blob: a1f5b9cc9ebaca0c4fbe6722d6f6f5498368762b [file] [log] [blame]
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package parser
import (
var _ RepoCloner = (*GitcliCloner)(nil)
type GitcliCloner struct {
logger log.Logger
func NewGitcliCloner(basicRes context.BasicRes) *GitcliCloner {
return &GitcliCloner{
logger: basicRes.GetLogger().Nested("gitcli"),
func (g *GitcliCloner) CloneRepo(ctx plugin.SubTaskContext, localDir string) errors.Error {
taskData := ctx.GetData().(*GitExtractorTaskData)
args := []string{"clone", taskData.Options.Url, localDir, "--bare", "--progress"}
env := []string{}
// support proxy
if taskData.ParsedURL.Scheme == "http" || taskData.ParsedURL.Scheme == "https" {
if taskData.Options.Proxy != "" {
env = append(env, fmt.Sprintf("HTTPS_PROXY=%s", taskData.Options.Proxy))
} else if taskData.ParsedURL.Scheme == "ssh" {
var sshCmdArgs []string
if taskData.Options.Proxy != "" {
parsedProxyURL, e := url.Parse(taskData.Options.Proxy)
if e != nil {
return errors.BadInput.Wrap(e, "failed to parse the proxy URL")
proxyCommand := "corkscrew"
sshCmdArgs = append(sshCmdArgs, "-o", fmt.Sprintf(`ProxyCommand="%s %s %s %%h %%p"`, proxyCommand, parsedProxyURL.Hostname(), parsedProxyURL.Port()))
// support private key
if taskData.Options.PrivateKey != "" {
pkFile, err := os.CreateTemp("", "gitext-pk")
if err != nil {
g.logger.Error(err, "create temp private key file error")
return errors.Default.New("failed to handle the private key")
if _, e := pkFile.WriteString(taskData.Options.PrivateKey + "\n"); e != nil {
g.logger.Error(err, "write private key file error")
return errors.Default.New("failed to write the private key")
if e := os.Chmod(pkFile.Name(), 0600); e != nil {
g.logger.Error(err, "chmod private key file error")
return errors.Default.New("failed to modify the private key")
if taskData.Options.Passphrase != "" {
pp := exec.CommandContext(
"ssh-keygen", "-p",
"-P", taskData.Options.Passphrase,
"-N", "",
"-f", pkFile.Name(),
if ppout, pperr := pp.CombinedOutput(); pperr != nil {
g.logger.Error(pperr, "change private key passphrase error")
return errors.Default.New("failed to decrypt the private key")
defer os.Remove(pkFile.Name())
sshCmdArgs = append(sshCmdArgs, fmt.Sprintf("-i %s -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no", pkFile.Name()))
if len(sshCmdArgs) > 0 {
env = append(env, fmt.Sprintf("GIT_SSH_COMMAND=ssh %s", strings.Join(sshCmdArgs, " ")))
// support time after
syncPolicy := ctx.TaskContext().SyncPolicy()
if syncPolicy.TimeAfter != nil {
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("--shallow-since=%s", syncPolicy.TimeAfter.Format(time.RFC3339)))
// support skipping blobs collection
if *taskData.Options.SkipCommitStat {
args = append(args, "--filter=blob:none")
fmt.Printf("%v", args)
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx.GetContext(), "git", args...)
cmd.Env = env
// stdout, stderr := cmd.CombinedOutput()
// fmt.Println("stdout" + string(stdout))
// if stderr != nil {
// fmt.Println("stderr" + stderr.Error())
// }
// reading progress
stdout, err := cmd.StdoutPipe()
if err != nil {
g.logger.Error(err, "stdout pipe error")
return errors.Default.New("stdout pipe error")
stderr, err := cmd.StderrPipe()
if err != nil {
g.logger.Error(err, "stderr pipe error")
return errors.Default.New("stderr pipe error")
combinedOutput := new(strings.Builder)
stdoutScanner := bufio.NewScanner(stdout)
stderrScanner := bufio.NewScanner(stderr)
done := make(chan bool)
go func() {
for stdoutScanner.Scan() {
// TODO: extract progress?
combinedOutput.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("stdout: %s\n", stdoutScanner.Text()))
done <- true
go func() {
// TODO: extract progress?
for stderrScanner.Scan() {
combinedOutput.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("stderr: %s\n", stderrScanner.Text()))
done <- true
if e := cmd.Start(); e != nil {
g.logger.Error(e, "failed to start\n%s", combinedOutput.String())
return errors.Default.New("failed to start")
err = cmd.Wait()
if err != nil {
g.logger.Error(err, "git exited with error\n%s", combinedOutput.String())
if strings.Contains(combinedOutput.String(), "stderr: fatal: error processing shallow info: 4") {
return errors.BadInput.New("No data found for the selected time range. Please revise the 'Time Range' on your Project/Blueprint/Configuration page or in the API parameter.")
return errors.Default.New("git exit error")
return nil