added blog instruction to readme
13 files changed
tree: c7bb675edecf1e61566896ac8aca28d4eba6b740
  1. .github/
  2. .idea/
  3. blog/
  4. community/
  5. docs/
  6. i18n/
  7. src/
  8. static/
  9. .gitignore
  10. babel.config.js
  11. docusaurus.config.js
  12. package-lock.json
  13. package.json
  15. sidebars.js
  16. sidebarsCommunity.js

DevLake Website


In your command line tool, go to this directory and run yarn. Then run yarn start and your browser will open at http://localhost:3000. To run on a different port, run yarn start -- -- port xxxx.

How to submit a blog?

Thank you for contributing to DevLake blog! We can't wait to hear your voice!

Because DevLake only accepts blog posts submitted through PRs, we want to make this process as painless as poissble by putting together this instruction.


The DevLake website maintains blog posts in two languages, English and Chinese(simplified), so we prefer that you submit your blog posts in both languages. However, if you are only familiar with one language, you can submit your blog posts in one language--either English or Chinese--but please put the same files in both directories of the two languages. We will help you with the translation based on our current work capacity.

English blog directory: blog/your-blog-post

Chinnese blog directory: i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog/your-blog-post

Notice: No matter if you are submitting blog posts in one or two languages, please follow both the English and Chinese instructions as follows:

Steps - English

  1. If you are submitting for the first time please add your author info by going into the blog directory, find the file named authors.yml and add your author info in the format of:
  name: Warren Chen (陈映初)
  title: DevLake Contributor

If you are not submitting for the first time, please skip this step and go to Step No.2.

  1. In the blog directory, create a folder for a single blog post and name it in the format of yyyy-mm-dd-your-blog-post-title, so that all blog posts will be arranged in the order of time automatically.

  2. Inside this folder, create a markdownfile and name it All of your blog post content goes into this file. If you use any images in your blog post, please also place the image files in the same folder.

  3. In the beginning of, please add the following information to help with the SEO:

slug: your-blog-post-title
title: Your Blog Post Title
authors: warren
tags: [DevLake, ants, deadlock]

Please make sure that the value for authors match the author info you entered in authors.yml.

  1. For better viewing experience, only a truncated section of each blog post will be displayed as a summary on the Blog page's overview. So please place <!--truncate--> at an appropriate place in your (We recommend putting it after approximately 300 words, but it is flexible as long as you think it make sense.) For example:
slug: truncation-example
title: Truncation Example
authors: yumeng
tags: [DevLake, blog]

All these will be part of the blog post summary.

Even this.


But anything from here on down will not be.

Not this.

Or this.

Steps - Chinese(simplified)

The steps for submitting the Chinese version of your blog post are very similar to that of English, but in a different directory with a few tweaks.

  1. If you are submitting for the first time please add your author info by going into the i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog directory, find the file named authors.yml and add your author info in the format of:
  name: 陈映初
  title: DevLake贡献者

If you are not submitting for the first time, please skip this step and go to Step No.2.

  1. In the i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog directory, create a folder for a single blog post and name it with the exact the name of the blog post folder that you have used for the English submission, so that the two files for two languages can match automatically.

  2. Inside this folder, create a markdownfile and name it All of your blog post content goes into this file. If you use any images in your blog post, please also place the image files in the same folder.

  3. In the beginning of, please add the following information to help with the SEO:

slug: your-blog-post-title
title: 你的文章题目
authors: warren
tags: [DevLake, ants, deadlock]

Please make sure that the value for authors match the author info you entered in authors.yml.

  1. For better viewing experience, only a truncated section of each blog post will be displayed as a summary on the Blog page's overview. So please place <!--truncate--> at an appropriate place in your (We recommend putting it after approximately 200 Chinese characters, but it is flexible as long as you think it make sense.) For example:
slug: truncation-example
title: Truncation Example
authors: yumeng
tags: [DevLake, blog]

All these will be part of the blog post summary.

Even this.


But anything from here on down will not be.

Not this.

Or this.

After completing the above steps, please submit a PR to merico-dev/lake-website for review. Happy blogging!