blob: 7be0395a3b4d680f86f92f705c15ff1a682ec24b [file] [log] [blame]
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The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package api
import (
// ConnectionApiHelper is used to write the CURD of connection
type ConnectionApiHelper struct {
encryptionSecret string
log log.Logger
db dal.Dal
validator *validator.Validate
bpManager *services.BlueprintManager
pluginName string
// NewConnectionHelper creates a ConnectionHelper for connection management
func NewConnectionHelper(
basicRes context.BasicRes,
vld *validator.Validate,
pluginName string,
) *ConnectionApiHelper {
if vld == nil {
vld = validator.New()
h := &ConnectionApiHelper{
encryptionSecret: basicRes.GetConfig(plugin.EncodeKeyEnvStr),
log: basicRes.GetLogger(),
db: basicRes.GetDal(),
validator: vld,
bpManager: services.NewBlueprintManager(basicRes.GetDal()),
pluginName: pluginName,
if h.db == nil {
h.log.Info("connection api helper db is nil")
fmt.Println("connection api helper db is nil")
} else {
h.log.Info("connection api helper db is not nil")
fmt.Println("connection api helper db is not nil")
return h
// Create a connection record based on request body
func (c *ConnectionApiHelper) Create(connection interface{}, input *plugin.ApiResourceInput) errors.Error {
return c.CreateWithTx(nil, connection, input)
// Create a connection record based on request body
func (c *ConnectionApiHelper) CreateWithTx(tx dal.Transaction, connection interface{}, input *plugin.ApiResourceInput) errors.Error {
// update fields from request body
db := c.db
if tx != nil {
db = tx
err := c.merge(connection, input.Body)
if err != nil {
return err
if err :=, db.Create); err != nil {
c.log.Error(err, "create connection")
return err
return nil
// Patch (Modify) a connection record based on request body
func (c *ConnectionApiHelper) Patch(connection interface{}, input *plugin.ApiResourceInput) errors.Error {
err := c.First(connection, input.Params)
if err != nil {
return err
err = c.merge(connection, input.Body)
if err != nil {
return err
return, c.db.CreateOrUpdate)
// First finds connection from db by parsing request input and decrypt it
func (c *ConnectionApiHelper) First(connection interface{}, params map[string]string) errors.Error {
connectionId := params["connectionId"]
if connectionId == "" {
return errors.BadInput.New("missing connectionId")
id, err := strconv.ParseUint(connectionId, 10, 64)
if err != nil || id < 1 {
return errors.BadInput.New("invalid connectionId")
return c.FirstById(connection, id)
// FirstById finds connection from db by id and decrypt it
func (c *ConnectionApiHelper) FirstById(connection interface{}, id uint64) errors.Error {
return CallDB(c.db.First, connection, dal.Where("id = ?", id))
// List returns all connections with password/token decrypted
func (c *ConnectionApiHelper) List(connections interface{}) errors.Error {
c.log.Info("connections :%+v", connections)
fmt.Printf("connections :%+v\n", connections)
c.log.Info("connection api helper :%+v", c)
fmt.Printf("connection api helper :%+v\n", c)
if c == nil {
c.log.Info("connection api helper is nil")
fmt.Printf("connection api helper is nil")
} else {
c.log.Info("connection api helper is not nil")
fmt.Printf("connection api helper is not nil")
if c.db == nil {
c.log.Info("connection api helper db is nil")
fmt.Println("connection api helper db is nil")
} else {
c.log.Info("connection api helper db is not nil")
fmt.Println("connection api helper db is not nil")
return CallDB(c.db.All, connections)
// Delete connection.
func (c *ConnectionApiHelper) deleteConnection(connection interface{}) (*services.BlueprintProjectPairs, errors.Error) {
connectionId := reflectField(connection, "ID").Uint()
referencingBps := c.bpManager.GetBlueprintsByConnection(c.pluginName, connectionId)
if len(referencingBps) > 0 {
return services.NewBlueprintProjectPairs(referencingBps), errors.Conflict.New("Found one or more blueprint/project references to this connection")
src, err := c.getPluginSource()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if scopeModel := src.Scope(); scopeModel != nil {
// ensure the connection has no scopes using it
count := errors.Must1(c.db.Count(dal.From(scopeModel.TableName()), dal.Where("connection_id = ?", connectionId)))
if count > 0 {
return nil, errors.Conflict.New("Please delete all data scope(s) before you delete this Data Connection.")
if scopeConfigModel := src.ScopeConfig(); scopeConfigModel != nil {
// remove scope-configs that use this connection
err = CallDB(c.db.Delete, scopeConfigModel, dal.Where("connection_id = ?", connectionId))
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Default.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("error deleting scope-configs for plugin %s using connection %d", c.pluginName, connectionId))
return nil, CallDB(c.db.Delete, connection)
// TODO: combine connection/scope/scopeConfig helper
func (c *ConnectionApiHelper) Delete(connection interface{}, input *plugin.ApiResourceInput) (*plugin.ApiResourceOutput, errors.Error) {
err := c.First(connection, input.Params)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var refs *services.BlueprintProjectPairs
refs, err = c.deleteConnection(connection)
if err != nil {
return &plugin.ApiResourceOutput{Body: &shared.ApiBody{
Success: false,
Message: err.Error(),
Data: refs,
}, Status: err.GetType().GetHttpCode()}, err
data, marshalErr := json.Marshal(connection)
if marshalErr != nil {
return nil, errors.Convert(marshalErr)
result := make(map[string]interface{})
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &result); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Convert(err)
if _, ok := result["token"]; ok {
result["token"] = ""
return &plugin.ApiResourceOutput{Body: result}, err
func (c *ConnectionApiHelper) Merge(connection interface{}, body map[string]interface{}) errors.Error {
return c.merge(connection, body)
func (c *ConnectionApiHelper) merge(connection interface{}, body map[string]interface{}) errors.Error {
connection = models.UnwrapObject(connection)
if connectionValidator, ok := connection.(plugin.ConnectionValidator); ok {
err := Decode(body, connection, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
return connectionValidator.ValidateConnection(connection, c.validator)
return Decode(body, connection, c.validator)
func (c *ConnectionApiHelper) SaveWithCreateOrUpdate(connection interface{}) errors.Error {
return, c.db.CreateOrUpdate)
func (c *ConnectionApiHelper) save(connection interface{}, method func(entity interface{}, clauses ...dal.Clause) errors.Error) errors.Error {
err := CallDB(method, connection)
if err != nil {
if c.db.IsDuplicationError(err) {
return errors.BadInput.New("the connection name already exists")
return err
return nil
func (c *ConnectionApiHelper) getPluginSource() (plugin.PluginSource, errors.Error) {
pluginMeta, _ := plugin.GetPlugin(c.pluginName)
pluginSrc, ok := pluginMeta.(plugin.PluginSource)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.Default.New(fmt.Sprintf("plugin %s doesn't implement PluginSource", c.pluginName))
return pluginSrc, nil