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"description": "Lead time for changes = median(PR deployed date - PR's first commit's authored date)",
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"rawSql": "with _pr_stats as (\n-- get the cycle time of PRs deployed by the deployments finished each month\n\tSELECT\n\t\tdistinct\n\t\,\n\t\tpr.title,\n\t\tpr.url,\n\t\tpr.created_date,\n\t\tppm.first_commit_sha,\n\t\tprc.commit_authored_date,\n\t\tcdc.cicd_deployment_id,\n\t\, \n\t\tcdc.finished_date,\n\t\tppm.pr_cycle_time\n\tFROM\n\t\tpull_requests pr\n\t\tjoin project_pr_metrics ppm on =\n\t\tjoin project_mapping pm on pr.base_repo_id = pm.row_id and pm.`table` = 'repos'\n\t\tjoin cicd_deployment_commits cdc on ppm.deployment_commit_id =\n\t\tjoin pull_request_commits prc on prc.commit_sha = ppm.first_commit_sha\n\tWHERE\n\t\tpm.project_name in ($project) \n\t\tand pr.merged_date is not null\n\t\tand ppm.pr_cycle_time is not null\n\t\tand $__timeFilter(cdc.finished_date)\n)\n\nSELECT \n id as \"PR id\",\n\t-- title as \"PR title\",\n\turl as \"PR url\",\n created_date as \"PR created_date\",\n\tfirst_commit_sha as \"First commit sha\",\n\tcommit_authored_date as \"First commit authored date\",\n\tcicd_deployment_id as \"Deployment id\",\n\t-- name as \"Deployment name\", \n\tfinished_date as \"Deployment finished_date\", \n pr_cycle_time/60 as change_lead_time_in_hours\nFROM _pr_stats\n",
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"title": "Figure 2 - PR Details",
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"rawSql": "select \n count(distinct as 'All PRs'\nfrom \n pull_requests pr\n join project_mapping pm on pr.base_repo_id = pm.row_id and pm.`table` = 'repos'\nwhere \n pm.project_name in ($project)\n ",
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"rawSql": "select \n count(distinct as 'Merged PRs'\nfrom \n pull_requests pr\n join project_mapping pm on pr.base_repo_id = pm.row_id and pm.`table` = 'repos'\nwhere \n pm.project_name in ($project)\n and pr.merged_date is not null\n ",
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"rawSql": "-- Metric 2: median lead time for changes\nwith _pr_stats as (\n-- get the cycle time of PRs deployed by the deployments finished in the selected period\n\tSELECT\n\t\tdistinct,\n\t\tppm.pr_cycle_time\n\tFROM\n\t\tpull_requests pr \n\t\tjoin project_pr_metrics ppm on =\n\t\tjoin project_mapping pm on pr.base_repo_id = pm.row_id and pm.`table` = 'repos'\n\t\tjoin cicd_deployment_commits cdc on ppm.deployment_commit_id =\n\tWHERE\n\t pm.project_name in (${project}) \n\t\tand pr.merged_date is not null\n\t\tand ppm.pr_cycle_time is not null\n\t\tand $__timeFilter(cdc.finished_date)\n),\n\n_median_change_lead_time_ranks as(\n\tSELECT *, percent_rank() over(order by pr_cycle_time) as ranks\n\tFROM _pr_stats\n),\n\n_median_change_lead_time as(\n-- use median PR cycle time as the median change lead time\n\tSELECT max(pr_cycle_time) as median_change_lead_time\n\tFROM _median_change_lead_time_ranks\n\tWHERE ranks <= 0.5\n)\n\nSELECT \n\t-- median_change_lead_time/24 as 'median_change_lead_time_in_hours',\n\tCOUNT(distinct id) as \"PRs associated with deployments\"\nFROM _median_change_lead_time, _pr_stats\n-- group by 1",
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"text": "Failed Deployment Recovery Time",
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"datasource": "mysql",
"definition": "SELECT \n CASE \n WHEN dora_report = '2023' THEN \"Failed Deployment Recovery Time\"\n WHEN dora_report = '2021' THEN \"Median Time to Restore Service\"\n ELSE NULL \n END AS title_value\nFROM dora_benchmarks\nWHERE dora_report = '${dora_report:raw}'",
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"title": "DORA Details - Lead Time for Changes",
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