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package tasks
import (
goerror "errors"
const RAW_ISSUE_TABLE = "jira_api_issues"
var _ core.SubTaskEntryPoint = CollectIssues
var CollectIssuesMeta = core.SubTaskMeta{
Name: "collectIssues",
EntryPoint: CollectIssues,
EnabledByDefault: true,
Description: "collect Jira issues",
DomainTypes: []string{core.DOMAIN_TYPE_TICKET, core.DOMAIN_TYPE_CROSS},
func CollectIssues(taskCtx core.SubTaskContext) errors.Error {
db := taskCtx.GetDal()
data := taskCtx.GetData().(*JiraTaskData)
collectorWithState, err := helper.NewApiCollectorWithState(helper.RawDataSubTaskArgs{
Ctx: taskCtx,
This struct will be JSONEncoded and stored into database along with raw data itself, to identity minimal
set of data to be process, for example, we process JiraIssues by Board
Params: JiraApiParams{
ConnectionId: data.Options.ConnectionId,
BoardId: data.Options.BoardId,
Table store raw data
}, data.CreatedDateAfter)
if err != nil {
return err
// build jql
// IMPORTANT: we have to keep paginated data in a consistence order to avoid data-missing, if we sort issues by
// `updated`, issue will be jumping between pages if it got updated during the collection process
createdDateAfter := data.CreatedDateAfter
jql := "ORDER BY created ASC"
if createdDateAfter != nil {
// prepend a time range criteria if `since` was specified, either by user or from database
jql = fmt.Sprintf("created >= '%v' %v", createdDateAfter.Format("2006/01/02 15:04"), jql)
incremental := collectorWithState.CanIncrementCollect()
if incremental {
// user didn't specify a time range to sync, try load from database
var latestUpdated models.JiraIssue
clauses := []dal.Clause{
dal.Join("LEFT JOIN _tool_jira_board_issues bi ON (bi.connection_id = _tool_jira_issues.connection_id AND bi.issue_id = _tool_jira_issues.issue_id)"),
dal.Where("bi.connection_id = ? and bi.board_id = ?", data.Options.ConnectionId, data.Options.BoardId),
dal.Orderby("_tool_jira_issues.updated DESC"),
err := db.First(&latestUpdated, clauses...)
if err != nil && !goerror.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
return errors.NotFound.Wrap(err, "failed to get latest jira issue record")
if latestUpdated.IssueId > 0 {
jql = fmt.Sprintf("updated >= '%v' %v", latestUpdated.Updated.Format("2006/01/02 15:04"), jql)
} else {
incremental = false
err = collectorWithState.InitCollector(helper.ApiCollectorArgs{
ApiClient: data.ApiClient,
PageSize: 100,
Incremental: incremental,
url may use arbitrary variables from different connection in any order, we need GoTemplate to allow more
flexible for all kinds of possibility.
Pager contains information for a particular page, calculated by ApiCollector, and will be passed into
GoTemplate to generate a url for that page.
We want to do page-fetching in ApiCollector, because the logic are highly similar, by doing so, we can
avoid duplicate logic for every tasks, and when we have a better idea like improving performance, we can
do it in one place
UrlTemplate: "agile/1.0/board/{{ .Params.BoardId }}/issue",
(Optional) Return query string for request, or you can plug them into UrlTemplate directly
Query: func(reqData *helper.RequestData) (url.Values, errors.Error) {
query := url.Values{}
query.Set("jql", jql)
query.Set("startAt", fmt.Sprintf("%v", reqData.Pager.Skip))
query.Set("maxResults", fmt.Sprintf("%v", reqData.Pager.Size))
query.Set("expand", "changelog")
return query, nil
Some api might do pagination by http headers
//Header: func(pager *core.Pager) http.Header {
Sometimes, we need to collect data based on previous collected data, like jira changelog, it requires
issue_id as part of the url.
We can mimic `stdin` design, to accept a `Input` function which produces a `Iterator`, collector
should iterate all records, and do data-fetching for each on, either in parallel or sequential order
UrlTemplate: "api/3/issue/{{ Input.ID }}/changelog"
//Input: databaseIssuesIterator,
For api endpoint that returns number of total pages, ApiCollector can collect pages in parallel with ease,
or other techniques are required if this information was missing.
GetTotalPages: GetTotalPagesFromResponse,
Concurrency: 10,
ResponseParser: func(res *http.Response) ([]json.RawMessage, errors.Error) {
var data struct {
Issues []json.RawMessage `json:"issues"`
blob, err := io.ReadAll(res.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Convert(err)
err = json.Unmarshal(blob, &data)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Convert(err)
return data.Issues, nil
if err != nil {
return err
return collectorWithState.Execute()