blob: a788f874dc74ccbfa1ee70b3e148a66bbb6ebbd0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package com.epam.datalab.automation.model;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import java.util.List;
public class NotebookConfig {
private String notebookTemplate;
private String dataEngineType;
private boolean fullTest;
private String timeoutNotebookCreate = "60m";
private String timeoutNotebookStartup = "20m";
private String timeoutNotebookShutdown = "20m";
private String timeoutClusterCreate = "60m";
private String timeoutClusterStartup = "20m";
private String timeoutClusterStop = "20m";
private String timeoutClusterTerminate = "20m";
private String timeoutLibGroups = "5m";
private String timeoutLibList = "5m";
private String timeoutLibInstall = "15m";
private String timeoutImageCreate = "60m";
private boolean imageTestRequired = false;
private List<Lib> skippedLibraries;
private String notebookShape = StringUtils.EMPTY;
private String desVersion = StringUtils.EMPTY;
private boolean desSpotRequired = false;
private int desSpotPrice = 0;
public List<Lib> getSkippedLibraries() {
return skippedLibraries;
public String getTimeoutNotebookCreate() {
return timeoutNotebookCreate;
public String getNotebookShape() {
return notebookShape;
public String getDesVersion() {
return desVersion;
public boolean isDesSpotRequired() {
return desSpotRequired;
public int getDesSpotPrice() {
return desSpotPrice;
public String getTimeoutNotebookStartup() {
return timeoutNotebookStartup;
public String getTimeoutNotebookShutdown() {
return timeoutNotebookShutdown;
public String getTimeoutClusterCreate() {
return timeoutClusterCreate;
public String getTimeoutClusterTerminate() {
return timeoutClusterTerminate;
public String getTimeoutLibGroups() {
return timeoutLibGroups;
public String getTimeoutLibList() {
return timeoutLibList;
public String getTimeoutLibInstall() {
return timeoutLibInstall;
public String getTimeoutImageCreate() {
return timeoutImageCreate;
public String getNotebookTemplate() {
return notebookTemplate;
public String getDataEngineType() {
return dataEngineType;
public String getTimeoutClusterStartup() {
return timeoutClusterStartup;
public String getTimeoutClusterStop() {
return timeoutClusterStop;
public boolean isFullTest() {
return fullTest;
public boolean isImageTestRequired() {
return imageTestRequired;
public void setImageTestRequired(boolean imageTestRequired) {
this.imageTestRequired = imageTestRequired;
public void setSkippedLibraries(List<Lib> skippedLibraries) {
this.skippedLibraries = skippedLibraries;
public String toString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this)
.add("timeoutClusterCreate", timeoutClusterCreate)
.add("timeoutClusterTerminate", timeoutClusterTerminate)
.add("timeoutClusterStartup", timeoutClusterStartup)
.add("timeoutClusterStop", timeoutClusterStop)
.add("timeoutLibGroups", timeoutLibGroups)
.add("timeoutLibInstall", timeoutLibInstall)
.add("timeoutImageCreate", timeoutImageCreate)
.add("timeoutLibList", timeoutLibList)
.add("timeoutNotebookCreate", timeoutNotebookCreate)
.add("timeoutNotebookShutdown", timeoutNotebookShutdown)
.add("timeoutNotebookStartup", timeoutNotebookStartup)
.add("notebookTemplate", notebookTemplate)
.add("notebookShape", notebookShape)
.add("dataEngineType", dataEngineType)
.add("dataEngineServiceVersion", desVersion)
.add("dataEngineServiceSpotRequired", desSpotRequired)
.add("dataEngineServiceSpotPrice", desSpotPrice)
.add("fullTest", fullTest)
.add("imageTestRequired", imageTestRequired)
.add("skippedLibraries", skippedLibraries)