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package helper
import (
// HttpMinStatusRetryCode is which status will retry
var HttpMinStatusRetryCode = http.StatusBadRequest
// ApiAsyncClient is built on top of ApiClient, to provide a asynchronous semantic
// You may submit multiple requests at once by calling `DoGetAsync`, and those requests
// will be performed in parallel with rate-limit support
type ApiAsyncClient struct {
maxRetry int
scheduler *WorkerScheduler
numOfWorkers int
const defaultTimeout = 10 * time.Second
// CreateAsyncApiClient creates a new ApiAsyncClient
func CreateAsyncApiClient(
taskCtx core.TaskContext,
apiClient *ApiClient,
rateLimiter *ApiRateLimitCalculator,
) (*ApiAsyncClient, errors.Error) {
// load retry/timeout from configuration
retry, err := utils.StrToIntOr(taskCtx.GetConfig("API_RETRY"), 3)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.BadInput.Wrap(err, "failed to parse API_RETRY")
timeoutConf := taskCtx.GetConfig("API_TIMEOUT")
if timeoutConf != "" {
// override timeout value if API_TIMEOUT is provided
timeout, err := time.ParseDuration(timeoutConf)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.BadInput.Wrap(err, "failed to parse API_TIMEOUT")
} else if apiClient.GetTimeout() == 0 {
// Use DEFAULT_TIMEOUT when API_TIMEOUT is empty and ApiClient has no timeout set
globalRateLimitPerHour, err := utils.StrToIntOr(taskCtx.GetConfig("API_REQUESTS_PER_HOUR"), 18000)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Default.Wrap(err, "failed to parse API_REQUESTS_PER_HOUR")
if rateLimiter == nil {
rateLimiter = &ApiRateLimitCalculator{}
rateLimiter.GlobalRateLimitPerHour = globalRateLimitPerHour
rateLimiter.MaxRetry = retry
// ok, calculate api rate limit based on response (normally from headers)
requests, duration, err := rateLimiter.Calculate(apiClient)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Default.Wrap(err, "failed to calculate rateLimit for api")
// it is hard to tell how many workers would be sufficient, it depends on how slow the server responds.
// we need more workers when server is responding slowly, because requests are sent in a fixed pace.
// and because workers are relatively cheap, lets assume response takes 5 seconds
const RESPONSE_TIME = 5 * time.Second
// in order for scheduler to hold requests of 3 seconds, we need:
d := duration / RESPONSE_TIME
numOfWorkers := requests / int(d)
logger := taskCtx.GetLogger()
"scheduler for api %s worker: %d, request: %d, duration: %v",
scheduler, err := NewWorkerScheduler(
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Default.Wrap(err, "failed to create scheduler")
// finally, wrap around api client with async sematic
return &ApiAsyncClient{
}, nil
// GetMaxRetry returns the maximum retry attempts for a request
func (apiClient *ApiAsyncClient) GetMaxRetry() int {
return apiClient.maxRetry
// SetMaxRetry sets the maximum retry attempts for a request
func (apiClient *ApiAsyncClient) SetMaxRetry(
maxRetry int,
) {
apiClient.maxRetry = maxRetry
// DoAsync would carry out an asynchronous request
func (apiClient *ApiAsyncClient) DoAsync(
method string,
path string,
query url.Values,
body interface{},
header http.Header,
handler common.ApiAsyncCallback,
retry int,
) {
var request func() errors.Error
request = func() errors.Error {
var err error
var res *http.Response
var respBody []byte
apiClient.logger.Debug("endpoint: %s method: %s header: %s body: %s query: %s", path, method, header, body, query)
res, err = apiClient.Do(method, path, query, body, header)
// make sure response body is read successfully, or we might have to retry
if err == nil {
// make sure response.Body stream will be closed to avoid running out of file handle
defer func(readCloser io.ReadCloser) { _ = readCloser.Close() }(res.Body)
// replace NetworkStream with MemoryBuffer
respBody, err = io.ReadAll(res.Body)
if err == nil {
res.Body = io.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(respBody))
if err == ErrIgnoreAndContinue {
// make sure defer func got be executed
err = nil //nolint
return nil
// check
needRetry := false
if err != nil {
needRetry = true
} else if res.StatusCode >= HttpMinStatusRetryCode {
needRetry = true
err = errors.HttpStatus(res.StatusCode).New(fmt.Sprintf("Http DoAsync error: %s", body))
// if it needs retry, check and retry
if needRetry {
// check whether we still have retry times and not error from handler and canceled error
if retry < apiClient.maxRetry && err != context.Canceled {
apiClient.logger.Warn(err, "retry #%d calling %s", retry, path)
apiClient.scheduler.NextTick(func() errors.Error {
return nil
return nil
if err != nil {
err = errors.Default.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("retry exceeded %d times calling %s", retry, path))
apiClient.logger.Error(err, "")
return errors.Convert(err)
// it is important to let handler have a chance to handle error, or it can hang indefinitely
// when error occurs
return handler(res)
// DoGetAsync Enqueue an api get request, the request may be sent sometime in future in parallel with other api requests
func (apiClient *ApiAsyncClient) DoGetAsync(
path string,
query url.Values,
header http.Header,
handler common.ApiAsyncCallback,
) {
apiClient.DoAsync(http.MethodGet, path, query, nil, header, handler, 0)
// DoPostAsync Enqueue an api post request, the request may be sent sometime in future in parallel with other api requests
func (apiClient *ApiAsyncClient) DoPostAsync(
path string,
query url.Values,
body interface{},
header http.Header,
handler common.ApiAsyncCallback,
) {
apiClient.DoAsync(http.MethodPost, path, query, body, header, handler, 0)
// WaitAsync blocks until all async requests were done
func (apiClient *ApiAsyncClient) WaitAsync() errors.Error {
return apiClient.scheduler.Wait()
// HasError to return if the scheduler has Error
func (apiClient *ApiAsyncClient) HasError() bool {
return apiClient.scheduler.HasError()
// NextTick to return the NextTick of scheduler
func (apiClient *ApiAsyncClient) NextTick(task func() errors.Error) {
// GetNumOfWorkers to return the Workers count if scheduler.
func (apiClient *ApiAsyncClient) GetNumOfWorkers() int {
return apiClient.numOfWorkers
// Release will release the ApiAsyncClient with scheduler
func (apiClient *ApiAsyncClient) Release() {
// RateLimitedApiClient FIXME ...
type RateLimitedApiClient interface {
DoGetAsync(path string, query url.Values, header http.Header, handler common.ApiAsyncCallback)
DoPostAsync(path string, query url.Values, body interface{}, header http.Header, handler common.ApiAsyncCallback)
WaitAsync() errors.Error
HasError() bool
NextTick(task func() errors.Error)
GetNumOfWorkers() int
GetAfterFunction() common.ApiClientAfterResponse
SetAfterFunction(callback common.ApiClientAfterResponse)
var _ RateLimitedApiClient = (*ApiAsyncClient)(nil)