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package dalgorm
import (
// Dalgorm FIXME ...
type Dalgorm struct {
db *gorm.DB
func buildTx(tx *gorm.DB, clauses []dal.Clause) *gorm.DB {
for _, c := range clauses {
t := c.Type
d := c.Data
switch t {
case dal.JoinClause:
tx = tx.Joins(d.(dal.DalClause).Expr, d.(dal.DalClause).Params...)
case dal.WhereClause:
tx = tx.Where(d.(dal.DalClause).Expr, d.(dal.DalClause).Params...)
case dal.OrderbyClause:
tx = tx.Order(d.(string))
case dal.LimitClause:
tx = tx.Limit(d.(int))
case dal.OffsetClause:
tx = tx.Offset(d.(int))
case dal.FromClause:
if str, ok := d.(string); ok {
tx = tx.Table(str)
} else {
tx = tx.Model(d)
case dal.SelectClause:
tx = tx.Select(d.(string))
case dal.GroupbyClause:
tx = tx.Group(d.(string))
case dal.HavingClause:
tx = tx.Having(d.(dal.DalClause).Expr, d.(dal.DalClause).Params...)
return tx
var _ dal.Dal = (*Dalgorm)(nil)
// RawCursor executes raw sql query and returns a database cursor
func (d *Dalgorm) RawCursor(query string, params ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, errors.Error) {
return errors.Convert01(d.db.Raw(query, params...).Rows())
// Exec executes raw sql query
func (d *Dalgorm) Exec(query string, params ...interface{}) errors.Error {
return errors.Convert(d.db.Exec(query, params...).Error)
// AutoMigrate runs auto migration for given models
func (d *Dalgorm) AutoMigrate(entity interface{}, clauses ...dal.Clause) errors.Error {
return errors.Convert(buildTx(d.db, clauses).AutoMigrate(entity))
// Cursor returns a database cursor, cursor is especially useful when handling big amount of rows of data
func (d *Dalgorm) Cursor(clauses ...dal.Clause) (*sql.Rows, errors.Error) {
return errors.Convert01(buildTx(d.db, clauses).Rows())
// CursorTx FIXME ...
func (d *Dalgorm) CursorTx(clauses ...dal.Clause) *gorm.DB {
return buildTx(d.db, clauses)
// Fetch loads row data from `cursor` into `dst`
func (d *Dalgorm) Fetch(cursor *sql.Rows, dst interface{}) errors.Error {
return errors.Convert(d.db.ScanRows(cursor, dst))
// All loads matched rows from database to `dst`, USE IT WITH COUTIOUS!!
func (d *Dalgorm) All(dst interface{}, clauses ...dal.Clause) errors.Error {
return errors.Convert(buildTx(d.db, clauses).Find(dst).Error)
// First loads first matched row from database to `dst`, error will be returned if no records were found
func (d *Dalgorm) First(dst interface{}, clauses ...dal.Clause) errors.Error {
return errors.Convert(buildTx(d.db, clauses).First(dst).Error)
// Count total records
func (d *Dalgorm) Count(clauses ...dal.Clause) (int64, errors.Error) {
var count int64
err := buildTx(d.db, clauses).Count(&count).Error
return errors.Convert01(count, err)
// Pluck used to query single column
func (d *Dalgorm) Pluck(column string, dest interface{}, clauses ...dal.Clause) errors.Error {
return errors.Convert(buildTx(d.db, clauses).Pluck(column, dest).Error)
// Create insert record to database
func (d *Dalgorm) Create(entity interface{}, clauses ...dal.Clause) errors.Error {
return errors.Convert(buildTx(d.db, clauses).Create(entity).Error)
// Update updates record
func (d *Dalgorm) Update(entity interface{}, clauses ...dal.Clause) errors.Error {
return errors.Convert(buildTx(d.db, clauses).Save(entity).Error)
// CreateOrUpdate tries to create the record, or fallback to update all if failed
func (d *Dalgorm) CreateOrUpdate(entity interface{}, clauses ...dal.Clause) errors.Error {
return errors.Convert(buildTx(d.db, clauses).Clauses(clause.OnConflict{UpdateAll: true}).Create(entity).Error)
// CreateIfNotExist tries to create the record if not exist
func (d *Dalgorm) CreateIfNotExist(entity interface{}, clauses ...dal.Clause) errors.Error {
return errors.Convert(buildTx(d.db, clauses).Clauses(clause.OnConflict{DoNothing: true}).Create(entity).Error)
// Delete records from database
func (d *Dalgorm) Delete(entity interface{}, clauses ...dal.Clause) errors.Error {
return errors.Convert(buildTx(d.db, clauses).Delete(entity).Error)
// UpdateColumns batch records in database
func (d *Dalgorm) UpdateColumns(entity interface{}, clauses ...dal.Clause) errors.Error {
return errors.Convert(buildTx(d.db, clauses).UpdateColumns(entity).Error)
// GetColumns FIXME ...
func (d *Dalgorm) GetColumns(dst schema.Tabler, filter func(columnMeta dal.ColumnMeta) bool) (cms []dal.ColumnMeta, _ errors.Error) {
columnTypes, err := d.db.Migrator().ColumnTypes(dst.TableName())
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Convert(err)
for _, columnType := range columnTypes {
if filter == nil {
cms = append(cms, columnType)
} else if filter(columnType) {
cms = append(cms, columnType)
return errors.Convert01(cms, nil)
// AddColumn add one column for the table
func (d *Dalgorm) AddColumn(table, columnName, columnType string) errors.Error {
// work around the error `cached plan must not change result type` for postgres
// wrap in func(){} to make the linter happy
defer func() {
_ = d.Exec("SELECT * FROM ? LIMIT 1", clause.Table{Name: table})
return d.Exec("ALTER TABLE ? ADD ? ?", clause.Table{Name: table}, clause.Column{Name: columnName}, clause.Expr{SQL: columnType})
// DropColumn drop one column from the table
func (d *Dalgorm) DropColumn(table, columnName string) errors.Error {
// work around the error `cached plan must not change result type` for postgres
// wrap in func(){} to make the linter happy
defer func() {
_ = d.Exec("SELECT * FROM ? LIMIT 1", clause.Table{Name: table})
return d.Exec("ALTER TABLE ? DROP COLUMN ?", clause.Table{Name: table}, clause.Column{Name: columnName})
// GetPrimaryKeyFields get the PrimaryKey from `gorm` tag
func (d *Dalgorm) GetPrimaryKeyFields(t reflect.Type) []reflect.StructField {
return utils.WalkFields(t, func(field *reflect.StructField) bool {
return strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(field.Tag.Get("gorm")), "primarykey")
// AllTables returns all tables in the database
func (d *Dalgorm) AllTables() ([]string, errors.Error) {
var tableSql string
if d.db.Dialector.Name() == "mysql" {
tableSql = "show tables"
} else {
tableSql = "select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema = 'public' and table_name not like '_devlake%'"
var tables []string
err := d.db.Raw(tableSql).Scan(&tables).Error
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Convert(err)
var filteredTables []string
for _, table := range tables {
if !strings.HasPrefix(table, "_devlake") {
filteredTables = append(filteredTables, table)
return filteredTables, nil
// Dialect returns the dialect of the database
func (d *Dalgorm) Dialect() string {
return d.db.Dialector.Name()
// NewDalgorm FIXME ...
func NewDalgorm(db *gorm.DB) *Dalgorm {
return &Dalgorm{db}