blob: 6899af8fdb6d3340f2ac1420264bc2a6b19238ef [file] [log] [blame]
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package apiv2models
import (
type Issue struct {
Expand string `json:"expand"`
ID uint64 `json:"id,string"`
Self string `json:"self"`
Key string `json:"key"`
Fields struct {
AllFields map[string]interface{}
Issuetype struct {
Self string `json:"self"`
ID string `json:"id"`
Description string `json:"description"`
IconURL string `json:"iconUrl"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Subtask bool `json:"subtask"`
AvatarID int `json:"avatarId"`
} `json:"issuetype"`
Parent *struct {
ID uint64 `json:"id,string"`
Key string `json:"key"`
} `json:"parent"`
Timespent *int64 `json:"timespent"`
Sprint *Sprint `json:"sprint"`
ClosedSprints []Sprint `json:"closedSprints"`
Project struct {
Self string `json:"self"`
ID uint64 `json:"id,string"`
Key string `json:"key"`
Name string `json:"name"`
ProjectTypeKey string `json:"projectTypeKey"`
AvatarUrls struct {
Four8X48 string `json:"48x48"`
Two4X24 string `json:"24x24"`
One6X16 string `json:"16x16"`
Three2X32 string `json:"32x32"`
} `json:"avatarUrls"`
} `json:"project"`
FixVersions []interface{} `json:"fixVersions"`
Aggregatetimespent interface{} `json:"aggregatetimespent"`
Resolution interface{} `json:"resolution"`
Resolutiondate *helper.Iso8601Time `json:"resolutiondate"`
Workratio int `json:"workratio"`
LastViewed string `json:"lastViewed"`
Watches struct {
Self string `json:"self"`
WatchCount int `json:"watchCount"`
IsWatching bool `json:"isWatching"`
} `json:"watches"`
Created helper.Iso8601Time `json:"created"`
Epic *struct {
ID int `json:"id"`
Key string `json:"key"`
Self string `json:"self"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Summary string `json:"summary"`
Color struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
} `json:"color"`
Done bool `json:"done"`
} `json:"epic"`
Priority *struct {
Self string `json:"self"`
IconURL string `json:"iconUrl"`
Name string `json:"name"`
ID uint64 `json:"id,string"`
} `json:"priority"`
Labels []string `json:"labels"`
Timeestimate interface{} `json:"timeestimate"`
Aggregatetimeoriginalestimate interface{} `json:"aggregatetimeoriginalestimate"`
Versions []interface{} `json:"versions"`
Issuelinks []interface{} `json:"issuelinks"`
Assignee *Account `json:"assignee"`
Updated helper.Iso8601Time `json:"updated"`
Status struct {
Self string `json:"self"`
Description string `json:"description"`
IconURL string `json:"iconUrl"`
Name string `json:"name"`
ID string `json:"id"`
StatusCategory struct {
Self string `json:"self"`
ID int `json:"id"`
Key string `json:"key"`
ColorName string `json:"colorName"`
Name string `json:"name"`
} `json:"statusCategory"`
} `json:"status"`
Timeoriginalestimate *int64 `json:"timeoriginalestimate"`
Description interface{} `json:"description"`
Timetracking *struct {
RemainingEstimate string `json:"remainingEstimate"`
TimeSpent string `json:"timeSpent"`
RemainingEstimateSeconds int64 `json:"remainingEstimateSeconds"`
TimeSpentSeconds int `json:"timeSpentSeconds"`
} `json:"timetracking"`
Archiveddate interface{} `json:"archiveddate"`
Aggregatetimeestimate *int64 `json:"aggregatetimeestimate"`
Summary string `json:"summary"`
Creator Account `json:"creator"`
Subtasks []interface{} `json:"subtasks"`
Reporter Account `json:"reporter"`
Aggregateprogress struct {
Progress int `json:"progress"`
Total int `json:"total"`
} `json:"aggregateprogress"`
Environment interface{} `json:"environment"`
Duedate interface{} `json:"duedate"`
Progress struct {
Progress int `json:"progress"`
Total int `json:"total"`
} `json:"progress"`
Worklog *struct {
StartAt int `json:"startAt"`
MaxResults int `json:"maxResults"`
Total int `json:"total"`
Worklogs []Worklog `json:"worklogs"`
} `json:"worklog"`
} `json:"fields"`
Changelog *struct {
StartAt int `json:"startAt"`
MaxResults int `json:"maxResults"`
Total int `json:"total"`
Histories []Changelog `json:"histories"`
} `json:"changelog"`
func (i Issue) toToolLayer(connectionId uint64) *models.JiraIssue {
var workload float64
result := &models.JiraIssue{
ConnectionId: connectionId,
IssueId: i.ID,
ProjectId: i.Fields.Project.ID,
Self: i.Self,
IconURL: i.Fields.Issuetype.IconURL,
IssueKey: i.Key,
StoryPoint: workload,
Summary: i.Fields.Summary,
Type: i.Fields.Issuetype.ID,
StatusName: i.Fields.Status.Name,
StatusKey: i.Fields.Status.StatusCategory.Key,
ResolutionDate: i.Fields.Resolutiondate.ToNullableTime(),
CreatorAccountId: i.Fields.Creator.getAccountId(),
CreatorDisplayName: i.Fields.Creator.DisplayName,
Created: i.Fields.Created.ToTime(),
Updated: i.Fields.Updated.ToTime(),
if i.Fields.Epic != nil {
result.EpicKey = i.Fields.Epic.Key
if i.Fields.Assignee != nil {
result.AssigneeAccountId = i.Fields.Assignee.getAccountId()
result.AssigneeDisplayName = i.Fields.Assignee.DisplayName
if i.Fields.Priority != nil {
result.PriorityId = i.Fields.Priority.ID
result.PriorityName = i.Fields.Priority.Name
if i.Fields.Timeoriginalestimate != nil {
result.OriginalEstimateMinutes = *i.Fields.Timeoriginalestimate / 60
if i.Fields.Aggregatetimeestimate != nil {
result.AggregateEstimateMinutes = *i.Fields.Aggregatetimeestimate / 60
if i.Fields.Timetracking != nil {
result.RemainingEstimateMinutes = i.Fields.Timetracking.RemainingEstimateSeconds / 60
if i.Fields.Parent != nil {
result.ParentId = i.Fields.Parent.ID
result.ParentKey = i.Fields.Parent.Key
if i.Fields.Sprint != nil {
result.SprintId = i.Fields.Sprint.ID
result.SprintName = i.Fields.Sprint.Name
if i.Fields.Timespent != nil {
result.SpentMinutes = *i.Fields.Timespent / 60
return result
func (i *Issue) SetAllFields(raw datatypes.JSON) error {
var issue2 struct {
Expand string `json:"expand"`
ID uint64 `json:"id,string"`
Self string `json:"self"`
Key string `json:"key"`
Fields json.RawMessage `json:"fields"`
err := json.Unmarshal(raw, &issue2)
if err != nil {
return err
err = json.Unmarshal(issue2.Fields, &i.Fields.AllFields)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (i Issue) ExtractEntities(connectionId uint64) ([]uint64, *models.JiraIssue, []*models.JiraWorklog, []*models.JiraIssueChangelogs, []*models.JiraIssueChangelogItems, []*models.JiraAccount) {
issue := i.toToolLayer(connectionId)
var worklogs []*models.JiraWorklog
var changelogs []*models.JiraIssueChangelogs
var changelogItems []*models.JiraIssueChangelogItems
var users []*models.JiraAccount
var sprints []uint64
if i.Fields.Worklog != nil {
var issueUpdated *time.Time
if len(i.Fields.Worklog.Worklogs) <= i.Fields.Worklog.Total {
issueUpdated = i.Fields.Updated.ToNullableTime()
for _, w := range i.Fields.Worklog.Worklogs {
worklogs = append(worklogs, w.ToToolLayer(connectionId, issueUpdated))
if i.Changelog != nil {
var issueUpdated *time.Time
if len(i.Changelog.Histories) < 100 {
issueUpdated = i.Fields.Updated.ToNullableTime()
for _, changelog := range i.Changelog.Histories {
cl, user := changelog.ToToolLayer(connectionId, i.ID, issueUpdated)
changelogs = append(changelogs, cl)
users = append(users, user)
for _, item := range changelog.Items {
changelogItems = append(changelogItems, item.ToToolLayer(connectionId, changelog.ID))
users = append(users, item.ExtractUser(connectionId)...)
if i.Fields.Sprint != nil {
sprints = append(sprints, i.Fields.Sprint.ID)
for _, sprint := range i.Fields.ClosedSprints {
sprints = append(sprints, sprint.ID)
users = append(users, i.Fields.Creator.ToToolLayer(connectionId), i.Fields.Reporter.ToToolLayer(connectionId))
if i.Fields.Assignee != nil {
users = append(users, i.Fields.Assignee.ToToolLayer(connectionId))
return sprints, issue, worklogs, changelogs, changelogItems, users