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package errors
// Convert converts a raw error to an Error. Similar to Type.WrapRaw with a type of Default, but will not wrap the error if it's already of type Error.
// Passing in nil will return nil.
func Convert(err error) Error {
return Default.wrapRaw(err, false, withStackOffset(1))
// Convert01 an extension of Convert that allows passing in one extra arg. Useful for inlining the conversion of multivalued returns.
func Convert01[T1 any](t1 T1, err error) (T1, Error) {
return t1, Default.wrapRaw(err, false, withStackOffset(1))
// Convert001 like Convert01, but with two extra args
func Convert001[T1 any, T2 any](t1 T1, t2 T2, err error) (T1, T2, Error) {
return t1, t2, Default.wrapRaw(err, false, withStackOffset(1))
// Convert0001 like Convert01, but with three extra args
func Convert0001[T1 any, T2 any, T3 any](t1 T1, t2 T2, t3 T3, err error) (T1, T2, T3, Error) {
return t1, t2, t3, Default.wrapRaw(err, false, withStackOffset(1))
// Convert00001 like Convert01, but with four extra args
func Convert00001[T1 any, T2 any, T3 any, T4 any](t1 T1, t2 T2, t3 T3, t4 T4, err error) (T1, T2, T3, T4, Error) {
return t1, t2, t3, t4, Default.wrapRaw(err, false, withStackOffset(1))