blob: 7a3f80eac61612ca5997d19329422d5c6eb88a5c [file] [log] [blame]
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package services
import (
// ErrBlueprintRunning indicates there is a running pipeline with the specified blueprint_id
var ErrBlueprintRunning = errors.Default.New("the blueprint is running")
// CreateDbPipeline returns a NewPipeline
func CreateDbPipeline(newPipeline *models.NewPipeline) (*models.DbPipeline, errors.Error) {
defer cronLocker.Unlock()
if newPipeline.BlueprintId > 0 {
count, err := db.Count(
dal.Where("blueprint_id = ? AND status IN ?", newPipeline.BlueprintId, models.PendingTaskStatus),
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Default.Wrap(err, "query pipelines error")
if count > 0 {
return nil, ErrBlueprintRunning
planByte, err := errors.Convert01(json.Marshal(newPipeline.Plan))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// create pipeline object from posted data
dbPipeline := &models.DbPipeline{
Name: newPipeline.Name,
FinishedTasks: 0,
Status: models.TASK_CREATED,
Message: "",
SpentSeconds: 0,
Plan: string(planByte),
SkipOnFail: newPipeline.SkipOnFail,
if newPipeline.BlueprintId != 0 {
dbPipeline.BlueprintId = newPipeline.BlueprintId
dbPipeline, err = encryptDbPipeline(dbPipeline)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// save pipeline to database
if err := db.Create(&dbPipeline); err != nil {
globalPipelineLog.Error(err, "create pipeline failed: %v", err)
return nil, errors.Internal.Wrap(err, "create pipeline failed")
dbPipeline.Labels = []models.DbPipelineLabel{}
for _, label := range newPipeline.Labels {
dbPipeline.Labels = append(dbPipeline.Labels, models.DbPipelineLabel{
PipelineId: dbPipeline.ID,
Name: label,
if len(dbPipeline.Labels) > 0 {
if err := db.Create(&dbPipeline.Labels); err != nil {
globalPipelineLog.Error(err, "create pipeline's labelModels failed: %v", err)
return nil, errors.Internal.Wrap(err, "create pipeline's labelModels failed")
// create tasks accordingly
for i := range newPipeline.Plan {
for j := range newPipeline.Plan[i] {
log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("plan[%d][%d] is %+v\n", i, j, newPipeline.Plan[i][j]))
pipelineTask := newPipeline.Plan[i][j]
newTask := &models.NewTask{
PipelineTask: pipelineTask,
PipelineId: dbPipeline.ID,
PipelineRow: i + 1,
PipelineCol: j + 1,
_, err := CreateTask(newTask)
if err != nil {
globalPipelineLog.Error(err, "create task for pipeline failed: %v", err)
return nil, err
// sync task state back to pipeline
dbPipeline.TotalTasks += 1
if err != nil {
globalPipelineLog.Error(err, "save tasks for pipeline failed: %v", err)
return nil, errors.Internal.Wrap(err, "save tasks for pipeline failed")
if dbPipeline.TotalTasks == 0 {
return nil, errors.Internal.New("no task to run")
// update tasks state
if err := db.Update(dbPipeline); err != nil {
globalPipelineLog.Error(err, "update pipline state failed: %v", err)
return nil, errors.Internal.Wrap(err, "update pipline state failed")
return dbPipeline, nil
// GetDbPipelines by query
func GetDbPipelines(query *PipelineQuery) ([]*models.DbPipeline, int64, errors.Error) {
// process query parameters
clauses := []dal.Clause{dal.From(&models.DbPipeline{})}
if query.BlueprintId != 0 {
clauses = append(clauses, dal.Where("blueprint_id = ?", query.BlueprintId))
if query.Status != "" {
clauses = append(clauses, dal.Where("status = ?", query.Status))
if query.Pending > 0 {
clauses = append(clauses, dal.Where("finished_at is null and status IN ?", models.PendingTaskStatus))
if query.Label != "" {
clauses = append(clauses,
dal.Join("LEFT JOIN _devlake_pipeline_labels bl ON bl.pipeline_id ="),
dal.Where(" = ?", query.Label),
// count total records
count, err := db.Count(clauses...)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
// load paginated blueprints from database
clauses = append(clauses,
dal.Orderby("id DESC"),
dbPipelines := make([]*models.DbPipeline, 0)
err = db.All(&dbPipelines, clauses...)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, errors.Default.Wrap(err, "error getting DB count of pipelines")
// load labels for blueprints
for _, dbPipeline := range dbPipelines {
err = fillPipelineDetail(dbPipeline)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
return dbPipelines, count, nil
// GetDbPipeline by id
func GetDbPipeline(pipelineId uint64) (*models.DbPipeline, errors.Error) {
dbPipeline := &models.DbPipeline{}
err := db.First(dbPipeline, dal.Where("id = ?", pipelineId))
if err != nil {
if db.IsErrorNotFound(err) {
return nil, errors.NotFound.New("pipeline not found")
return nil, errors.Internal.Wrap(err, "error getting the pipeline from database")
err = fillPipelineDetail(dbPipeline)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dbPipeline, nil
// parsePipeline converts DbPipeline to Pipeline
func parsePipeline(dbPipeline *models.DbPipeline) *models.Pipeline {
labelList := []string{}
for _, labelModel := range dbPipeline.Labels {
labelList = append(labelList, labelModel.Name)
pipeline := models.Pipeline{
Model: dbPipeline.Model,
Name: dbPipeline.Name,
BlueprintId: dbPipeline.BlueprintId,
Plan: []byte(dbPipeline.Plan),
TotalTasks: dbPipeline.TotalTasks,
FinishedTasks: dbPipeline.FinishedTasks,
BeganAt: dbPipeline.BeganAt,
FinishedAt: dbPipeline.FinishedAt,
Status: dbPipeline.Status,
Message: dbPipeline.Message,
ErrorName: dbPipeline.ErrorName,
SpentSeconds: dbPipeline.SpentSeconds,
Stage: dbPipeline.Stage,
SkipOnFail: dbPipeline.SkipOnFail,
Labels: labelList,
return &pipeline
// parseDbPipeline converts Pipeline to DbPipeline
// nolint:unused
func parseDbPipeline(pipeline *models.Pipeline) *models.DbPipeline {
dbPipeline := models.DbPipeline{
Model: pipeline.Model,
Name: pipeline.Name,
BlueprintId: pipeline.BlueprintId,
Plan: string(pipeline.Plan),
TotalTasks: pipeline.TotalTasks,
FinishedTasks: pipeline.FinishedTasks,
BeganAt: pipeline.BeganAt,
FinishedAt: pipeline.FinishedAt,
Status: pipeline.Status,
Message: pipeline.Message,
SpentSeconds: pipeline.SpentSeconds,
Stage: pipeline.Stage,
SkipOnFail: pipeline.SkipOnFail,
dbPipeline.Labels = []models.DbPipelineLabel{}
for _, label := range pipeline.Labels {
dbPipeline.Labels = append(dbPipeline.Labels, models.DbPipelineLabel{
// NOTICE: PipelineId may be nil
PipelineId: pipeline.ID,
Name: label,
return &dbPipeline
// encryptDbPipeline encrypts dbPipeline.Plan
func encryptDbPipeline(dbPipeline *models.DbPipeline) (*models.DbPipeline, errors.Error) {
encKey := cfg.GetString(core.EncodeKeyEnvStr)
planEncrypt, err := core.Encrypt(encKey, dbPipeline.Plan)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dbPipeline.Plan = planEncrypt
return dbPipeline, nil
// encryptDbPipeline decrypts dbPipeline.Plan
func decryptDbPipeline(dbPipeline *models.DbPipeline) (*models.DbPipeline, errors.Error) {
encKey := cfg.GetString(core.EncodeKeyEnvStr)
plan, err := core.Decrypt(encKey, dbPipeline.Plan)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dbPipeline.Plan = plan
return dbPipeline, nil
func fillPipelineDetail(pipeline *models.DbPipeline) errors.Error {
err := db.All(&pipeline.Labels, dal.Where("pipeline_id = ?", pipeline.ID))
if err != nil {
return errors.Internal.Wrap(err, "error getting the pipeline labels from database")
return nil