blob: 83b9a171ed6ba458952ac9b60b2bfcfc750ba52a [file] [log] [blame]
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package api
import (
// BatchSave performs mulitple records persistence of a specific type in one sql query to improve the performance
type BatchSave struct {
basicRes context.BasicRes
log log.Logger
db dal.Dal
slotType reflect.Type
// slots can not be []interface{}, because gorm wouldn't take it
// I'm guessing the reason is the type information lost when converted to interface{}
slots reflect.Value
current int
size int
valueIndex map[string]int
primaryKey []reflect.StructField
tableName string
// NewBatchSave creates a new BatchSave instance
func NewBatchSave(basicRes context.BasicRes, slotType reflect.Type, size int, tableName ...string) (*BatchSave, errors.Error) {
if slotType.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
return nil, errors.Default.New("slotType must be a pointer")
db := basicRes.GetDal()
primaryKey := db.GetPrimaryKeyFields(slotType)
// check if it have primaryKey
if len(primaryKey) == 0 {
return nil, errors.Default.New(fmt.Sprintf("%s no primary key", slotType.String()))
tn := ""
if len(tableName) == 1 {
tn = tableName[0]
logger := basicRes.GetLogger().Nested(slotType.String())
return &BatchSave{
basicRes: basicRes,
log: logger,
db: db,
slotType: slotType,
slots: reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(slotType), size, size),
size: size,
valueIndex: make(map[string]int),
primaryKey: primaryKey,
tableName: tn,
}, nil
// Add record to cache. BatchSave would flush them into Database when cache is max out
func (c *BatchSave) Add(slot interface{}) errors.Error {
// type checking
if reflect.TypeOf(slot) != c.slotType {
return errors.Default.New("sub cache type mismatched")
if reflect.ValueOf(slot).Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
return errors.Default.New("slot is not a pointer")
// deduplication
key := getKeyValue(slot, c.primaryKey)
if key != "" {
if index, ok := c.valueIndex[key]; !ok {
c.valueIndex[key] = c.current
} else {
return nil
// flush out into database if max outed
if c.current == c.size {
return c.Flush()
} else if c.current%100 == 0 {
c.log.Debug("batch save current: %d", c.current)
return nil
// Flush save cached records into database
func (c *BatchSave) Flush() errors.Error {
clauses := make([]dal.Clause, 0)
if c.tableName != "" {
clauses = append(clauses, dal.From(c.tableName))
err := c.db.CreateOrUpdate(c.slots.Slice(0, c.current).Interface(), clauses...)
if err != nil {
return err
c.log.Debug("batch save flush total %d records to database", c.current)
c.current = 0
c.valueIndex = make(map[string]int)
return nil
// Close would flash the cache and release resources
func (c *BatchSave) Close() errors.Error {
if c.current > 0 {
return c.Flush()
return nil
func getKeyValue(iface interface{}, primaryKey []reflect.StructField) string {
var ss []string
ifv := reflect.ValueOf(iface)
if ifv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
ifv = ifv.Elem()
for _, key := range primaryKey {
v := ifv.FieldByName(key.Name)
s := fmt.Sprintf("%v", v.Interface())
if s != "" {
ss = append(ss, s)
return strings.Join(ss, ":")
func stripZeroByte(ifc interface{}) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(ifc).Elem()
for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
if v.Field(i).Type() == reflect.TypeOf("") {
stripped := strings.ReplaceAll(v.Field(i).String(), "\u0000", "")