blob: c9e605b2abd90f9d1af72e2a487acccd3054b513 [file] [log] [blame]
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The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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limitations under the License.
package tasks
import (
const RAW_PRS_TABLE = "github_graphql_prs"
type GraphqlQueryPrWrapper struct {
RateLimit struct {
Cost int
// now it orderBy UPDATED_AT and use cursor pagination
// It may miss some PRs updated when collection.
// Because these missed PRs will be collected on next, But it's not enough.
// So Next Millstone(0.17) we should change it to filter by CREATE_AT + collect detail
Repository struct {
PullRequests struct {
PageInfo *api.GraphqlQueryPageInfo
Prs []GraphqlQueryPr `graphql:"nodes"`
TotalCount graphql.Int
} `graphql:"pullRequests(first: $pageSize, after: $skipCursor, orderBy: {field: UPDATED_AT, direction: DESC})"`
} `graphql:"repository(owner: $owner, name: $name)"`
type GraphqlQueryPr struct {
DatabaseId int
Number int
State string
Title string
Body string
Url string
Labels struct {
Nodes []struct {
Id string
Name string
} `graphql:"labels(first: 100)"`
Author *GraphqlInlineAccountQuery
Assignees struct {
// FIXME now domain layer just support one assignee
Assignees []GraphqlInlineAccountQuery `graphql:"nodes"`
} `graphql:"assignees(first: 1)"`
ClosedAt *time.Time
MergedAt *time.Time
UpdatedAt time.Time
CreatedAt time.Time
MergeCommit *struct {
Oid string
HeadRefName string
HeadRefOid string
BaseRefName string
BaseRefOid string
Commits struct {
PageInfo *api.GraphqlQueryPageInfo
Nodes []GraphqlQueryCommit `graphql:"nodes"`
TotalCount graphql.Int
} `graphql:"commits(first: 100)"`
Reviews struct {
TotalCount graphql.Int
Nodes []GraphqlQueryReview `graphql:"nodes"`
} `graphql:"reviews(first: 100)"`
type GraphqlQueryReview struct {
Body string
Author *GraphqlInlineAccountQuery
State string `json:"state"`
DatabaseId int `json:"databaseId"`
Commit struct {
Oid string
SubmittedAt *time.Time `json:"submittedAt"`
type GraphqlQueryCommit struct {
Commit struct {
Oid string
Message string
Author struct {
Name string
Email string
Date time.Time
User *GraphqlInlineAccountQuery
Committer struct {
Date time.Time
Email string
Name string
Url string
var CollectPrMeta = plugin.SubTaskMeta{
Name: "CollectPr",
EntryPoint: CollectPr,
EnabledByDefault: true,
Description: "Collect Pr data from GithubGraphql api",
DomainTypes: []string{plugin.DOMAIN_TYPE_CODE_REVIEW},
var _ plugin.SubTaskEntryPoint = CollectPr
func CollectPr(taskCtx plugin.SubTaskContext) errors.Error {
data := taskCtx.GetData().(*tasks.GithubTaskData)
config := data.Options.GithubTransformationRule
var labelTypeRegex *regexp.Regexp
var labelComponentRegex *regexp.Regexp
var err errors.Error
if config != nil && len(config.PrType) > 0 {
labelTypeRegex, err = errors.Convert01(regexp.Compile(config.PrType))
if err != nil {
return errors.Default.Wrap(err, "regexp Compile prType failed")
if config != nil && len(config.PrComponent) > 0 {
labelComponentRegex, err = errors.Convert01(regexp.Compile(config.PrComponent))
if err != nil {
return errors.Default.Wrap(err, "regexp Compile prComponent failed")
collectorWithState, err := api.NewStatefulApiCollector(api.RawDataSubTaskArgs{
Ctx: taskCtx,
Params: tasks.GithubApiParams{
ConnectionId: data.Options.ConnectionId,
Name: data.Options.Name,
}, data.TimeAfter)
if err != nil {
return err
incremental := collectorWithState.IsIncremental()
err = collectorWithState.InitGraphQLCollector(api.GraphqlCollectorArgs{
GraphqlClient: data.GraphqlClient,
PageSize: 10,
Incremental: incremental,
(Optional) Return query string for request, or you can plug them into UrlTemplate directly
BuildQuery: func(reqData *api.GraphqlRequestData) (interface{}, map[string]interface{}, error) {
query := &GraphqlQueryPrWrapper{}
ownerName := strings.Split(data.Options.Name, "/")
variables := map[string]interface{}{
"pageSize": graphql.Int(reqData.Pager.Size),
"skipCursor": (*graphql.String)(reqData.Pager.SkipCursor),
"owner": graphql.String(ownerName[0]),
"name": graphql.String(ownerName[1]),
return query, variables, nil
GetPageInfo: func(iQuery interface{}, args *api.GraphqlCollectorArgs) (*api.GraphqlQueryPageInfo, error) {
query := iQuery.(*GraphqlQueryPrWrapper)
return query.Repository.PullRequests.PageInfo, nil
ResponseParser: func(iQuery interface{}, variables map[string]interface{}) ([]interface{}, error) {
query := iQuery.(*GraphqlQueryPrWrapper)
prs := query.Repository.PullRequests.Prs
results := make([]interface{}, 0, 1)
isFinish := false
for _, rawL := range prs {
// collect all data even though in increment mode because of existing data extracting
if collectorWithState.TimeAfter != nil && !collectorWithState.TimeAfter.Before(rawL.UpdatedAt) {
isFinish = true
//If this is a pr, ignore
githubPr, err := convertGithubPullRequest(rawL, data.Options.ConnectionId, data.Options.GithubId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if rawL.Author != nil {
githubUser, err := convertGraphqlPreAccount(*rawL.Author, data.Options.GithubId, data.Options.ConnectionId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
results = append(results, githubUser)
for _, label := range rawL.Labels.Nodes {
results = append(results, &models.GithubPrLabel{
ConnectionId: data.Options.ConnectionId,
PullId: githubPr.GithubId,
LabelName: label.Name,
// if pr.Type has not been set and prType is set in .env, process the below
if labelTypeRegex != nil {
groups := labelTypeRegex.FindStringSubmatch(label.Name)
if len(groups) > 0 {
githubPr.Type = groups[1]
// if pr.Component has not been set and prComponent is set in .env, process
if labelComponentRegex != nil {
groups := labelComponentRegex.FindStringSubmatch(label.Name)
if len(groups) > 0 {
githubPr.Component = groups[1]
results = append(results, githubPr)
for _, apiPullRequestReview := range rawL.Reviews.Nodes {
if apiPullRequestReview.State != "PENDING" {
githubReviewer := &models.GithubReviewer{
ConnectionId: data.Options.ConnectionId,
PullRequestId: githubPr.GithubId,
githubPrReview := &models.GithubPrReview{
ConnectionId: data.Options.ConnectionId,
GithubId: apiPullRequestReview.DatabaseId,
Body: apiPullRequestReview.Body,
State: apiPullRequestReview.State,
CommitSha: apiPullRequestReview.Commit.Oid,
GithubSubmitAt: apiPullRequestReview.SubmittedAt,
PullRequestId: githubPr.GithubId,
if apiPullRequestReview.Author != nil {
githubReviewer.GithubId = apiPullRequestReview.Author.Id
githubReviewer.Login = apiPullRequestReview.Author.Login
githubPrReview.AuthorUserId = apiPullRequestReview.Author.Id
githubPrReview.AuthorUsername = apiPullRequestReview.Author.Login
githubUser, err := convertGraphqlPreAccount(*apiPullRequestReview.Author, data.Options.GithubId, data.Options.ConnectionId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
results = append(results, githubUser)
results = append(results, githubReviewer)
results = append(results, githubPrReview)
for _, apiPullRequestCommit := range rawL.Commits.Nodes {
githubCommit, err := convertPullRequestCommit(apiPullRequestCommit)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
results = append(results, githubCommit)
githubPullRequestCommit := &models.GithubPrCommit{
ConnectionId: data.Options.ConnectionId,
CommitSha: apiPullRequestCommit.Commit.Oid,
PullRequestId: githubPr.GithubId,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
results = append(results, githubPullRequestCommit)
if apiPullRequestCommit.Commit.Author.User != nil {
githubUser, err := convertGraphqlPreAccount(*apiPullRequestCommit.Commit.Author.User, data.Options.GithubId, data.Options.ConnectionId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
results = append(results, githubUser)
if isFinish {
return results, api.ErrFinishCollect
} else {
return results, nil
if err != nil {
return err
return collectorWithState.Execute()
func convertGithubPullRequest(pull GraphqlQueryPr, connId uint64, repoId int) (*models.GithubPullRequest, errors.Error) {
githubPull := &models.GithubPullRequest{
ConnectionId: connId,
GithubId: pull.DatabaseId,
RepoId: repoId,
Number: pull.Number,
State: pull.State,
Title: pull.Title,
Url: pull.Url,
GithubCreatedAt: pull.CreatedAt,
GithubUpdatedAt: pull.UpdatedAt,
ClosedAt: pull.ClosedAt,
MergedAt: pull.MergedAt,
Body: pull.Body,
BaseRef: pull.BaseRefName,
BaseCommitSha: pull.BaseRefOid,
HeadRef: pull.HeadRefName,
HeadCommitSha: pull.HeadRefOid,
if pull.MergeCommit != nil {
githubPull.MergeCommitSha = pull.MergeCommit.Oid
if pull.Author != nil {
githubPull.AuthorName = pull.Author.Login
githubPull.AuthorId = pull.Author.Id
return githubPull, nil
func convertPullRequestCommit(prCommit GraphqlQueryCommit) (*models.GithubCommit, errors.Error) {
githubCommit := &models.GithubCommit{
Sha: prCommit.Commit.Oid,
Message: prCommit.Commit.Message,
AuthorName: prCommit.Commit.Author.Name,
AuthorEmail: prCommit.Commit.Author.Email,
AuthoredDate: prCommit.Commit.Author.Date,
CommitterName: prCommit.Commit.Committer.Name,
CommitterEmail: prCommit.Commit.Committer.Email,
CommittedDate: prCommit.Commit.Committer.Date,
Url: prCommit.Url,
if prCommit.Commit.Author.User != nil {
githubCommit.AuthorId = prCommit.Commit.Author.User.Id
return githubCommit, nil