blob: dd6cd652e6e2dc166b0fe94dbd605767fa54bfd4 [file] [log] [blame]
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package plugin
import (
type (
remotePluginImpl struct {
name string
subtaskMetas []plugin.SubTaskMeta
pluginPath string
description string
invoker bridge.Invoker
connectionModelInfo *models.RemoteConnectionModelInfo
scopeModelInfo *models.RemoteScopeModelInfo
scopeConfigModelInfo *models.RemoteScopeConfigModelInfo
toolModelInfos []dal.Tabler
migrationScripts []plugin.MigrationScript
resources map[string]map[string]plugin.ApiResourceHandler
openApiSpec string
dsHelper *api.DsAnyHelper
RemotePluginTaskData struct {
DbUrl string `json:"db_url"`
Scope interface{} `json:"scope"`
Connection interface{} `json:"connection"`
ScopeConfig interface{} `json:"scope_config"`
Options map[string]interface{} `json:"options"`
func newPlugin(info *models.PluginInfo, invoker bridge.Invoker) (*remotePluginImpl, errors.Error) {
// connectionTabler, err := info.ConnectionModelInfo.LoadDynamicTabler(common.Model{})
connectionModelInfo, err := models.NewRemoteConnectionModelInfo[common.Model](info.ConnectionModelInfo)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Default.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't load Connection type for plugin %s", info.Name))
// scopeTabler, err := info.ScopeModelInfo.LoadDynamicTabler(models.ScopeModel{})
scopeModelInfo, err := models.NewRemoteScopeModelInfo[models.ScopeModel](info.ScopeModelInfo)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Default.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't load Scope type for plugin %s", info.Name))
// scopeConfigTabler, err := info.ScopeConfigModelInfo.LoadDynamicTabler(models.ScopeConfigModel{})
scopeConfigModelInfo, err := models.NewRemoteScopeConfigModelInfo[models.ScopeConfigModel](info.ScopeConfigModelInfo)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Default.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't load ScopeConfig type for plugin %s", info.Name))
// put the scope and connection models in the tool list to be consistent with Go plugins
toolModelInfos := []dal.Tabler{
for _, toolModelInfo := range info.ToolModelInfos {
mi, err := models.GenerateRemoteModelInfo[models.ToolModel](toolModelInfo)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
toolModelInfos = append(toolModelInfos, mi)
openApiSpec, err := doc.GenerateOpenApiSpec(info)
if err != nil {
scripts := make([]plugin.MigrationScript, 0)
for _, script := range info.MigrationScripts {
script := script
scripts = append(scripts, &script)
p := remotePluginImpl{
name: info.Name,
invoker: invoker,
pluginPath: info.PluginPath,
description: info.Description,
connectionModelInfo: connectionModelInfo,
scopeModelInfo: scopeModelInfo,
scopeConfigModelInfo: scopeConfigModelInfo,
toolModelInfos: toolModelInfos,
migrationScripts: scripts,
openApiSpec: *openApiSpec,
remoteBridge := bridge.NewBridge(invoker)
for _, subtask := range info.SubtaskMetas {
p.subtaskMetas = append(p.subtaskMetas, plugin.SubTaskMeta{
Name: subtask.Name,
EntryPoint: remoteBridge.RemoteSubtaskEntrypointHandler(subtask),
Required: subtask.Required,
EnabledByDefault: subtask.EnabledByDefault,
Description: subtask.Description,
DomainTypes: subtask.DomainTypes,
return &p, nil
func (p *remotePluginImpl) Init(basicRes context.BasicRes) errors.Error {
p.dsHelper = api.NewDataSourceAnyHelper(
func(c any) any {
b := errors.Must1(json.Marshal(c))
fmt.Printf("%s\n", b)
tokenField := reflect.ValueOf(c).Elem().FieldByName("Token")
if tokenField.IsValid() {
return c
p.resources = GetDefaultAPI(p.invoker, p.dsHelper)
return nil
func (p *remotePluginImpl) SubTaskMetas() []plugin.SubTaskMeta {
return p.subtaskMetas
func (p *remotePluginImpl) GetTablesInfo() []dal.Tabler {
return p.toolModelInfos
func (p *remotePluginImpl) PrepareTaskData(taskCtx plugin.TaskContext, options map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, errors.Error) {
dbUrl := taskCtx.GetConfig("db_url")
connectionId := uint64(options["connectionId"].(float64))
connection, err := p.dsHelper.ConnSrv.FindByPkAny(connectionId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
scopeId, ok := options["scopeId"].(string)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.BadInput.New("missing scopeId")
scopeDetail, err := p.dsHelper.ScopeSrv.GetScopeDetailAny(false, connectionId, scopeId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return RemotePluginTaskData{
DbUrl: dbUrl,
Scope: scopeDetail.Scope,
Connection: connection,
ScopeConfig: scopeDetail.ScopeConfig,
Options: options,
}, nil
func (p *remotePluginImpl) Description() string {
return p.description
func (p *remotePluginImpl) Name() string {
func (p *remotePluginImpl) RootPkgPath() string {
// RootPkgPath is used by DomainIdGenerator to find the name of the plugin that defines a given type.
// While remote plugins do not use the DomainIdGenerator, we still need to implement this function.
// Indeed, DomainIdGenerator uses FindPluginNameBySubPkgPath that returns the name of the first plugin
// whose RootPkgPath is a prefix of the type package path.
// So we forge a fake package path that is not a prefix of any go plugin package path.
return "" +
func (p *remotePluginImpl) ApiResources() map[string]map[string]plugin.ApiResourceHandler {
return p.resources
func (p *remotePluginImpl) OpenApiSpec() string {
return p.openApiSpec
func (p *remotePluginImpl) MigrationScripts() []plugin.MigrationScript {
return append(p.migrationScripts, migrationscripts.All(
var _ models.RemotePlugin = (*remotePluginImpl)(nil)