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<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
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<description>Create new EMR Cluster</description>
<description>Name of the Notebook server</description>
<description>Short name of notebook instance</description>
<description>Short name of cluster instance</description>
<description>Number of nodes the new cluster will consist of</description>
<description>instance life cycle for EMR slaves</description>
<choices class="java.util.Arrays$ArrayList">
<a class="string-array">
<description>The percentage of EC2 instance price which will be used for Spot price. If spot instances is disabled, the value of this parameter can be anything.</description>
Memory optimized: S: r3.xlarge
Memory optimized: M: r3.4xlarge
Memory optimized: L: r3.8xlarge
GPU optimized: M: g2.2xlarge
Compute optimized: S: c4.large
Compute optimized: M: c4.2xlarge
Compute optimized: L: c4.8xlarge
<choices class="java.util.Arrays$ArrayList">
<a class="string-array">
Memory optimized: S: r3.xlarge
Memory optimized: M: r3.4xlarge
Memory optimized: L: r3.8xlarge
GPU optimized: M: g2.2xlarge
Compute optimized: S: c4.large
Compute optimized: M: c4.2xlarge
Compute optimized: L: c4.8xlarge
<choices class="java.util.Arrays$ArrayList">
<a class="string-array">
<choices class="java.util.Arrays$ArrayList">
<a class="string-array">
<description>Timeout for EMR during build. Not mandatory</description>
<description>notebook application to be deployed</description>
<choices class="java.util.Arrays$ArrayList">
<a class="string-array">
<description>Notebook VPC ID (secondary or the same VPC ID for deploy)</description>
<description>Custom configurations for EMR cluster</description>
<scm class="hudson.scm.NullSCM"/>
<command>rand=`openssl rand -hex 10`;
sed &apos;s/RID/&apos;${rand}&apos;/g&apos; /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/create_dataengine-service/template_prepare.json | \
sed &apos;s/SPI/&apos;${slave_spot_instance}&apos;/g&apos; | \
sed &apos;s/SISPP/&apos;${slave_instance_spot_pct_price}&apos;/g&apos; | \
sed &apos;s/EUN/&apos;${User_name}&apos;/g&apos; | sed &apos;s/ESR/&apos;${Service_role}&apos;/g&apos; | \
sed &apos;s/EE2R/&apos;${EMR_EC2_role}&apos;/g&apos; | sed &apos;s/EVER/&apos;${Release_label}&apos;/g&apos; | \
sed &apos;s/EMIT/&apos;${Master_node_size}&apos;/g&apos; | sed &apos;s/ESMT/&apos;${Slave_node_size}&apos;/g&apos; | \
sed &apos;s/EIC/&apos;${Nodes_Count}&apos;/g&apos; | sed &apos;s/ETIM/&apos;${Timeout}&apos;/g&apos; | \
sed &apos;s/NNM/&apos;${Notebook_name}&apos;/g&apos; | sed &apos;s/NVPCID/&apos;${aws_notebook_vpc_id}&apos;/g&apos; | \
sed &apos;s/EXN/&apos;${exploratory_name}&apos;/g&apos; | sed &apos;s/CON/&apos;${computational_name}&apos;/g&apos; | \
sudo docker run -i -e &quot;conf_tag_resource_id=user:tag&quot; -e &quot;configurations=$configurations&quot; \
-v /home/dlab-user/keys:/root/keys -v /opt/dlab/tmp/result:/response \
-v /var/opt/dlab/log/dataengine-service:/logs/dataengine-service \
docker.dlab-dataengine-service --action create;
rand=`openssl rand -hex 10`;
sed &apos;s/RID/&apos;${rand}&apos;/g&apos; /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/create_dataengine-service/template_configure.json | \
sed &apos;s/EUN/&apos;${User_name}&apos;/g&apos; | sed &apos;s/EVER/&apos;${Release_label}&apos;/g&apos; | \
sed &apos;s/APP/&apos;${notebook_app}&apos;/g&apos; | sed &apos;s/NNM/&apos;${Notebook_name}&apos;/g&apos; | \
sudo docker run -i -e &quot;conf_tag_resource_id=user:tag&quot; \
-v /home/dlab-user/keys:/root/keys -v /opt/dlab/tmp/result:/response \
-v /var/opt/dlab/log/dataengine-service:/logs/dataengine-service \
docker.dlab-${notebook_app} --action configure;