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package helper
import (
// DataConvertHandler Accept row from source cursor, return list of entities that need to be stored
type DataConvertHandler func(row interface{}) ([]interface{}, errors.Error)
// DataConverterArgs includes the arguments about DataConverter.
// This will be used in Creating a DataConverter.
// DataConverterArgs {
// InputRowType: type of inputRow ,
// Input: dal cursor,
// RawDataSubTaskArgs: args about raw data task
// Convert: main function including conversion logic
// BatchSize: batch size
type DataConverterArgs struct {
// Domain layer entity Id prefix, i.e. `jira:JiraIssue:1`, `github:GithubIssue`
InputRowType reflect.Type
Input *sql.Rows
Convert DataConvertHandler
BatchSize int
// DataConverter helps you convert Data from Tool Layer Tables to Domain Layer Tables
// It reads rows from specified Iterator, and feed it into `Converter` handler
// you can return arbitrary domain layer entities from this handler, ApiConverter would
// first delete old data by their RawDataOrigin information, and then perform a
// batch save operation for you.
type DataConverter struct {
args *DataConverterArgs
// NewDataConverter function helps you create a DataConverter using DataConverterArgs.
// You can see the usage in plugins/github/tasks/pr_issue_convertor.go or other convertor file.
func NewDataConverter(args DataConverterArgs) (*DataConverter, errors.Error) {
rawDataSubTask, err := newRawDataSubTask(args.RawDataSubTaskArgs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// process args
if args.BatchSize == 0 {
args.BatchSize = 500
return &DataConverter{
RawDataSubTask: rawDataSubTask,
args: &args,
}, nil
// Execute function implements Subtask interface.
// It loads data from Tool Layer Tables using `Ctx.GetDal()`, convert Data using `converter.args.Convert` handler
// Then save data to Domain Layer Tables using BatchSaveDivider
func (converter *DataConverter) Execute() errors.Error {
// load data from database
db := converter.args.Ctx.GetDal()
// batch save divider
RAW_DATA_ORIGIN := "RawDataOrigin"
divider := NewBatchSaveDivider(converter.args.Ctx, converter.args.BatchSize, converter.table, converter.params)
// set progress
converter.args.Ctx.SetProgress(0, -1)
cursor := converter.args.Input
defer cursor.Close()
ctx := converter.args.Ctx.GetContext()
// iterate all rows
for cursor.Next() {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return errors.Convert(ctx.Err())
inputRow := reflect.New(converter.args.InputRowType).Interface()
err := db.Fetch(cursor, inputRow)
if err != nil {
return errors.Default.Wrap(err, "error fetching rows")
results, err := converter.args.Convert(inputRow)
if err != nil {
return errors.Default.Wrap(err, "error calling Converter plugin implementation")
for _, result := range results {
// get the batch operator for the specific type
batch, err := divider.ForType(reflect.TypeOf(result))
if err != nil {
return errors.Default.Wrap(err, "error getting batch from result")
// set raw data origin field
origin := reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().FieldByName(RAW_DATA_ORIGIN)
if origin.IsValid() {
// records get saved into db when slots were max outed
err = batch.Add(result)
if err != nil {
return errors.Default.Wrap(err, "error adding result to batch")
// save the last batches
return divider.Close()
// Check if DataConverter implements SubTask interface
var _ core.SubTask = (*DataConverter)(nil)