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package services
import (
func TestMakePlanV200(t *testing.T) {
const projectName = "TestMakePlanV200-project"
githubName := "TestMakePlanV200-github" // mimic github
// mock github plugin as a data source plugin
githubConnId := uint64(1)
syncPolicy := core.BlueprintSyncPolicy{}
githubScopes := []*core.BlueprintScopeV200{
{Id: "", Name: "apache/incubator-devlake"},
{Id: "", Name: "apache/incubator-devlake-website"},
githubOutputPlan := core.PipelinePlan{
{Plugin: githubName, Options: map[string]interface{}{"name": "apache/incubator-devlake"}},
{Plugin: "gitextractor", Options: map[string]interface{}{"url": ""}},
{Plugin: githubName, Options: map[string]interface{}{"name": "apache/incubator-devlake-website"}},
{Plugin: "gitextractor", Options: map[string]interface{}{"url": ""}},
githubOutputScopes := []core.Scope{
&code.Repo{DomainEntity: domainlayer.DomainEntity{Id: "github:GithubRepo:1:123"}, Name: "apache/incubator-devlake"},
&ticket.Board{DomainEntity: domainlayer.DomainEntity{Id: "github:GithubRepo:1:123"}, Name: "apache/incubator-devlake"},
github := new(mocks.CompositeDataSourcePluginBlueprintV200)
github.On("MakeDataSourcePipelinePlanV200", githubConnId, githubScopes, syncPolicy).Return(githubOutputPlan, githubOutputScopes, nil)
// mock dora plugin as a metric plugin
doraName := "TestMakePlanV200-dora"
doraOutputPlan := core.PipelinePlan{
{Plugin: "refdiff", Subtasks: []string{"calculateProjectDeploymentCommitsDiff"}, Options: map[string]interface{}{"projectName": projectName}},
{Plugin: doraName},
dora := new(mocks.CompositeMetricPluginBlueprintV200)
dora.On("MakeMetricPluginPipelinePlanV200", projectName, json.RawMessage("{}")).Return(doraOutputPlan, nil)
// expectation, establish expectation before any code being launch to avoid unwanted modification
expectedPlan := make(core.PipelinePlan, 0)
expectedPlan = append(expectedPlan, githubOutputPlan...)
expectedPlan = append(expectedPlan, doraOutputPlan...)
expectedScopes := append(make([]core.Scope, 0), githubOutputScopes...)
// plugin registration
core.RegisterPlugin(githubName, github)
core.RegisterPlugin(doraName, dora)
// put them together and call GeneratePlanJsonV200
connections, _ := json.Marshal([]*core.BlueprintConnectionV200{
{Plugin: githubName, ConnectionId: githubConnId, Scopes: githubScopes},
sources := &models.BlueprintSettings{
Version: "2.0.0",
Connections: connections,
metrics := map[string]json.RawMessage{
doraName: nil,
plan, scopes, err := genPlanJsonV200(projectName, syncPolicy, sources, metrics)
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, expectedPlan, plan)
assert.Equal(t, expectedScopes, scopes)