.json b/grafana/dashboards/BitBucket.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b317dc0
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+++ b/grafana/dashboards/BitBucket.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1147 @@
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+          "group": [],
+          "hide": false,
+          "metricColumn": "none",
+          "rawQuery": true,
+          "rawSql": "with _prs as(\n  SELECT\n    DATE_ADD(date(created_date), INTERVAL -DAY(date(created_date))+1 DAY) as time,\n    avg(TIMESTAMPDIFF(Minute,created_date,merged_date)/1440) as time_to_merge\n  FROM pull_requests\n  WHERE\n    $__timeFilter(created_date)\n    and base_repo_id in ($repo_id)\n    and created_date >= DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD($__timeFrom(), INTERVAL -DAY($__timeFrom())+1 DAY), INTERVAL +1 MONTH)\n  group by 1\n)\n\nSELECT \n  date_format(time,'%M %Y') as month,\n  time_to_merge as \"Time to Merge\"\nFROM _prs\nORDER BY time\n",
+          "refId": "A",
+          "select": [
+            [
+              {
+                "params": [
+                  "id"
+                ],
+                "type": "column"
+              }
+            ]
+          ],
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+          "timeColumn": "ae_create_time",
+          "timeColumnType": "timestamp",
+          "where": [
+            {
+              "name": "$__timeFilter",
+              "params": [],
+              "type": "macro"
+            }
+          ]
+        }
+      ],
+      "title": "2.6 Mean Time to Merge of Pull Requests in Days [Each Month]",
+      "type": "barchart"
+    },
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+      "datasource": "mysql",
+      "description": "",
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+          "metricColumn": "none",
+          "rawQuery": true,
+          "rawSql": "select\n\tavg(TIMESTAMPDIFF(Minute,created_date,closed_date)/1440) as time_to_close\nfrom \n\tpull_requests\nwhere \n  $__timeFilter(created_date)\n\tand base_repo_id in ($repo_id)\n\tand status in ('closed', 'merged')\n\n\n",
+          "refId": "A",
+          "select": [
+            [
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+                  "id"
+                ],
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+              }
+            ]
+          ],
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+          "timeColumnType": "timestamp",
+          "where": [
+            {
+              "name": "$__timeFilter",
+              "params": [],
+              "type": "macro"
+            }
+          ]
+        }
+      ],
+      "title": "2.7 Mean Time to Close of Pull Requests in Days [Selected Time Range]",
+      "type": "stat"
+    },
+    {
+      "datasource": "mysql",
+      "description": "",
+      "fieldConfig": {
+        "defaults": {
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+              {
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+              },
+              {
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+                "value": 80
+              }
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+      },
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+        {
+          "format": "table",
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+          "metricColumn": "none",
+          "rawQuery": true,
+          "rawSql": "with _prs as(\n  SELECT\n    DATE_ADD(date(created_date), INTERVAL -DAY(date(created_date))+1 DAY) as time,\n    avg(TIMESTAMPDIFF(Minute,created_date,closed_date)/1440) as time_to_close\n  FROM pull_requests\n  WHERE\n    $__timeFilter(created_date)\n    and base_repo_id in ($repo_id)\n    and status in ('closed', 'merged')\n    and created_date >= DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD($__timeFrom(), INTERVAL -DAY($__timeFrom())+1 DAY), INTERVAL +1 MONTH)\n  group by 1\n)\n\nSELECT \n  date_format(time,'%M %Y') as month,\n  time_to_close as \"Time to Close\"\nFROM _prs\nORDER BY time\n",
+          "refId": "A",
+          "select": [
+            [
+              {
+                "params": [
+                  "id"
+                ],
+                "type": "column"
+              }
+            ]
+          ],
+          "table": "ae_projects",
+          "timeColumn": "ae_create_time",
+          "timeColumnType": "timestamp",
+          "where": [
+            {
+              "name": "$__timeFilter",
+              "params": [],
+              "type": "macro"
+            }
+          ]
+        }
+      ],
+      "title": "2.8 Mean Time to Close of Pull Requests in Days [Each Month]",
+      "type": "barchart"
+    },
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+      "datasource": null,
+      "gridPos": {
+        "h": 2,
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+      "id": 99,
+      "options": {
+        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/Configuration/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
+        "mode": "markdown"
+      },
+      "pluginVersion": "8.0.6",
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+  ],
+  "refresh": "",
+  "schemaVersion": 30,
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+    "list": [
+      {
+        "allValue": "",
+        "current": {
+          "selected": true,
+          "text": [
+            "All"
+          ],
+          "value": [
+            "$__all"
+          ]
+        },
+        "datasource": "mysql",
+        "definition": "select concat(name, '--', id) as text from repos where id like 'bitbucket%'",
+        "description": null,
+        "error": null,
+        "hide": 0,
+        "includeAll": true,
+        "label": "Repo",
+        "multi": true,
+        "name": "repo_id",
+        "options": [],
+        "query": "select concat(name, '--', id) as text from repos where id like 'bitbucket%'",
+        "refresh": 1,
+        "regex": "/^(?<text>.*)--(?<value>.*)$/",
+        "skipUrlSync": false,
+        "sort": 0,
+        "type": "query"
+      }
+    ]
+  },
+  "time": {
+    "from": "now-6M",
+    "to": "now"
+  },
+  "timepicker": {},
+  "timezone": "",
+  "title": "BitBucket",
+  "uid": "4LzQHZa4k",
+  "version": 4
\ No newline at end of file
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index beddabb..678b3c4 100644
--- a/grafana/dashboards/ContributorExperience.json
+++ b/grafana/dashboards/ContributorExperience.json
@@ -709,7 +709,7 @@
       "id": 22,
       "options": {
-        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/UserManuals/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
+        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/Configuration/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
         "mode": "markdown"
       "pluginVersion": "8.0.6",
diff --git a/grafana/dashboards/DemoAverageRequirementLeadTimeByAssignee.json b/grafana/dashboards/DemoAverageRequirementLeadTimeByAssignee.json
index 5029eb6..38297e2 100644
--- a/grafana/dashboards/DemoAverageRequirementLeadTimeByAssignee.json
+++ b/grafana/dashboards/DemoAverageRequirementLeadTimeByAssignee.json
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@
       "id": 102,
       "options": {
-        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/UserManuals/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
+        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/Configuration/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
         "mode": "markdown"
       "pluginVersion": "8.0.6",
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index 836b7a9..57a6c89 100644
--- a/grafana/dashboards/DemoCommitCountByAuthor.json
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@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
       "id": 52,
       "options": {
-        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/UserManuals/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
+        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/Configuration/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
         "mode": "markdown"
       "pluginVersion": "8.0.6",
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index da25985..602599c 100644
--- a/grafana/dashboards/DemoDetailedBugInfo.json
+++ b/grafana/dashboards/DemoDetailedBugInfo.json
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@
       "id": 34,
       "options": {
-        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/UserManuals/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
+        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/Configuration/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
         "mode": "markdown"
       "pluginVersion": "8.0.6",
diff --git a/grafana/dashboards/DemoHowFastDoWeRespondToCustomerRequirements.json b/grafana/dashboards/DemoHowFastDoWeRespondToCustomerRequirements.json
index 8517e28..f3824b2 100644
--- a/grafana/dashboards/DemoHowFastDoWeRespondToCustomerRequirements.json
+++ b/grafana/dashboards/DemoHowFastDoWeRespondToCustomerRequirements.json
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@
       "id": 105,
       "options": {
-        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/UserManuals/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
+        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/Configuration/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
         "mode": "markdown"
       "pluginVersion": "8.0.6",
diff --git a/grafana/dashboards/DemoIsThisMonthMoreProductiveThanLast.json b/grafana/dashboards/DemoIsThisMonthMoreProductiveThanLast.json
index 85cde9b..a3a0def 100644
--- a/grafana/dashboards/DemoIsThisMonthMoreProductiveThanLast.json
+++ b/grafana/dashboards/DemoIsThisMonthMoreProductiveThanLast.json
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
       "id": 42,
       "options": {
-        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/UserManuals/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
+        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/Configuration/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
         "mode": "markdown"
       "pluginVersion": "8.0.6",
diff --git a/grafana/dashboards/DemoWasOurQualityImprovedOrNot.json b/grafana/dashboards/DemoWasOurQualityImprovedOrNot.json
index cef4b24..7d9e2c7 100644
--- a/grafana/dashboards/DemoWasOurQualityImprovedOrNot.json
+++ b/grafana/dashboards/DemoWasOurQualityImprovedOrNot.json
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
       "id": 39,
       "options": {
-        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/UserManuals/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
+        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/Configuration/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
         "mode": "markdown"
       "pluginVersion": "8.0.6",
diff --git a/grafana/dashboards/EngineeringOverview.json b/grafana/dashboards/EngineeringOverview.json
index 99e42c1..9fd1c7a 100644
--- a/grafana/dashboards/EngineeringOverview.json
+++ b/grafana/dashboards/EngineeringOverview.json
@@ -1716,7 +1716,7 @@
       "id": 34,
       "options": {
-        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/UserManuals/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
+        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/Configuration/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
         "mode": "markdown"
       "pluginVersion": "8.0.6",
diff --git a/grafana/dashboards/EngineeringThroughputAndCycleTime.json b/grafana/dashboards/EngineeringThroughputAndCycleTime.json
index 2a90d48..cc36613 100644
--- a/grafana/dashboards/EngineeringThroughputAndCycleTime.json
+++ b/grafana/dashboards/EngineeringThroughputAndCycleTime.json
@@ -1533,7 +1533,7 @@
       "id": 113,
       "options": {
-        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/UserManuals/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
+        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/Configuration/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
         "mode": "markdown"
       "pluginVersion": "8.0.6",
diff --git a/grafana/dashboards/EngineeringThroughputAndCycleTimeTeamView.json b/grafana/dashboards/EngineeringThroughputAndCycleTimeTeamView.json
index 8986097..9b82c7a 100644
--- a/grafana/dashboards/EngineeringThroughputAndCycleTimeTeamView.json
+++ b/grafana/dashboards/EngineeringThroughputAndCycleTimeTeamView.json
@@ -2616,7 +2616,7 @@
       "id": 144,
       "options": {
-        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/UserManuals/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
+        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/Configuration/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
         "mode": "markdown"
       "pluginVersion": "8.0.6",
diff --git a/grafana/dashboards/GitHub.json b/grafana/dashboards/GitHub.json
index a3304f6..6fe6c58 100644
--- a/grafana/dashboards/GitHub.json
+++ b/grafana/dashboards/GitHub.json
@@ -1942,7 +1942,7 @@
       "id": 101,
       "options": {
-        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/UserManuals/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
+        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/Configuration/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
         "mode": "markdown"
       "pluginVersion": "8.0.6",
diff --git a/grafana/dashboards/GithubReleaseQualityAndContributionAnalysis.json b/grafana/dashboards/GithubReleaseQualityAndContributionAnalysis.json
index f873222..1642e53 100644
--- a/grafana/dashboards/GithubReleaseQualityAndContributionAnalysis.json
+++ b/grafana/dashboards/GithubReleaseQualityAndContributionAnalysis.json
@@ -2589,7 +2589,7 @@
       "id": 59,
       "options": {
-        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/UserManuals/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
+        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/Configuration/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
         "mode": "markdown"
       "pluginVersion": "8.0.6",
diff --git a/grafana/dashboards/Gitlab.json b/grafana/dashboards/Gitlab.json
index 59e6354..b0f0841 100644
--- a/grafana/dashboards/Gitlab.json
+++ b/grafana/dashboards/Gitlab.json
@@ -1086,7 +1086,7 @@
       "id": 99,
       "options": {
-        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/UserManuals/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
+        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/Configuration/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
         "mode": "markdown"
       "pluginVersion": "8.0.6",
diff --git a/grafana/dashboards/Homepage.json b/grafana/dashboards/Homepage.json
index 1aa23e2..8e261f2 100644
--- a/grafana/dashboards/Homepage.json
+++ b/grafana/dashboards/Homepage.json
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
   "editable": true,
   "gnetId": null,
   "graphTooltip": 0,
-  "id": 22,
+  "id": 23,
   "links": [],
   "panels": [
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
       "id": 32,
       "options": {
-        "content": "# Welcome to Apache DevLake\n\n  - DevLake provides following dashboards, grouped by use cases and data sources.\n  - The data displayed in these dashboards are queried from DevLake's domain layer data, see [schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema).\n  - You can also make your own dashboard based on the [domain layer schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema), the SQL exmaples of [engineering metrics](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/Metrics), and [Grafana manuals](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/UserManuals/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).\n  - Feel free to [fire an issue](https://github.com/apache/incubator-devlake/issues/new/choose) if you have any question.",
+        "content": "# Welcome to Apache DevLake\n\n  - DevLake provides following dashboards, grouped by use cases and data sources.\n  - The data displayed in these dashboards are queried from DevLake's domain layer data, see [schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema).\n  - You can also make your own dashboard based on the [domain layer schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema), the SQL exmaples of [engineering metrics](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/Metrics), and [Grafana manuals](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/Configuration/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).\n  - Feel free to [fire an issue](https://github.com/apache/incubator-devlake/issues/new/choose) if you have any question.",
         "mode": "markdown"
       "pluginVersion": "8.0.6",
@@ -773,6 +773,108 @@
         "x": 18,
         "y": 31
+      "id": 36,
+      "interval": null,
+      "links": [],
+      "options": {
+        "content": "<a href=\"/grafana/d/4LzQHZa4k/bitbucket?orgId=1\">\n    <div style=\"vertical-align:middle;text-align:center;margin:60px;\">\n        <p style=\"text-align:center;font-size:20px;margin:20px;\"><b>BitBucket Cloud</b></p>\n    </div>\n</a>",
+        "mode": "html"
+      },
+      "pluginVersion": "8.0.6",
+      "targets": [
+        {
+          "format": "time_series",
+          "group": [],
+          "metricColumn": "none",
+          "rawQuery": false,
+          "rawSql": "SELECT\n  create_time AS \"time\",\n  progress\nFROM ca_analysis\nWHERE\n  $__timeFilter(create_time)\nORDER BY 1",
+          "refId": "A",
+          "select": [
+            [
+              {
+                "params": [
+                  "progress"
+                ],
+                "type": "column"
+              }
+            ]
+          ],
+          "table": "ca_analysis",
+          "timeColumn": "create_time",
+          "timeColumnType": "timestamp",
+          "where": [
+            {
+              "name": "$__timeFilter",
+              "params": [],
+              "type": "macro"
+            }
+          ]
+        }
+      ],
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+        "mode": "html"
+      },
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+      "targets": [
+        {
+          "format": "time_series",
+          "group": [],
+          "metricColumn": "none",
+          "rawQuery": false,
+          "rawSql": "SELECT\n  create_time AS \"time\",\n  progress\nFROM ca_analysis\nWHERE\n  $__timeFilter(create_time)\nORDER BY 1",
+          "refId": "A",
+          "select": [
+            [
+              {
+                "params": [
+                  "progress"
+                ],
+                "type": "column"
+              }
+            ]
+          ],
+          "table": "ca_analysis",
+          "timeColumn": "create_time",
+          "timeColumnType": "timestamp",
+          "where": [
+            {
+              "name": "$__timeFilter",
+              "params": [],
+              "type": "macro"
+            }
+          ]
+        }
+      ],
+      "timeFrom": null,
+      "timeShift": null,
+      "type": "text"
+    },
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@@ -933,5 +1035,5 @@
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   "title": "Homepage",
   "uid": "lCO8w-pVk",
-  "version": 2
+  "version": 8
\ No newline at end of file
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index a36d87e..ac153ee 100644
--- a/grafana/dashboards/Jenkins.json
+++ b/grafana/dashboards/Jenkins.json
@@ -914,7 +914,7 @@
       "id": 60,
       "options": {
-        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/UserManuals/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
+        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/Configuration/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
         "mode": "markdown"
       "pluginVersion": "8.0.6",
diff --git a/grafana/dashboards/Jira.json b/grafana/dashboards/Jira.json
index 54f5554..3b703ce 100644
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+++ b/grafana/dashboards/Jira.json
@@ -946,7 +946,7 @@
       "id": 130,
       "options": {
-        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/UserManuals/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
+        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/Configuration/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
         "mode": "markdown"
       "pluginVersion": "8.0.6",
diff --git a/grafana/dashboards/Sonarqube.json b/grafana/dashboards/Sonarqube.json
index 9d54439..66ebd3f 100644
--- a/grafana/dashboards/Sonarqube.json
+++ b/grafana/dashboards/Sonarqube.json
@@ -15,17 +15,40 @@
   "editable": true,
   "gnetId": null,
   "graphTooltip": 0,
-  "id": 26,
-  "iteration": 1677495313287,
+  "id": 2,
+  "iteration": 1678275507113,
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       "datasource": null,
       "gridPos": {
+        "h": 3,
+        "w": 13,
+        "x": 0,
+        "y": 0
+      },
+      "id": 19,
+      "options": {
+        "content": "- Use Cases: This dashboard shows the code quality metrics from SonarQube.\n- Data Source Required: SonarQube v8.2+",
+        "mode": "markdown"
+      },
+      "pluginVersion": "8.0.6",
+      "targets": [
+        {
+          "queryType": "randomWalk",
+          "refId": "A"
+        }
+      ],
+      "title": "Dashboard Introduction",
+      "type": "text"
+    },
+    {
+      "datasource": null,
+      "gridPos": {
         "h": 1,
         "w": 24,
         "x": 0,
-        "y": 0
+        "y": 3
       "id": 16,
       "title": "Reliability & Security",
@@ -60,7 +83,7 @@
         "h": 4,
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         "x": 0,
-        "y": 1
+        "y": 4
       "id": 2,
       "options": {
@@ -144,7 +167,7 @@
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@@ -312,7 +335,7 @@
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@@ -495,7 +518,7 @@
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       "options": {
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@@ -678,7 +701,7 @@
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@@ -762,7 +785,7 @@
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@@ -851,7 +874,7 @@
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-        "y": 17
+        "y": 20
       "id": 17,
       "options": {
@@ -891,7 +914,7 @@
-      "title": "Code",
+      "title": "Code Quality Metrics by Files",
       "type": "table"
@@ -906,10 +929,10 @@
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           "text": [
-            ""
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-            ""
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@@ -934,10 +957,10 @@
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           "selected": false,
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-            ""
+            "All"
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-            ""
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@@ -962,10 +985,10 @@
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-            ""
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-            ""
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@@ -988,7 +1011,7 @@
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-          "selected": true,
+          "selected": false,
           "text": "20",
           "value": "20"
@@ -1029,7 +1052,7 @@
   "timepicker": {},
   "timezone": "",
-  "title": "Sonarqube",
+  "title": "SonarQube",
   "uid": "WA0qbuJ4k",
-  "version": 60
+  "version": 5
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/grafana/dashboards/TAPD.json b/grafana/dashboards/TAPD.json
index ea42f29..f45c396 100644
--- a/grafana/dashboards/TAPD.json
+++ b/grafana/dashboards/TAPD.json
@@ -946,7 +946,7 @@
       "id": 130,
       "options": {
-        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/UserManuals/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
+        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/Configuration/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
         "mode": "markdown"
       "pluginVersion": "8.0.6",
diff --git a/grafana/dashboards/WeeklyBugRetro.json b/grafana/dashboards/WeeklyBugRetro.json
index 8cc447b..dd8ce3c 100644
--- a/grafana/dashboards/WeeklyBugRetro.json
+++ b/grafana/dashboards/WeeklyBugRetro.json
@@ -1573,7 +1573,7 @@
       "id": 30,
       "options": {
-        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/UserManuals/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
+        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/Configuration/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
         "mode": "markdown"
       "pluginVersion": "8.0.6",
diff --git a/grafana/dashboards/WeeklyCommunityRetro.json b/grafana/dashboards/WeeklyCommunityRetro.json
index eb4dd70..1757009 100644
--- a/grafana/dashboards/WeeklyCommunityRetro.json
+++ b/grafana/dashboards/WeeklyCommunityRetro.json
@@ -1681,7 +1681,7 @@
       "id": 50,
       "options": {
-        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/UserManuals/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
+        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/Configuration/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
         "mode": "markdown"
       "pluginVersion": "8.0.6",
diff --git a/grafana/dashboards/Zentao.json b/grafana/dashboards/Zentao.json
index 71a1aac..14b6d8c 100644
--- a/grafana/dashboards/Zentao.json
+++ b/grafana/dashboards/Zentao.json
@@ -946,7 +946,7 @@
       "id": 130,
       "options": {
-        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/UserManuals/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
+        "content": "<br/>\n\nThis dashboard is created based on this [data schema](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DataModels/DevLakeDomainLayerSchema). Want to add more metrics? Please follow the [guide](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/Configuration/Dashboards/GrafanaUserGuide).",
         "mode": "markdown"
       "pluginVersion": "8.0.6",