blob: e5d9d14fed20334406dece460af7bf993516a472 [file] [log] [blame]
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package models
import (
type ZentaoTaskRes struct {
Id int64 `json:"id"`
Project int64 `json:"project"`
Parent int64 `json:"parent"`
Execution int64 `json:"execution"`
Module int `json:"module"`
Design int `json:"design"`
Story int64 `json:"story"`
StoryVersion int `json:"storyVersion"`
DesignVersion int `json:"designVersion"`
FromBug int `json:"fromBug"`
Feedback int `json:"feedback"`
FromIssue int `json:"fromIssue"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Mode string `json:"mode"`
Pri int `json:"pri"`
Estimate float64 `json:"estimate"`
Consumed float64 `json:"consumed"`
Left float64 `json:"left"`
Deadline string `json:"deadline"`
Status string `json:"status"`
SubStatus string `json:"subStatus"`
Color string `json:"color"`
Description string `json:"desc"`
Version int `json:"version"`
OpenedBy *ApiAccount `json:"openedBy"`
OpenedDate *common.Iso8601Time `json:"openedDate"`
AssignedTo *ApiAccount `json:"assignedTo"`
AssignedDate *common.Iso8601Time `json:"assignedDate"`
EstStarted string `json:"estStarted"`
RealStarted *common.Iso8601Time `json:"realStarted"`
FinishedBy *ApiAccount `json:"finishedBy"`
FinishedDate *common.Iso8601Time `json:"finishedDate"`
FinishedList string `json:"finishedList"`
CanceledBy *ApiAccount `json:"canceledBy"`
CanceledDate *common.Iso8601Time `json:"canceledDate"`
ClosedBy *ApiAccount `json:"closedBy"`
ClosedDate *common.Iso8601Time `json:"closedDate"`
PlanDuration int `json:"planDuration"`
RealDuration int `json:"realDuration"`
ClosedReason string `json:"closedReason"`
LastEditedBy *ApiAccount `json:"lastEditedBy"`
LastEditedDate *common.Iso8601Time `json:"lastEditedDate"`
ActivatedDate *common.Iso8601Time `json:"activatedDate"`
OrderIn int `json:"order"`
Repo int `json:"repo"`
Mr int `json:"mr"`
Entry string `json:"entry"`
NumOfLine string `json:"lines"`
V1 string `json:"v1"`
V2 string `json:"v2"`
Vision string `json:"vision"`
StoryID *common.StringInt64 `json:"storyID"`
StoryTitle string `json:"storyTitle"`
Branch interface {
} `json:"branch"`
LatestStoryVersion interface {
} `json:"latestStoryVersion"`
StoryStatus interface {
} `json:"storyStatus"`
AssignedToRealName string `json:"assignedToRealName"`
PriOrder *common.StringFloat64 `json:"priOrder"`
Children []*ZentaoTaskRes `json:"children"`
Delay int `json:"delay"`
NeedConfirm bool `json:"needConfirm"`
Progress float64 `json:"progress"`
func (zentaoTaskRes ZentaoTaskRes) ToJsonRawMessage() (json.RawMessage, error) {
return json.Marshal(zentaoTaskRes)
type ZentaoTask struct {
ConnectionId uint64 `gorm:"primaryKey;type:BIGINT NOT NULL"`
ID int64 `json:"id" gorm:"primaryKey;type:BIGINT NOT NULL;autoIncrement:false"`
Project int64 `json:"project"`
Parent int64 `json:"parent"`
Execution int64 `json:"execution"`
Module int `json:"module"`
Design int `json:"design"`
Story int64 `json:"story"`
StoryVersion int `json:"storyVersion"`
DesignVersion int `json:"designVersion"`
FromBug int `json:"fromBug"`
Feedback int `json:"feedback"`
FromIssue int `json:"fromIssue"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Mode string `json:"mode"`
Pri int `json:"pri"`
Estimate float64 `json:"estimate"`
Consumed float64 `json:"consumed"`
Left float64 `json:"left" gorm:"column:db_left"`
Deadline string `json:"deadline"`
Status string `json:"status"`
SubStatus string `json:"subStatus"`
Color string `json:"color"`
Description string `json:"desc"`
Version int `json:"version"`
OpenedById int64
OpenedByName string
OpenedDate *common.Iso8601Time `json:"openedDate"`
AssignedToId int64
AssignedToName string
AssignedDate *common.Iso8601Time `json:"assignedDate"`
EstStarted string `json:"estStarted"`
RealStarted *common.Iso8601Time `json:"realStarted"`
FinishedId int64
FinishedDate *common.Iso8601Time `json:"finishedDate"`
FinishedList string `json:"finishedList"`
CanceledId int64
CanceledDate *common.Iso8601Time `json:"canceledDate"`
ClosedById int64
ClosedDate *common.Iso8601Time `json:"closedDate"`
PlanDuration int `json:"planDuration"`
RealDuration int `json:"realDuration"`
ClosedReason string `json:"closedReason"`
LastEditedId int64
LastEditedDate *common.Iso8601Time `json:"lastEditedDate"`
ActivatedDate *common.Iso8601Time `json:"activatedDate"`
OrderIn int `json:"order"`
Repo int `json:"repo"`
Mr int `json:"mr"`
Entry string `json:"entry"`
NumOfLine string `json:"lines"`
V1 string `json:"v1"`
V2 string `json:"v2"`
Deleted bool `json:"deleted"`
Vision string `json:"vision"`
StoryID int64 `json:"storyID"`
StoryTitle string `json:"storyTitle"`
Branch int `json:"branch"`
LatestStoryVersion int `json:"latestStoryVersion"`
StoryStatus string `json:"storyStatus"`
AssignedToRealName string `json:"assignedToRealName"`
PriOrder string `json:"priOrder"`
NeedConfirm bool `json:"needConfirm"`
Progress float64 `json:"progress"`
Url string `json:"url"`
StdStatus string `json:"stdStatus" gorm:"type:varchar(20)"`
StdType string `json:"stdType" gorm:"type:varchar(20)"`
func (ZentaoTask) TableName() string {
return "_tool_zentao_tasks"