blob: 7281a244449258d063a643ecfd43901bdb72a679 [file] [log] [blame]
Feature: Endpoint management in DLab
Such feature allowed to manage endpoint inside DLab
Scenario Outline: Create new endpoint when it does not exist
Given There is no endpoints in DLab
And User try to create new endpoint with name "<name>" and uri "<uri>" and account "<account>" and "<tag>"
When User send create new endpoint request
Then Response status code is 200
And Endpoint URI is present in location header
| name | uri | account | tag |
| test_endpoint | someuri | 123231312 | some_tag |
Scenario Outline: Create new endpoint when it exist already
Given There is no endpoints in DLab
And User try to create new endpoint with name "<name>" and uri "<uri>" and account "<account>" and "<tag>"
And User send create new endpoint request
When User try to create new endpoint with name "<name>" and uri "<uri>" and account "<account>" and "<tag>"
And User send create new endpoint request
Then Response status code is 409
| name | uri | account | tag |
| test_endpoint | someuri | 123231312 | some_tag |
Scenario Outline: Get information for endpoint
Given There is no endpoints in DLab
And User try to create new endpoint with name "<name>" and uri "<uri>" and account "<account>" and "<tag>"
And User send create new endpoint request
When User try to get information about endpoint with name "<name>"
Then Response status code is 200
And Endpoint information is successfully returned with name "<name>", uri "<uri>", account "<account>", and tag "<tag>"
| name | uri | account | tag |
| test_endpoint | someuri | 123231312 | some_tag |
Scenario: Get list of endpoints
Given There is no endpoints in DLab
And User try to create new endpoint with name "test1" and uri "someuri1" and account "123" and "customTag1"
And User send create new endpoint request
And User try to create new endpoint with name "test2" and uri "someuri2" and account "1233" and "customTag4"
And User send create new endpoint request
When User try to get information about endpoints
Then Response status code is 200
And There are endpoints with name test1 and test2
Scenario: Get not endpoint that does not exist
Given There is no endpoints in DLab
When User try to get information about endpoint with name "someName"
Then Response status code is 404