fix(config-ui): adjust the text description for DORA
diff --git a/config-ui/src/components/blueprints/transformations/CICD/Deployment.jsx b/config-ui/src/components/blueprints/transformations/CICD/Deployment.jsx
index ef5aa8c..b14069d 100644
--- a/config-ui/src/components/blueprints/transformations/CICD/Deployment.jsx
+++ b/config-ui/src/components/blueprints/transformations/CICD/Deployment.jsx
@@ -100,21 +100,21 @@
           'A Jenkins build with a name that matches the given regEx will be considered as a Deployment.'
         hint2 =
           // eslint-disable-next-line max-len
-          'A Jenkins build that matches the given regEx will be considered as a build in the Production environment. If you leave this field empty, all data will be tagged as in the Production environment.'
+          'A Jenkins build with a name that matches the given regEx will be considered as a build in the Production environment. If you leave this field empty, all data will be tagged as in the Production environment.'
       case Providers.GITHUB:
         hint1 =
           'A GitHub Action job with a name that matches the given regEx will be considered as a Deployment.'
         hint2 =
           // eslint-disable-next-line max-len
-          'A GitHub Action job that matches the given regEx will be considered as a job in the Production environment. If you leave this field empty, all data will be tagged as in the Production environment.'
+          'A GitHub Action job with a name that matches the given regEx will be considered as a job in the Production environment. If you leave this field empty, all data will be tagged as in the Production environment.'
       case Providers.GITLAB:
         hint1 =
           'A GitLab CI job with a name that matches the given regEx will be considered as a Deployment.'
         hint2 =
           // eslint-disable-next-line max-len
-          'A GitLab CI job that matches the given regEx will be considered as a job in the Production environment. If you leave this field empty, all data will be tagged as in the Production environment.'
+          'A GitLab CI job that with a name matches the given regEx will be considered as a job in the Production environment. If you leave this field empty, all data will be tagged as in the Production environment.'