blob: 89e05df8a09c26aa41fa604fc0a7fb3749ffd799 [file] [log] [blame]
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package tasks
import (
githubTasks ""
const RAW_ACCOUNTS_TABLE = "github_graphql_accounts"
type GraphqlQueryAccountWrapper struct {
RateLimit struct {
Cost int
Users []GraphqlQueryAccount `graphql:"user(login: $login)" graphql-extend:"true"`
type GraphqlQueryAccount struct {
Login string
Id int `graphql:"databaseId"`
Name string
Company string
Email string
AvatarUrl string
HtmlUrl string `graphql:"url"`
//Type string
Organizations struct {
Nodes []struct {
Email string
Name string
DatabaseId int
Login string
} `graphql:"organizations(first: 10)"`
var CollectAccountMeta = core.SubTaskMeta{
Name: "CollectAccount",
EntryPoint: CollectAccount,
EnabledByDefault: true,
Description: "Collect Account data from GithubGraphql api",
type SimpleAccount struct {
Login string
var _ core.SubTaskEntryPoint = CollectAccount
func CollectAccount(taskCtx core.SubTaskContext) errors.Error {
db := taskCtx.GetDal()
data := taskCtx.GetData().(*githubTasks.GithubTaskData)
cursor, err := db.Cursor(
dal.Where("repo_github_id = ? and connection_id=?", data.Repo.GithubId, data.Options.ConnectionId),
if err != nil {
return err
iterator, err := helper.NewDalCursorIterator(db, cursor, reflect.TypeOf(SimpleAccount{}))
if err != nil {
return err
collector, err := helper.NewGraphqlCollector(helper.GraphqlCollectorArgs{
RawDataSubTaskArgs: helper.RawDataSubTaskArgs{
Ctx: taskCtx,
Params: githubTasks.GithubApiParams{
ConnectionId: data.Options.ConnectionId,
Owner: data.Options.Owner,
Repo: data.Options.Repo,
Input: iterator,
InputStep: 100,
GraphqlClient: data.GraphqlClient,
BuildQuery: func(reqData *helper.GraphqlRequestData) (interface{}, map[string]interface{}, error) {
accounts := reqData.Input.([]interface{})
query := &GraphqlQueryAccountWrapper{}
users := []map[string]interface{}{}
for _, iAccount := range accounts {
account := iAccount.(*SimpleAccount)
users = append(users, map[string]interface{}{
`login`: graphql.String(account.Login),
variables := map[string]interface{}{
"user": users,
return query, variables, nil
ResponseParserWithDataErrors: func(iQuery interface{}, variables map[string]interface{}, dataErrors []graphql.DataError) ([]interface{}, error) {
for _, dataError := range dataErrors {
// log and ignore
taskCtx.GetLogger().Warn(dataError, `query user get error but ignore`)
query := iQuery.(*GraphqlQueryAccountWrapper)
accounts := query.Users
results := make([]interface{}, 0, 1)
for _, account := range accounts {
relatedUsers, err := convertAccount(account, data.Options.ConnectionId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
results = append(results, relatedUsers...)
return results, nil
if err != nil {
return err
return collector.Execute()
func convertAccount(res GraphqlQueryAccount, connId uint64) ([]interface{}, errors.Error) {
results := make([]interface{}, 0, len(res.Organizations.Nodes)+1)
githubAccount := &models.GithubAccount{
ConnectionId: connId,
Id: res.Id,
Login: res.Login,
Name: res.Name,
Company: res.Company,
Email: res.Email,
AvatarUrl: res.AvatarUrl,
//Url: res.Url,
HtmlUrl: res.HtmlUrl,
Type: `User`,
results = append(results, githubAccount)
for _, apiAccountOrg := range res.Organizations.Nodes {
githubAccountOrg := &models.GithubAccountOrg{
ConnectionId: connId,
AccountId: res.Id,
OrgId: apiAccountOrg.DatabaseId,
OrgLogin: apiAccountOrg.Login,
results = append(results, githubAccountOrg)
return results, nil