blob: 31f955c244fdbd2b1bae14f28ae743df90cb23c9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import { ModuleWithProviders } from '@angular/core';
import { Routes, RouterModule } from '@angular/router';
import { LoginComponent } from './login/login.module';
import { LayoutComponent } from './layout/layout.component';
import { ResourcesComponent } from './resources/resources.component';
import { AccessNotebookGuideComponent, PublicKeyGuideComponent } from './help';
import { NotFoundComponent } from './service-pages/not-found/not-found.component';
import { AccessDeniedComponent } from './service-pages/access-denied/access-denied.component';
import { ReportingComponent } from './reports/reporting/reporting.component';
import { WebterminalComponent } from './webterminal/webterminal.component';
import { ManagementComponent } from './administration/management/management.component';
import { ProjectComponent } from './administration/project/project.component';
import { RolesComponent } from './administration/roles/roles.component';
import { SwaggerComponent } from './swagger/swagger.component';
import { AuthorizationGuard, CheckParamsGuard, CloudProviderGuard, AdminGuard, AuditGuard } from './core/services';
import {AuditComponent} from './reports/audit/audit.component';
const routes: Routes = [{
path: 'login',
component: LoginComponent
}, {
path: '',
canActivate: [CheckParamsGuard],
component: LayoutComponent,
children: [
path: '',
redirectTo: 'resources_list',
pathMatch: 'full'
}, {
path: 'resources_list',
component: ResourcesComponent,
canActivate: [AuthorizationGuard]
}, {
path: 'billing_report',
component: ReportingComponent,
canActivate: [AuthorizationGuard, CloudProviderGuard]
}, {
path: 'projects',
component: ProjectComponent,
canActivate: [AuthorizationGuard, AdminGuard],
}, {
path: 'roles',
component: RolesComponent,
canActivate: [AuthorizationGuard, AdminGuard],
}, {
path: 'environment_management',
component: ManagementComponent,
canActivate: [AuthorizationGuard, AdminGuard]
}, {
path: 'swagger',
component: SwaggerComponent,
canActivate: [AuthorizationGuard]
}, {
path: 'help/publickeyguide',
component: PublicKeyGuideComponent,
canActivate: [AuthorizationGuard]
}, {
path: 'help/accessnotebookguide',
component: AccessNotebookGuideComponent,
canActivate: [AuthorizationGuard]
path: 'audit',
component: AuditComponent,
canActivate: [AuthorizationGuard, AuditGuard],
}, {
path: 'terminal/:id/:endpoint',
component: WebterminalComponent
}, {
path: '403',
component: AccessDeniedComponent,
canActivate: [AuthorizationGuard]
}, {
path: '**',
component: NotFoundComponent
export const AppRoutingModule: ModuleWithProviders = RouterModule.forRoot(routes, { useHash: true });