blob: 67e64f2e14c9b59398a42f82be5b9a06c249c2f2 [file] [log] [blame]
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package helper
import (
// BatchSaveDivider creates and caches BatchSave, this is helpful when dealing with massive amount of data records
// with arbitrary types.
type BatchSaveDivider struct {
basicRes core.BasicRes
log core.Logger
db dal.Dal
batches map[reflect.Type]*BatchSave
batchSize int
table string
params string
// NewBatchSaveDivider create a new BatchInsertDivider instance
func NewBatchSaveDivider(basicRes core.BasicRes, batchSize int, table string, params string) *BatchSaveDivider {
log := basicRes.GetLogger().Nested("batch divider")
return &BatchSaveDivider{
basicRes: basicRes,
log: log,
db: basicRes.GetDal(),
batches: make(map[reflect.Type]*BatchSave),
batchSize: batchSize,
table: table,
params: params,
// ForType returns a `BatchSave` instance for specific type
func (d *BatchSaveDivider) ForType(rowType reflect.Type) (*BatchSave, errors.Error) {
// get the cache for the specific type
batch := d.batches[rowType]
var err errors.Error
// create one if not exists
if batch == nil {
batch, err = NewBatchSave(d.basicRes, rowType, d.batchSize)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
d.batches[rowType] = batch
// delete outdated records if rowType was not PartialUpdate
rowElemType := rowType.Elem()
d.log.Debug("missing BatchSave for type %s", rowElemType.Name())
row := reflect.New(rowElemType).Interface()
// check if rowType had RawDataOrigin embeded
field, hasField := rowElemType.FieldByName("RawDataOrigin")
if !hasField || field.Type != reflect.TypeOf(common.RawDataOrigin{}) {
return nil, errors.Default.New(fmt.Sprintf("type %s must have RawDataOrigin embeded", rowElemType.Name()))
// all good, delete outdated records before we insertion
d.log.Debug("deleting outdate records for %s", rowElemType.Name())
err = d.db.Delete(
dal.Where("_raw_data_table = ? AND _raw_data_params = ?", d.table, d.params),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return batch, nil
// Close all batches so the rest records get saved into db
func (d *BatchSaveDivider) Close() errors.Error {
for _, batch := range d.batches {
err := batch.Close()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil