blob: faf887d60cdc906afae75c6ff98e2337627a6128 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import {Component, EventEmitter, Inject, OnInit, Output} from '@angular/core';
import {FilterAuditModel} from '../filter-audit.model';
import {MAT_DIALOG_DATA, MatDialog, MatDialogRef} from '@angular/material/dialog';
import {AuditService} from '../../../core/services/audit.service';
import {SortUtils} from '../../../core/util';
export interface AuditItem {
action: string;
info: string;
project: string;
resourceName: string;
timestamp: number;
type: string;
user: string;
_id: string;
selector: 'dlab-audit-grid',
templateUrl: './audit-grid.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./audit-grid.component.scss', '../../../resources/resources-grid/resources-grid.component.scss'],
export class AuditGridComponent implements OnInit {
public auditData: Array<AuditItem>;
public displayedColumns: string[] = ['date', 'user', 'action', 'project', 'resource-type', 'resource', 'buttons'];
public displayedFilterColumns: string[] = ['date-filter', 'user-filter', 'actions-filter', 'project-filter', 'resource-type-filter', 'resource-filter', 'filter-buttons'];
public collapseFilterRow: boolean = false;
public filterConfiguration: FilterAuditModel = new FilterAuditModel([], [], [], [], [], '', '');
public filterAuditData: FilterAuditModel = new FilterAuditModel([], [], [], [], [], '', '');
public itemsPrPage: Number[] = [25, 50, 100];
public showItemsPrPage: number;
public firstItem: number = 1;
public lastItem: number;
public allItems: number;
private copiedFilterAuditData: FilterAuditModel;
public isNavigationDisabled: boolean;
public isFilterSelected: boolean;
@Output() resetDateFilter: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();
public dialogRef: MatDialogRef<AuditInfoDialogComponent>,
public dialog: MatDialog,
private auditService: AuditService,
) {
ngOnInit() {}
public buildAuditGrid(filter?: boolean): void {
if (!this.showItemsPrPage) {
if (window.localStorage.getItem('audit_per_page')) {
this.showItemsPrPage = +window.localStorage.getItem('audit_per_page');
} else {
this.showItemsPrPage = 50;
this.lastItem = this.showItemsPrPage;
public getAuditData(filter?: boolean): void {
const page = filter ? 1 : Math.ceil(this.lastItem / this.showItemsPrPage);
this.copiedFilterAuditData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.filterAuditData));
this.auditService.getAuditData(this.filterAuditData, page, this.showItemsPrPage).subscribe(auditData => {
if (filter) this.changePage('first');
this.auditData = auditData[0].audit;
this.allItems = auditData[0]['page_count'];
this.filterConfiguration = new FilterAuditModel(
auditData[0].user_filter.filter(v => v),
auditData[0].resource_name_filter.filter(v => v),
auditData[0].resource_type_filter.filter(v => v),
auditData[0].project_filter.filter(v => v),
public refreshAuditPage(): void {
this.filterAuditData = this.copiedFilterAuditData;
public setAvaliblePeriod(period): void {
this.filterAuditData.date_start = period.start_date;
this.filterAuditData.date_end = period.end_date;
public toggleFilterRow(): void {
this.collapseFilterRow = !this.collapseFilterRow;
public onUpdate($event): void {
this.filterAuditData[$event.type] = $event.model;
private checkFilters() {
this.isNavigationDisabled = JSON.stringify(this.copiedFilterAuditData) !== JSON.stringify(this.filterAuditData);
this.isFilterSelected = Object.keys(this.filterAuditData).filter(v => this.filterAuditData[v].length > 0).length > 0;
public openActionInfo(element: AuditItem): void {
if (element.type === 'GROUP' &&'role') !== -1) {, { data: {element, dialogSize: 'big'}, panelClass: 'modal-xl-m' });
} else {, { data: {element, dialogSize: 'small'}, panelClass: 'modal-md' });
private setItemsPrPage(item: number): void {
window.localStorage.setItem('audit_per_page', item.toString());
this.firstItem = 1;
if (this.lastItem !== item) {
this.lastItem = item;
private changePage(action: string): void {
if (action === 'first') {
this.firstItem = 1;
this.lastItem = this.showItemsPrPage;
} else if (action === 'previous') {
this.firstItem = this.firstItem - this.showItemsPrPage;
this.lastItem = this.lastItem % this.showItemsPrPage === 0 ?
this.lastItem - this.showItemsPrPage : this.lastItem - (this.lastItem % this.showItemsPrPage);
} else if (action === 'next') {
this.firstItem = this.firstItem + this.showItemsPrPage;
this.lastItem = (this.lastItem + this.showItemsPrPage) > this.allItems ?
this.allItems : this.lastItem + this.showItemsPrPage;
} else if (action === 'last') {
this.firstItem = this.allItems % this.showItemsPrPage === 0 ?
this.allItems - this.showItemsPrPage : this.allItems - (this.allItems % this.showItemsPrPage) + 1;
this.lastItem = this.allItems;
public loadItemsForPage(action: string): void {
public resetFilterConfigurations(): void {
this.filterAuditData = FilterAuditModel.getDefault();
public didFilterChanged(): boolean {
return this.isNavigationDisabled;
selector: 'audit-info-dialog',
template: `
<div id="dialog-box">
<header class="dialog-header">
<h4 class="modal-title">{{data.element.action | convertaction}}</h4>
<button type="button" class="close" (click)="dialogRef.close()">&times;</button>
<div mat-dialog-content class="content audit-info-content" [ngClass]="{'pb-40': actionList[0].length > 1}">
<mat-list *ngIf="actionList[0].length > 1 && data.element.action !== 'FOLLOW_LINK'||'Update quota') !== -1;else message">
<ng-container *ngIf="'Update quota') === -1;else quotas">
<mat-list-item class="list-header">
<div class="info-item-title" [ngClass]="{'same-column-width': data.dialogSize === 'small'}">Action</div>
<div class="info-item-data" [ngClass]="{'same-column-width': data.dialogSize === 'small'}"> Description </div>
<div class="scrolling-content mat-list-wrapper" id="scrolling">
<mat-list-item class="list-item" *ngFor="let action of actionList">
<div *ngIf="(data.element.action === 'upload' && action[0] === 'File(s)') || (data.element.action === 'download' && action[0] === 'File(s)');else multiAction" class="info-item-title">File</div>
<ng-template #multiAction>
<div class="info-item-title" [ngClass]="{'same-column-width': data.dialogSize === 'small'}">{{action[0]}}</div>
<div class="info-item-data" [ngClass]="{'same-column-width': data.dialogSize === 'small'}" *ngIf="action[0] === 'File(s)'">
<div class="file-description ellipsis"
*ngFor="let description of action[1]?.split(',')"
<div class="info-item-data" [ngClass]="{'same-column-width': data.dialogSize === 'small'}" *ngIf="action[0] !== 'File(s)'">
<div *ngFor="let description of action[1]?.split(',')">{{description}}</div>
<ng-template #quotas>
<mat-list-item class="list-header">
<div class="same-column-width" >Action</div>
<div class="info-item-title"> Previous value </div>
<div class="info-item-quota"> New value </div>
<div class="scrolling-content mat-list-wrapper" id="scrolling">
<mat-list-item class="list-item" *ngFor="let action of updateBudget">
<div class="same-column-width">{{action[0]}}</div>
<div class="info-item-title">
<div class="info-item-quota">
<ng-template #message>
<div class="message-wrapper">
<p *ngIf="data.element.type !== 'COMPUTE'; else computation">
<span *ngIf="'Scheduled') !== -1;else notScheduledNotebook">{{data.element.action | titlecase}} by scheduler.</span>
<ng-template #notScheduledNotebook>
<span *ngIf="data.element.type === 'WEB_TERMINAL'">{{}} <span class="strong">{{data.element.resourceName}}</span>.</span>
<span *ngIf="data.element.type !== 'WEB_TERMINAL' && data.element.type !== 'EDGE_NODE'">{{}}.</span>
<span *ngIf="data.element.type === 'EDGE_NODE' && data.element.action === 'CREATE'">
Create edge node for endpoint <span class="strong">{{data.element.resourceName}}</span>, requested in project <span class="strong">{{data.element.project}}</span>.
<ng-template #computation>
<p *ngIf="'Scheduled') !== -1;else notScheduled"> {{data.element.action | titlecase}} by scheduler, requested for notebook <span class="strong">{{' ')[' ').length - 1] }}</span>.</p>
<ng-template #notScheduled>
<span *ngIf="data.element.action === 'FOLLOW_LINK'">{{info.action | titlecase}} compute <span class="strong">{{info.cluster}}</span>&nbsp;<span>{{info.clusterType}}</span> link, requested for notebook <span class="strong">{{info.notebook}}</span>.</span>
<span *ngIf="data.element.action !== 'FOLLOW_LINK'">{{data.element.action | titlecase}} compute <span class="strong">{{data.element.resourceName}}</span>, requested for notebook <span class="strong">{{' ')[' ').length - 1] }}</span>.</span>
styles: [`
.content { color: #718ba6; padding: 20px 30px; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 400; margin: 0; }
.pb-40 { padding-bottom: 40px; }
.info .confirm-dialog { color: #607D8B; }
header { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; color: #607D8B; }
header h4 i { vertical-align: bottom; }
header a i { font-size: 20px; }
header a:hover i { color: #35afd5; cursor: pointer; }
.scrolling-content{overflow-y: auto; max-height: 200px; }
label{cursor: pointer}
.message-wrapper{min-height: 70px;; display: flex; align-items: center}
.mat-list-wrapper{padding-top: 5px;}
.list-item{color: #718ba6; height: auto; line-height: 20px; font-size: 14px}
.info-item-title{width: 40%; padding: 10px 0;font-size: 14px;}
.info-item-quota{width: 30%; padding: 10px 0;font-size: 14px;}
.list-header {padding-top: 5px;}
.info-item-data{width: 60%; text-align: left; padding: 10px 0; font-size: 14px;}
.file-description{ overflow: hidden; display: block; direction: rtl; font-size: 14px;}
.same-column-width{width: 50%; padding: 10px 0; font-size: 14px;}
export class AuditInfoDialogComponent {
actionList: string[][];
updateBudget: string[][] = [];
public dialogRef: MatDialogRef<AuditInfoDialogComponent>,
@Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: any
) {
if (data.element.action === 'FOLLOW_LINK' && data.element.type === 'COMPUTE') { = JSON.parse(;
if ('Update quota') !== -1) {
this.updateBudget ='\n').reduce((acc, v, i, arr) => {
const row = v.split(':').map((el, index) => {
if (el.indexOf('->') !== -1) {
el = el.split('->');
} else if (index === 1 && el.indexOf('->') === -1) {
el = ['', el];
return el;
acc.push(SortUtils.flatDeep(row, 1));
return acc;
}, []);
//>/g, ' ').split('\n').forEach( (val, j) => {
// this.updateBudget[j] = [];
// val.split(' ')
// .forEach((v, i, arr) => {
// if (arr[0] === 'Update') {
// if (i === 1) {
// this.updateBudget[j].push(`${arr[0]} ${arr[1]}`);
// }
// if (i > 1) {
// this.updateBudget[j].push(arr[i]);
// }
// } else {
// this.updateBudget[j].push(arr[i]);
// }
// });
// });
this.actionList ='\n').map(v => v.split(':')).filter(v => v[0] !== '');