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package pluginhelper
import (
// CsvFileIterator make iterating rows from csv file easier, it reads tuple from csv file and turn it into
// a `map[string]interface{}` for you.
// Example CSV format (exported by dbeaver):
// "id","name","json","created_at"
// 123,"foobar","{""url"": """"}","2022-05-05 09:56:43.438000000"
type CsvFileIterator struct {
file io.ReadCloser
reader *csv.Reader
fields []string
row []any
type CsvRecord struct {
Key string
Value any
// NewCsvFileIterator create a `*CsvFileIterator` based on path to csv file
func NewCsvFileIterator(csvPath string) (*CsvFileIterator, errors.Error) {
// open csv file
csvFile, err := os.Open(csvPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Convert(err)
return NewCsvFileIteratorFromFile(csvFile)
// NewCsvFileIteratorFromFile create a `*CsvFileIterator` from a file descriptor
func NewCsvFileIteratorFromFile(csvFile io.ReadCloser) (*CsvFileIterator, errors.Error) {
csvReader := csv.NewReader(csvFile)
// load field names
fields, err := csvReader.Read()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Convert(err)
return &CsvFileIterator{
file: csvFile,
reader: csvReader,
fields: fields,
}, nil
// Close releases resource
func (ci *CsvFileIterator) Close() {
err := ci.file.Close()
if err != nil {
// HasNext returns a boolean to indicate whether there was any row to be `Fetch`
func (ci *CsvFileIterator) HasNext() bool {
hasNext, err := ci.HasNextWithError()
if err != nil {
return hasNext
// HasNextWithError returns a boolean to indicate whether there was any row to be `Fetch`
func (ci *CsvFileIterator) HasNextWithError() (bool, errors.Error) {
row, err := ci.reader.Read()
if err == io.EOF {
ci.row = nil
return false, nil
if err != nil {
ci.row = nil
return false, errors.Convert(err)
ci.row = make([]any, len(row))
for index, record := range row {
ci.row[index] = record
return true, nil
// Fetch returns current row as a map
func (ci *CsvFileIterator) Fetch() map[string]any {
row := make(map[string]any)
for index, field := range ci.fields {
row[field] = ci.row[index]
return row
// Fetch returns current row as list of pairs (in order)
func (ci *CsvFileIterator) FetchRecords() []*CsvRecord {
records := make([]*CsvRecord, len(ci.row))
for index, field := range ci.fields {
records[index] = &CsvRecord{
Key: field,
Value: ci.row[index],
return records
// GetColumns the column names of the CSV file
func (ci *CsvFileIterator) GetColumns() []string {
return ci.fields