blob: c050fb9f03baa8d3e3aa709e3bfcb0e04fcac393 [file] [log] [blame]
package config
import (
// Lowcase V for private this. You can use it by call GetConfig.
var v *viper.Viper = nil
func GetConfig() *viper.Viper {
return v
// Set a struct for viper
// `Tags` represent the fields when setting config, and the fields in Tags shall prevail. `Tags` that appear first have higher priority.
func SetStruct(S interface{}, Tags ...string) error {
err := validator.New().Struct(S)
if err != nil {
return err
v := GetConfig()
tf := reflect.TypeOf(S)
vf := reflect.ValueOf(S)
for i := 0; i < tf.NumField(); i++ {
tfield := tf.Field(i)
vfield := vf.Field(i)
// Check if the first letter is uppercase (indicates a public element, accessible)
ascii := rune(tfield.Name[0])
if int(ascii) < int('A') || int(ascii) > int('Z') {
// View their tags in order to filter out members who don't have a valid tag set
ft := ""
for _, Tag := range Tags {
ft = tfield.Tag.Get(Tag)
if ft != "" {
if ft == "" {
v.Set(ft, vfield.Interface())
return v.WriteConfig()
// Set default value for no .env or .env not set it
func setDefaultValue() {
v.SetDefault("PORT", ":8080")
v.SetDefault("PLUGIN_DIR", "bin/plugins")
func init() {
// create the object and load the .env file
v = viper.New()
err := v.ReadInConfig()
if err != nil {
logrus.Warn("Failed to read [.env] file:", err)
// This line is essential for reading and writing