blob: cc783c0d9013a73efddeac5efef2d9b3657f2d5c [file] [log] [blame]
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package tasks
import (
type ApiDetailedStatus struct {
Icon string
Text string
Label string
Group string
Tooltip string
HasDetails bool `json:"has_details"`
DetailsPath string `json:"details_path"`
Favicon string
type ApiPipeline struct {
Id int `json:"id"`
Ref string
Sha string
Status string
Tag bool
Duration int
WebUrl string `json:"web_url"`
CreatedAt *helper.Iso8601Time `json:"created_at"`
UpdatedAt *helper.Iso8601Time `json:"updated_at"`
StartedAt *helper.Iso8601Time `json:"started_at"`
FinishedAt *helper.Iso8601Time `json:"finished_at"`
var ExtractApiPipelinesMeta = core.SubTaskMeta{
Name: "extractApiPipelines",
EntryPoint: ExtractApiPipelines,
EnabledByDefault: true,
Description: "Extract raw pipelines data into tool layer table GitlabPipeline",
DomainTypes: []string{core.DOMAIN_TYPE_CICD},
func ExtractApiPipelines(taskCtx core.SubTaskContext) error {
rawDataSubTaskArgs, data := CreateRawDataSubTaskArgs(taskCtx, RAW_PIPELINE_TABLE)
extractor, err := helper.NewApiExtractor(helper.ApiExtractorArgs{
RawDataSubTaskArgs: *rawDataSubTaskArgs,
Extract: func(row *helper.RawData) ([]interface{}, error) {
// create gitlab commit
gitlabApiPipeline := &ApiPipeline{}
err := json.Unmarshal(row.Data, gitlabApiPipeline)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
duration := int(gitlabApiPipeline.UpdatedAt.ToTime().Sub(gitlabApiPipeline.CreatedAt.ToTime()).Seconds())
gitlabApiPipeline.Duration = duration
gitlabPipeline, err := convertPipeline(gitlabApiPipeline, data.Options.ProjectId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// use data.Options.ProjectId to set the value of ProjectId for it
gitlabPipeline.ProjectId = data.Options.ProjectId
gitlabPipeline.ConnectionId = data.Options.ConnectionId
results := make([]interface{}, 0, 1)
results = append(results, gitlabPipeline)
return results, nil
if err != nil {
return err
return extractor.Execute()
func convertPipeline(pipeline *ApiPipeline, projectId int) (*models.GitlabPipeline, error) {
gitlabPipeline := &models.GitlabPipeline{
GitlabId: pipeline.Id,
ProjectId: projectId,
Ref: pipeline.Ref,
Sha: pipeline.Sha,
WebUrl: pipeline.WebUrl,
Status: pipeline.Status,
GitlabCreatedAt: helper.Iso8601TimeToTime(pipeline.CreatedAt),
GitlabUpdatedAt: helper.Iso8601TimeToTime(pipeline.UpdatedAt),
StartedAt: helper.Iso8601TimeToTime(pipeline.StartedAt),
FinishedAt: helper.Iso8601TimeToTime(pipeline.FinishedAt),
Duration: pipeline.Duration,
return gitlabPipeline, nil